Хаммер Э.С.Э., Хе М. Подходы дошкольных педагогов к науке: сравнение китайского и норвежского детских садов
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Хаммер Э.С.Э., Хе М. Подходы дошкольных педагогов к науке: сравнение китайского и норвежского детских садов // Современное дошкольное образование. Теория и практика. – 2017. – №7. – С.58–69.
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В данном сравнительном исследовании рассматривается вопрос, каким образом педагоги дошкольного образования проводят занятия по естественным наукам в китайском и норвежском детских садах. В исследовании используется этнографический подход. Дошкольных педагогов из одного детского сада в Шанхае (Китай) и одного в Бергене (Норвегия) попросили сделать в их детском саду видеозаписи образовательной деятельности, ориентированной на науку. Эти видеоролики, а также видеоролики, сделанные исследователями, использовались в качестве отправной точки для проведения групповых интервью с преподавателями дошкольных учреждений. Наша цель состояла в том, чтобы изучить наукоориентированную деятельность, стратегии, задачи и некоторые социокультурные факторы, которые могут повлиять на практику дошкольных педагогов. Более тщательный анализ, учитывающий культурные ценности и традиции, выявил четкие связи между культурой и практикой.
1. Дnggеrd, E. 2010. “Making Use of ‘Nature’ in an Outdoor Preschool: Classroom, Home and Fairyland.” Children, Youth and Environment 20 (1): 4–25.
2. Athey, C. 2007. Extending Thought in Young Children: A Parent-Teacher Partnership. 2nd ed. London: Paul Chapman Publishing.
3. Borge, A. I. H., R. Nordhagen, and K. K. Lie. 2003. “Children in the Environment: Forest Day-Care Centers. Modern Day Care with Historical Antecedents.” History of the Family 8: 605–618.
4. Bruner, J. 1996. The Culture of Education. Cambride, MA: Harvard University.
5. Einarsdottir, J. 2006. “Between Two Continents, Between Two Traditions.” In Nordic Childhoods and Early Education. Philosophy, Research, Policy and Practice in Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden, edited by J. Einarsdottir and J. T. Wagner, 159–182. Greenwich, Connecticut: Information Age Publishing.
6. Eshach, H., and M. N. Fried. 2005. “Should Science be Taught in Early Childhood?” Journal of Science Education and Technology 14 (3): 315–336.
7. French, L. 2004. “Science as the Center of a Coherent, Integrated Early Childhood Curriculum.” Early Childhood Research Quarterly 19: 138–149.
8. Ginsburg, H. P., and S. L. Golbeck. 2004. “Thoughts on He Future of Research on Mathematics and Science Learning and Education.” Early Childhood Research Quarterly 19: 190–200.
9. Greenfield, D. B., J. Jirot, X. Dominguez, A. Greenberg, M. Maier, and J. Fuccillo. 2009. “Science in the Preschool Classroom: A Programmatic Research Agenda to Improve Science Readiness.” Early Education and Development 20 (2): 238–264.
10. Hedges, H., and J. Cullen. 2005. “Subject Knowledge in Early Childhood Curriculum and Pedagogy: Beliefs and Practices.” Contemporary Issues in Early Childhood 6 (1): 66–79.
11. Jingbo, L., and J. Elicker. 2005. “Teacher-Child Interactions in Chinese Kindergartens: An Observational Analysis.” International Journal of Early Years Education 13 (2): 129–143.
12. Ministry of Education and Research. 2011. Framework Plan for the Content and Tasks of Kindergartens. Oslo: Ministry of Education and Research.
13. Oberheumer, P. 2005. “International Perspectives Om Early Childhood Curricula.” International Journal of Early Education 37 (1): 27–37.
14. Osborne, J., and J. Dillon. 2008. Science Education in Europe: Critical Reflections. London: The Nuffield Foundation.
