Алмазова О.В., Бухаленкова Д.А., Симонян М.С. Изучение образовательной среды с помощью методики CLASS: теоретические основания и практические перспективы
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Алмазова О.В., Бухаленкова Д.А., Симонян М.С. Изучение образовательной среды с помощью методики CLASS: теоретические основания и практические перспективы // Современное дошкольное образование. – 2018. – №4(86). – С. 40–49. DOI: 10.24411/1997-9657-2018-00016
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Статья посвящена описанию методики наблюдения CLASS, разработанной для анализа и оценки взаимодействия педагога и воспитанников в группе детского сада. Описаны три основные области и критерии, на оценку которых направлен данный инструмент: эмоциональная поддержка, организация работы в группе и методическая поддержка. В статье рассмотрены зарубежные исследования за последние 20 лет, показывающие влияние выделенных в данной методике критериев или же общего уровня педагогического мастерства, измеренного с помощью методики CLASS, на когнитивное, регуляторное и эмоционально-личностное развитие детей дошкольного возраста. Проведенный анализ показывает значимость оценки взаимодействия педагога с детьми в дошкольных учреждениях для научных и практических исследований в области дошкольного образования и развития, а также показывает возможности использования данного инструментария для оценки качества образования в России.
1. Веракса Н.Е., Веракса А.Н. Оценка качества дошкольного образования: зарубежный опыт. – М.: МОЗАИКА-СИНТЕЗ, 2014. – С. 161–178;
2. Выготский Л.С. Педагогическая психология / Под ред. В.В. Давыдова. – М.: Педагогика, 1991.
3. Шиян О.А. Новые представления о качестве дошкольного образования и механизмы его поддержки: международный контекст // Современное дошкольное образование. Теория и практика. – 2013. – №5. – С. 68–78.
4. Хармс Т., Клиффорд Р.М., Крайер Д. Шкалы для комплексной оценки качества образования в дошкольных образовательных организациях. – М.: Национальное образование, 2016.
5. Baker J.A., Grant S., Morlock L. (2008) The teacher–student relationship as a developmental context for children with internalizing or externalizing behavior problems. School Psychology Quarterly, 23, 3–15.
6. Caspi A., Silva P.A. (1995) Temperamental qualities at age three predict personality traits in young adulthood: Longitudinal evidence from a birth cohort. Child Development, 66, 486–498;
7. Catts H.W., Fey M.E., Zhang X., Tomblin J.B. (1999) Language basis of reading and reading disabilities: Evidence from a longitudinal investigation. Scientific Studies of Reading, 3(4), 331–361.
8. Curby T.W., LoCasale-Crouch J., Konold T.R., Pianta R.C., Howes C., Burchinal M., Bryant D., Clifford R., Early D. & Barbarin O. (2009) The Relations of Observed Pre-K Classroom Quality Profiles to Children’s Achievement and Social Competence. Early Education and Development, 20, 346-372.
9. Davis H.A. (2013) Conceptualizing the role and influence of student-teacher relationships on children’s social and cognitive development. Educational Psychologist, 207-234.
10. Davis E., Miyake N. (2004) Explorations of scaffolding in complex classroom systems. The Journal of the Learning Sciences, 13(3), 265-272.
11. Duval S., Bouchard C., Page P., Hamel C. (2016) Quality of classroom interaction in kindergarten and executive functions among five years-old children. Cogent Education, 3(1), 1207909. https://doi.org/10.1080/2331186X.2016.1207909
12. Emmer E.T., Stough L.M. (2001) Classroom management: A critical part of educational psychology, with implications for teacher education. Educational Psychologist, 36(2), 103-112.
13. Evertson C.M., Harris A. (1999) “Support for managing learning-centered classrooms: The classroom organization and management program,” in H. J. Freiberg (ed.), Beyond Behaviorism: Changing the Classroom Management Paradigm, Allyn & Bacon, Boston, 59-74.
14. Fujiki M., Brinton B., Clarke D. (2002) Emotion regulation in children with specific language impairment. Language, Speech, and Hearing Services in Schools, 33, 102–111.
15. Gallagher K.C., Mayer K., Sylvester P., Bundy M., Pledger F. (2008) Observations of Teacher-Child Interactions in the Context of 1:1 Story Reading. Child Development.
16. Garner P.W., Mahatmya D., Moses L.K. Bolt E.N. (2014) Associations of Preschool Type and Teacher–Child Relational Quality With Young Children’s Social-Emotional Competence. Early Education and Development, 25, 399 – 420.
17. Greenberg M.T., Domitrovich C., Bumbarger B. (2001). The prevention of mental disorders in school-aged children: Current state of the field. Prevention & treatment, 4(1), 1a.
18. Hamre, B.K., Pianta, R.C. Early teacher-child relationships and the trajectory of children’s school outcomes through eighth grade. Child Development, 72, 625-638.
19. Hamre B.K., Pianta R.C., Burchinal M., Field S., Locasale-Crouch J., Downer J. T., Howes C., LaParo K., Scott-Little C. (2012) Supporting effective teacher-child interactions through coursework: Effects on teacher beliefs, knowledge, and observed practice. American Educational Research Journal, 49(1), 88-123.
20. Hamre B.K., Pianta R., Hatfield B., Jamil F. (2014) Evidence for General and Domain-Specific Elements of Teacher–Child Interactions: Associations With Preschool Children’s Development. Child Development, 3, 1257–1274.
21. Hartman S.C., Winsler A., Manfra L. (2012) Low-Income Children’s Teacher-Child Relationships in Preschool and Social Skills at Kindergarten Entry as Predictors of Kindergarten Performance. Developmental Psychology, 48.
22. Hatfield B.E., Hestenes L.L., Kintner-Duffy V., O’Brien M. (2013) Classroom Emotional Support predicts differences in preschool children’s cortisol and alpha-amylase levels. Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 28, p. 347-356.
23. Heckman J.J., Moon S. H., Pinto R., Savelyev P.A., Yavitz A. (2010) The rate of return to the HighScope Perry Preschool Program. Journal of public Economics, 94, 114-128.
24. Ladd G.W., Birch S.H., Buhs E.S. (1999). Children’s social and scholastic lives in kindergarten: Related spheres of influence? Child Development, 70, 1373–1400.
25. Maldonado-Carreno C., Votruba-Drzal E. (2011) Teacher–Child Relationships and the Development of Academic and Behavioral Skills During Elementary School: A Within– and Between-Child Analysis. Child Development, 82, 601–616.
26. Murray C., Pianta R.C. (2015) The importance of teacher student relationships for adolescents with high incidence disabilities. Theory Into Practice, 46th ed. Maxwell Library.
27. Mashburn A.J., Pianta R.C. (2006) Social relationships and school readiness. Early Education and Development, 17(1), 151-176. doi:10.1207/s15566935eed1701_7
28. Mashburn A.J., Pianta R.C., Hamre B.K., Downer J.T., Barbarin O., Bryant D., Burchinal M., et al. (2008) Measures of classroom quality in prekindergarten and children’s development of academic, language, and social skills. Child Development, 79(3), 732-749.
29. Miyake A., Friedman N.P., Emerson M.J., Witzki A.H., Howerter A. (2000) The unity and diversity of executive functions and their contributions to complex “frontal lobe” tasks: A latent variable analysis. Cognitive Psychology, 41, 49-100. doi:10.1006/cogp.l999.0734
30. O’Connor E.E., Dearing E., Collins B.A. (2011) Teacher-child relationship and behavior problem trajectories in elementary school. American Educational Research Journal, 48(1), 120-162.
31. Pianta R.C., Steinberg M.S., Rollins L.B. (1995) The first two years of school: Teacher–child relationships and deflections in children’s classroom adjustment. Development and Psychopathology, 7, 295–312.
32. Pianta R.C. (1999) Enhancing relationships between children and teachers. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.