15. Шstrem, S., H. Bjar, L. R. Fшsker, H. D. Hogsnes, T. T. Jansen, S. Nordtшmme, and K. R. Tholin. 2009. Alle teller mer. En evaluering av hvordan Rammeplan for barnehagens innhold og oppgaver blir innfшrt, brukt og erfart. (Everyone counts more. An evaluation of the Implementation of the Framework Plan for the Content and Tasks of Kindergartens). Tшnsberg: Hшgskolen i Vestfold.
16. Pan, Y., and Y. Liu. 2008. “A Comparison of Curricular Practices in Chinese Kindergartens: The Influence of Curriculum Reform.” International Journal of Early Childhood 40 (2): 33–48.
17. Sackes, M., K. C. Trundle, R. L. Bell, and A. A. O’Connell. 2011. “The Influence of Early Science Experience in kindergarten on Children’s Immeediate and Later Science Achievement: Evidence From the Early Childhood Longitudinal Study.” Journal of Research in Science Teaching 48 (2): 217–235.
18. Siraj-Blatchford, I. 2008. “Understanding the Relationship between Curriculum, Pedagogy and Progression in Learning in Early Childhood.” Hong Kong Journal of Early Childhood 7 (2): 6–13.
19. Siraj-Blatchford, I. 2009. “Quality Teaching in the Early Years.” In Early Childhood Education. Society & Culture, edited by A. Anning, J. Culle, and M. Fleer, 147–157. London: SAGE Publications Ltd.
20. Siraj-Blatchford, I. 2010. “A Focus on Pedagogy Case Studies of Effective Practice.” In Early Childhood Matters. Evidence from the Effective Pre-school and Primary Education Project, edited by K. Sylva, E. Melhuish, P. Sammmons, I. Siraj-Blatchford, and B. Taggart, 149–165. New York: Routledge.
21. Siraj-Blatchford, I., and K. Sylva. 2004. “Researching Pedagogy in English Pre-Schools.” British Educational Research Journal 30 (5): 713–730.
22. Strand, T. 2006. “The Social Game of Early Childhood Education: The Case of Norway.” In Nordic Childhoods and Early Education. Philosophy, Research, Policy and Practice in Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden, edited by J. Einarsdottir and J. T. Wagner, 71–99. Greenwich, Connecticut: Information Age Publishing.
23. Sylva, K., E. Melhuish, P. Sammons, I. Siraj-Blatchford, and B. Taggart. 2010. Early Childhood Matters. Evidence from the Effective Pre-school and Primary Education Project. London and New York: Routledge Taylor & Francis Group.
24. Tang, F. 2006. “The Child as an Active Learner. Views, Practices and Barriers in Chinese Early Childhood Education.” Childhood Education: journal of the Association for Childhood 82 (6): 342–346.
25. Tang, F., and S. Maxwell. 2007. “Being Taught to Learn Together: An Ethnographic Study of the Curriculum in Two Chinese Kindergartens.” Early Years 27 (2): 145–157.
26. Tobin, J. 1999. “Method and Meaning in Comparative Classroom Ethnography.” In Learning from Comparing. New Directions in Comparative Educational Research. Volum 1. Context, Classrooms and Outcomes, edited by R. Alexander, P. Broadfoot and D. Phillips, 113–134. Oxford: Symposium Books.
27. Tobin, J. J., Y. Hsueh, and M. Karasawa. 2009. Preschool in Three Cultures Revisited: China, Japan and the United States. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press.
28. Tobin, J. J., D. Y. H. Wu, and D. H. Davidson. 1989. Preschool in three Cultures, Japan, China and the United States. New Heaven, CT: Yale University Press.
29. Wagner, J. T. 2006. “An Outsider’s Perspective. Childhood and Early Education in the Nordic Countries.” In Nordic Childhoods and Early Education. Philosophy, Research, Policy, and Practice in Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden, edited by. J. Einarsdottir and J. T. Wagner, 289–306. Greenwich, Connecticut: Information Age Publishing.
30. Wang, J., and S. Mao. 1996. “Culture and the Kindergarten Curriculum in the People’s Republic of China.” Early Child Development and Care 123: 143–156.