33. Pianta R.C., La Paro K.M., Payne C., Cox M.J., Bradley R. (2002). The relation of kindergarten classroom environment to teacher, family, and school characteristics and child outcomes. Elementary School Journal, 102(3), 225-238. doi:10.1086/499701
34. Pianta R., LaParo K., Hamre B. (2008) Classroom Assessment Scoring System PreK manual. Baltimore, MD: Brookes.
35. Romberg T., Carpenter T., Dremock F. (2005) Understanding Mathematics and Science Matters. Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum.
36. Rutter M., Maughan B. (2002) School Effectiveness Findings 1979-2002. Journal of School Psychology, 40(6), 451-475.
37. Silver R., Measelle J., Amstrong J., Essex M. (2005) Trajectories of Classroom Externalizing Behaviour: Contributions of Child Characteristics, Family Characteristics, and the Teacher-Child Relationships during Transitions. Journal of School Psychology, 43, 39-50.
38. Skibbe L., Behnke M., Justice L.M. (2004) Parental scaffolding of children’s phonological awareness skills: Interactions between mothers and their preschoolers with language difficulties. Communication Disorders Quarterly, 25(4), 189–203.
39. Taylor B.M., Pearson P.D., Peterson D.S., Rodriguez M.C. (2003) Reading growth in high-poverty classrooms: The influence of teacher practices that encourage cognitive engagement in literacy learning. Elementary School Journal, 104, 3-28.
40. Yildiz T.G., Kara H.G.E., Tanribuyurdu E.F., Gцnen M. (2014) Examining Self-Regulation Skills According to Teacher-Child Interaction Quality. Education and Science, 176, 329-338.
41. Vandenbroucke L., Spilt J., Verschueren K., Piccinin C., Baeyens D. (2017) The Classroom as a Developmental Context for Cognitive Development: A Meta-Analysis on the Importance of Teacher–Student Interactions for Children’s Executive Functions. Review of Educational Research, 88, 125-164.
42. Veenman M.V.J., Kok R., Blote A.W. (2005) The relation between intellectual and metacognitiveskills in early adolescence. Instructional Science, 33, 193–211.
43. Williford A.P., LoCasale-Crouch J., Whittaker J.V., DeCoster J., Hartz K.A., Carter L.M., Wolcott C.S., Hatfield B.E. (2016) Changing Teacher–Child Dyadic Interactions to Improve Preschool Children’s Externalizing Behaviors. Child Development, 1–10.
44. Williams W.M., Blythe T., White N., Li J., Gardner H., Sternberg R. J. (2002) Practical intelligence for school: Developing metacognitive sources of achievement in adolescence. Developmental Review, 22, 162-210.
2. Выготский Л.С. Педагогическая психология / Под ред. В.В. Давыдова. – М.: Педагогика, 1991.
3. Шиян О.А. Новые представления о качестве дошкольного образования и механизмы его поддержки: международный контекст // Современное дошкольное образование. Теория и практика. – 2013. – №5. – С. 68–78.
4. Хармс Т., Клиффорд Р.М., Крайер Д. Шкалы для комплексной оценки качества образования в дошкольных образовательных организациях. – М.: Национальное образование, 2016.
5. Baker J.A., Grant S., Morlock L. (2008) The teacher–student relationship as a developmental context for children with internalizing or externalizing behavior problems. School Psychology Quarterly, 23, 3–15.
6. Caspi A., Silva P.A. (1995) Temperamental qualities at age three predict personality traits in young adulthood: Longitudinal evidence from a birth cohort. Child Development, 66, 486–498;
7. Catts H.W., Fey M.E., Zhang X., Tomblin J.B. (1999) Language basis of reading and reading disabilities: Evidence from a longitudinal investigation. Scientific Studies of Reading, 3(4), 331–361.