31. Weikart, D. 1972. “Relationship of Curriculum, Teaching and Learning in Preschool Education.” In Preschool Programmes for the Disadvantaged, edited by J. Stanley, 22–66. Baltimore: John Hopkins University Press.
32. Wollons, R. 2000. Kindergarten and Cultures: The Global Diffusion on the Idea. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press.
33. Zhu, J., and C. Wang. 2005. “Contemporary Early Childhood Education and Research in China.” In International Perspectives on Research in Early Childhood Education, edited by B. Spodek and O.N. Saracho, 55–77. Greenwich, Connecticut: Information Age Publishing.
34. Zhu, J., and J. Zhang. 2008. “Contemporary Trends and Developments in Early Childhood Education in China.” Early Years 28 (2): 173–182.
2. Athey, C. 2007. Extending Thought in Young Children: A Parent-Teacher Partnership. 2nd ed. London: Paul Chapman Publishing.
3. Borge, A. I. H., R. Nordhagen, and K. K. Lie. 2003. “Children in the Environment: Forest Day-Care Centers. Modern Day Care with Historical Antecedents.” History of the Family 8: 605–618.
4. Bruner, J. 1996. The Culture of Education. Cambride, MA: Harvard University.
5. Einarsdottir, J. 2006. “Between Two Continents, Between Two Traditions.” In Nordic Childhoods and Early Education. Philosophy, Research, Policy and Practice in Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden, edited by J. Einarsdottir and J. T. Wagner, 159–182. Greenwich, Connecticut: Information Age Publishing.
6. Eshach, H., and M. N. Fried. 2005. “Should Science be Taught in Early Childhood?” Journal of Science Education and Technology 14 (3): 315–336.
7. French, L. 2004. “Science as the Center of a Coherent, Integrated Early Childhood Curriculum.” Early Childhood Research Quarterly 19: 138–149.
8. Ginsburg, H. P., and S. L. Golbeck. 2004. “Thoughts on He Future of Research on Mathematics and Science Learning and Education.” Early Childhood Research Quarterly 19: 190–200.
9. Greenfield, D. B., J. Jirot, X. Dominguez, A. Greenberg, M. Maier, and J. Fuccillo. 2009. “Science in the Preschool Classroom: A Programmatic Research Agenda to Improve Science Readiness.” Early Education and Development 20 (2): 238–264.
10. Hedges, H., and J. Cullen. 2005. “Subject Knowledge in Early Childhood Curriculum and Pedagogy: Beliefs and Practices.” Contemporary Issues in Early Childhood 6 (1): 66–79.
11. Jingbo, L., and J. Elicker. 2005. “Teacher-Child Interactions in Chinese Kindergartens: An Observational Analysis.” International Journal of Early Years Education 13 (2): 129–143.
12. Ministry of Education and Research. 2011. Framework Plan for the Content and Tasks of Kindergartens. Oslo: Ministry of Education and Research.
13. Oberheumer, P. 2005. “International Perspectives Om Early Childhood Curricula.” International Journal of Early Education 37 (1): 27–37.
14. Osborne, J., and J. Dillon. 2008. Science Education in Europe: Critical Reflections. London: The Nuffield Foundation.
15. Шstrem, S., H. Bjar, L. R. Fшsker, H. D. Hogsnes, T. T. Jansen, S. Nordtшmme, and K. R. Tholin. 2009. Alle teller mer. En evaluering av hvordan Rammeplan for barnehagens innhold og oppgaver blir innfшrt, brukt og erfart. (Everyone counts more. An evaluation of the Implementation of the Framework Plan for the Content and Tasks of Kindergartens). Tшnsberg: Hшgskolen i Vestfold.
16. Pan, Y., and Y. Liu. 2008. “A Comparison of Curricular Practices in Chinese Kindergartens: The Influence of Curriculum Reform.” International Journal of Early Childhood 40 (2): 33–48.
17. Sackes, M., K. C. Trundle, R. L. Bell, and A. A. O’Connell. 2011. “The Influence of Early Science Experience in kindergarten on Children’s Immeediate and Later Science Achievement: Evidence From the Early Childhood Longitudinal Study.” Journal of Research in Science Teaching 48 (2): 217–235.