8. Curby T.W., LoCasale-Crouch J., Konold T.R., Pianta R.C., Howes C., Burchinal M., Bryant D., Clifford R., Early D. & Barbarin O. (2009) The Relations of Observed Pre-K Classroom Quality Profiles to Children’s Achievement and Social Competence. Early Education and Development, 20, 346-372.
9. Davis H.A. (2013) Conceptualizing the role and influence of student-teacher relationships on children’s social and cognitive development. Educational Psychologist, 207-234.
10. Davis E., Miyake N. (2004) Explorations of scaffolding in complex classroom systems. The Journal of the Learning Sciences, 13(3), 265-272.
11. Duval S., Bouchard C., Page P., Hamel C. (2016) Quality of classroom interaction in kindergarten and executive functions among five years-old children. Cogent Education, 3(1), 1207909. https://doi.org/10.1080/2331186X.2016.1207909
12. Emmer E.T., Stough L.M. (2001) Classroom management: A critical part of educational psychology, with implications for teacher education. Educational Psychologist, 36(2), 103-112.
13. Evertson C.M., Harris A. (1999) “Support for managing learning-centered classrooms: The classroom organization and management program,” in H. J. Freiberg (ed.), Beyond Behaviorism: Changing the Classroom Management Paradigm, Allyn & Bacon, Boston, 59-74.
14. Fujiki M., Brinton B., Clarke D. (2002) Emotion regulation in children with specific language impairment. Language, Speech, and Hearing Services in Schools, 33, 102–111.
15. Gallagher K.C., Mayer K., Sylvester P., Bundy M., Pledger F. (2008) Observations of Teacher-Child Interactions in the Context of 1:1 Story Reading. Child Development.
16. Garner P.W., Mahatmya D., Moses L.K. Bolt E.N. (2014) Associations of Preschool Type and Teacher–Child Relational Quality With Young Children’s Social-Emotional Competence. Early Education and Development, 25, 399 – 420.
17. Greenberg M.T., Domitrovich C., Bumbarger B. (2001). The prevention of mental disorders in school-aged children: Current state of the field. Prevention & treatment, 4(1), 1a.
18. Hamre, B.K., Pianta, R.C. Early teacher-child relationships and the trajectory of children’s school outcomes through eighth grade. Child Development, 72, 625-638.
19. Hamre B.K., Pianta R.C., Burchinal M., Field S., Locasale-Crouch J., Downer J. T., Howes C., LaParo K., Scott-Little C. (2012) Supporting effective teacher-child interactions through coursework: Effects on teacher beliefs, knowledge, and observed practice. American Educational Research Journal, 49(1), 88-123.
20. Hamre B.K., Pianta R., Hatfield B., Jamil F. (2014) Evidence for General and Domain-Specific Elements of Teacher–Child Interactions: Associations With Preschool Children’s Development. Child Development, 3, 1257–1274.
21. Hartman S.C., Winsler A., Manfra L. (2012) Low-Income Children’s Teacher-Child Relationships in Preschool and Social Skills at Kindergarten Entry as Predictors of Kindergarten Performance. Developmental Psychology, 48.
22. Hatfield B.E., Hestenes L.L., Kintner-Duffy V., O’Brien M. (2013) Classroom Emotional Support predicts differences in preschool children’s cortisol and alpha-amylase levels. Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 28, p. 347-356.
23. Heckman J.J., Moon S. H., Pinto R., Savelyev P.A., Yavitz A. (2010) The rate of return to the HighScope Perry Preschool Program. Journal of public Economics, 94, 114-128.
24. Ladd G.W., Birch S.H., Buhs E.S. (1999). Children’s social and scholastic lives in kindergarten: Related spheres of influence? Child Development, 70, 1373–1400.
25. Maldonado-Carreno C., Votruba-Drzal E. (2011) Teacher–Child Relationships and the Development of Academic and Behavioral Skills During Elementary School: A Within– and Between-Child Analysis. Child Development, 82, 601–616.
26. Murray C., Pianta R.C. (2015) The importance of teacher student relationships for adolescents with high incidence disabilities. Theory Into Practice, 46th ed. Maxwell Library.
27. Mashburn A.J., Pianta R.C. (2006) Social relationships and school readiness. Early Education and Development, 17(1), 151-176. doi:10.1207/s15566935eed1701_7
28. Mashburn A.J., Pianta R.C., Hamre B.K., Downer J.T., Barbarin O., Bryant D., Burchinal M., et al. (2008) Measures of classroom quality in prekindergarten and children’s development of academic, language, and social skills. Child Development, 79(3), 732-749.
29. Miyake A., Friedman N.P., Emerson M.J., Witzki A.H., Howerter A. (2000) The unity and diversity of executive functions and their contributions to complex “frontal lobe” tasks: A latent variable analysis. Cognitive Psychology, 41, 49-100. doi:10.1006/cogp.l999.0734
30. O’Connor E.E., Dearing E., Collins B.A. (2011) Teacher-child relationship and behavior problem trajectories in elementary school. American Educational Research Journal, 48(1), 120-162.
31. Pianta R.C., Steinberg M.S., Rollins L.B. (1995) The first two years of school: Teacher–child relationships and deflections in children’s classroom adjustment. Development and Psychopathology, 7, 295–312.
32. Pianta R.C. (1999) Enhancing relationships between children and teachers. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.
33. Pianta R.C., La Paro K.M., Payne C., Cox M.J., Bradley R. (2002). The relation of kindergarten classroom environment to teacher, family, and school characteristics and child outcomes. Elementary School Journal, 102(3), 225-238. doi:10.1086/499701
34. Pianta R., LaParo K., Hamre B. (2008) Classroom Assessment Scoring System PreK manual. Baltimore, MD: Brookes.
35. Romberg T., Carpenter T., Dremock F. (2005) Understanding Mathematics and Science Matters. Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum.
36. Rutter M., Maughan B. (2002) School Effectiveness Findings 1979-2002. Journal of School Psychology, 40(6), 451-475.
37. Silver R., Measelle J., Amstrong J., Essex M. (2005) Trajectories of Classroom Externalizing Behaviour: Contributions of Child Characteristics, Family Characteristics, and the Teacher-Child Relationships during Transitions. Journal of School Psychology, 43, 39-50.
38. Skibbe L., Behnke M., Justice L.M. (2004) Parental scaffolding of children’s phonological awareness skills: Interactions between mothers and their preschoolers with language difficulties. Communication Disorders Quarterly, 25(4), 189–203.
39. Taylor B.M., Pearson P.D., Peterson D.S., Rodriguez M.C. (2003) Reading growth in high-poverty classrooms: The influence of teacher practices that encourage cognitive engagement in literacy learning. Elementary School Journal, 104, 3-28.
40. Yildiz T.G., Kara H.G.E., Tanribuyurdu E.F., Gцnen M. (2014) Examining Self-Regulation Skills According to Teacher-Child Interaction Quality. Education and Science, 176, 329-338.
41. Vandenbroucke L., Spilt J., Verschueren K., Piccinin C., Baeyens D. (2017) The Classroom as a Developmental Context for Cognitive Development: A Meta-Analysis on the Importance of Teacher–Student Interactions for Children’s Executive Functions. Review of Educational Research, 88, 125-164.
42. Veenman M.V.J., Kok R., Blote A.W. (2005) The relation between intellectual and metacognitiveskills in early adolescence. Instructional Science, 33, 193–211.
43. Williford A.P., LoCasale-Crouch J., Whittaker J.V., DeCoster J., Hartz K.A., Carter L.M., Wolcott C.S., Hatfield B.E. (2016) Changing Teacher–Child Dyadic Interactions to Improve Preschool Children’s Externalizing Behaviors. Child Development, 1–10.
44. Williams W.M., Blythe T., White N., Li J., Gardner H., Sternberg R. J. (2002) Practical intelligence for school: Developing metacognitive sources of achievement in adolescence. Developmental Review, 22, 162-210.
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