18. Siraj-Blatchford, I. 2008. “Understanding the Relationship between Curriculum, Pedagogy and Progression in Learning in Early Childhood.” Hong Kong Journal of Early Childhood 7 (2): 6–13.
19. Siraj-Blatchford, I. 2009. “Quality Teaching in the Early Years.” In Early Childhood Education. Society & Culture, edited by A. Anning, J. Culle, and M. Fleer, 147–157. London: SAGE Publications Ltd.
20. Siraj-Blatchford, I. 2010. “A Focus on Pedagogy Case Studies of Effective Practice.” In Early Childhood Matters. Evidence from the Effective Pre-school and Primary Education Project, edited by K. Sylva, E. Melhuish, P. Sammmons, I. Siraj-Blatchford, and B. Taggart, 149–165. New York: Routledge.
21. Siraj-Blatchford, I., and K. Sylva. 2004. “Researching Pedagogy in English Pre-Schools.” British Educational Research Journal 30 (5): 713–730.
22. Strand, T. 2006. “The Social Game of Early Childhood Education: The Case of Norway.” In Nordic Childhoods and Early Education. Philosophy, Research, Policy and Practice in Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden, edited by J. Einarsdottir and J. T. Wagner, 71–99. Greenwich, Connecticut: Information Age Publishing.
23. Sylva, K., E. Melhuish, P. Sammons, I. Siraj-Blatchford, and B. Taggart. 2010. Early Childhood Matters. Evidence from the Effective Pre-school and Primary Education Project. London and New York: Routledge Taylor & Francis Group.
24. Tang, F. 2006. “The Child as an Active Learner. Views, Practices and Barriers in Chinese Early Childhood Education.” Childhood Education: journal of the Association for Childhood 82 (6): 342–346.
25. Tang, F., and S. Maxwell. 2007. “Being Taught to Learn Together: An Ethnographic Study of the Curriculum in Two Chinese Kindergartens.” Early Years 27 (2): 145–157.
26. Tobin, J. 1999. “Method and Meaning in Comparative Classroom Ethnography.” In Learning from Comparing. New Directions in Comparative Educational Research. Volum 1. Context, Classrooms and Outcomes, edited by R. Alexander, P. Broadfoot and D. Phillips, 113–134. Oxford: Symposium Books.
27. Tobin, J. J., Y. Hsueh, and M. Karasawa. 2009. Preschool in Three Cultures Revisited: China, Japan and the United States. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press.
28. Tobin, J. J., D. Y. H. Wu, and D. H. Davidson. 1989. Preschool in three Cultures, Japan, China and the United States. New Heaven, CT: Yale University Press.
29. Wagner, J. T. 2006. “An Outsider’s Perspective. Childhood and Early Education in the Nordic Countries.” In Nordic Childhoods and Early Education. Philosophy, Research, Policy, and Practice in Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden, edited by. J. Einarsdottir and J. T. Wagner, 289–306. Greenwich, Connecticut: Information Age Publishing.
30. Wang, J., and S. Mao. 1996. “Culture and the Kindergarten Curriculum in the People’s Republic of China.” Early Child Development and Care 123: 143–156.
31. Weikart, D. 1972. “Relationship of Curriculum, Teaching and Learning in Preschool Education.” In Preschool Programmes for the Disadvantaged, edited by J. Stanley, 22–66. Baltimore: John Hopkins University Press.
32. Wollons, R. 2000. Kindergarten and Cultures: The Global Diffusion on the Idea. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press.
33. Zhu, J., and C. Wang. 2005. “Contemporary Early Childhood Education and Research in China.” In International Perspectives on Research in Early Childhood Education, edited by B. Spodek and O.N. Saracho, 55–77. Greenwich, Connecticut: Information Age Publishing.
34. Zhu, J., and J. Zhang. 2008. “Contemporary Trends and Developments in Early Childhood Education in China.” Early Years 28 (2): 173–182.
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