Андресен Р. Каким может быть инклюзивное дошкольное образование в детских садах
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Андресен Р. Каким может быть инклюзивное дошкольное образование в детских садах // Современное дошкольное образование. Теория и практика. – 2015. – №8. – С.68–78.
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В данной статье рассматриваются следующие вопросы: каким образом профессиональная деятельность работников детских садов способствует инклюзии детей с особенностями развития и, напротив, – их социальному исключению? В какой степени профессиональные и этические взгляды педагогов влияют на их практическую деятельность и рефлексию по поводу этой деятельности? Каково практическое значение понятий «педагогическое присутствие», «внимательная любовь» и «детская партисипация»? Эти понятия рассмотрены в свете фроммовской концепции «бытия» и «обладания» как двух противоположных форм мировосприятия. Для анализа эмпирических данных, полученных в ходе этнографического исследования в двух детских садах, применяется критическая социальная теория. Традиционному подходу, заключающемуся в планировании и организации педагогического процесса на основе представлений педагогов о том, «что нужно детям», противопоставляется другой подход, сфокусированный на интересах детей и предполагающий создание оптимальных условий для их самовыражения. Последний подход можно рассматривать как форму противодействия инструментализму и технологизму, усилившими в последние годы свое влияние на дошкольное образование.
1. Andresen, R. 2010. Feltarbeid i barnehagen–noen metodiske refleksjoner om forskning som relasjon mellom forsker og informanter. Høgskolen i Østfold (Ostfold University College): HiØ-rapport.
2. Arnesen, A. -L-, R. Andresen, A. S. Larsen, K.-A. Solli, T. Kolle, and B. Ulla. 2008. Barnehagens arbeid med inkludering av barn med nedsatt funksjonsevne i et profesjonsper-spektiv. Norges Forskningsråd (NFR): Praksisrettet FOU (søknad og prosjektbeskrivelse.
3. Bae, B. 2011. Gjensidige inkluderingsprosesser–muligheter i dagligdagse samspill i barneha-ger. In Barndom, barnehage inkludering, Korsvold, T (red.). Bergen: Fagbokforlaget.
4. Balke, E. 1988. Barnevernsakademiet I Oslo gjennom 50 år. Oslo: Barnevernsakademiet.
5. Bauman, Z. 1999.In Search of Politics. Cambridge: Polity Press.
6. Bleken, U. 2005.Førskolelærer og leder–en kompleks og viktig oppgave. Oslo: Pedagogisk Forum.
7. Crapanzano, V. 1992. Hermes’ Dilemma and Hamlet’Desire. On the Epistemology of Interpretation. Cambridge: Harward University Press.
8. Dahlberg, G. 2000. «Everything is a Beginning and Everything is Dangerous: Some Reflections on the Reggio Emilia Experience.» In Early Childhood Sevices: Theory, Policy and Practice, edited by H. Penn. Buckingham: Open University Press.
9. Dahlberg, G., and P. Moss. 2005. Ethics and Politics in Early Childhood Education. New York: Routledge Farmer.
10. Dewey, J. 2008. The Child and the Curriculum (including The School and Society). New York: Cosimo Classics.
11. Foucault, M. 1972. Archeology of Knowledge. New York: Panteon.
12. Foucault, M. 1977. Discipline and Punish. New York: Panteon.
13. Fromm, E. 1978. To Have or to Be?. London: Cape.
14. Jarvis, P. 1992. Paradoxes of Learning. On Becoming an Individual in the Society. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
15. Johannesen, N., and N. Sandvik. 2008. Små barn og medvirkning–noen perspektiver. Oslo: Cappelen Damm.
16. Kolle, T., A. S. Larsen, and B. Ulla. 2010. Pedagogisk dokumentasjon–inspirasjoner til bevegelige praksiser. Oslo: Fagbokforlaget.
17. Korsvold, T. 1998. For alle barn! Barnehagens framvekst i velferdsstaten. Oslo: Abstrakt forlag.
18. Lenz Taguchi, H. 2010. Going Beyond the Theory/Practice Divide in Early Childhood Education. Introducing an Intra-active Pedagogy. NY: Routledge.
19. Moss, P. 2007.»Meeting Across the Paradigmatic Divede. «Educational Philosophy and Theory» 39 (3).
20. Noddings, N. 2002. Starting at Home–Caring and Social Politics. Berkely and Los Angeles: University of California Press.
21. Norwegian Ministry of Education. 2006a. Kindergarten Act. Information in English: http:// www.regjeringen.no/en/dep/kd/Selected-topics/kindergarten/early-childhood-education-and-care-policy.
22. Norwegian Ministry of Education. 2006b. The Framework Plan for the Content and Tasks of Kindergartens. Information in English.
23. Norwegian Ministry of Education. 2009. White Paper/Report NO 41(2008–2009): Quality in ECEC. Factsheet on the most important messages. http://www.regjeringen.no/nb/dep/kd/tema/barnehage /factsheet.
24. Norwegian Ministry of Education. 2010. NOU 2010:8. Med forskertrang og lekelyst. (Official Norwegian Report 2010:8.
25. OECD. 2006. OECD Education Committee: Starting Strong II. Early Childhood Education and Care. Directorate for Education.
26. Østrem, S., J-E. Johansson, and A. Greve. 2009. «Kartlegging av barn.» Aftenposten 17.6.
27. Rhedding-Jones, J. 1997. «The Writing on the Wall: Doing a Feminist Poststructural Doctorate.» Gender and Education 9 (2): 193–206.
28. Rogers, C., and H. Jerome Freiberg. 1994. Freedom to Learn. New Jersey: Prentice Hall.
29. Sandvik, N. 2009. Internal summary of a meeting arranged by teachers at Kindergarten Teacher Education with a Parliament representative and the State Secretary. Ostfold University College, Department of Teacher Education.
30. Skjervheim, H. 1976. «Det instrumentalistiske mistaket.» In Deltakar og tilskodar og andre essays, edited by H. Skjervheim. Oslo: Tanum-Nordli A/S.
31. Solheim, M. 2009. Small people also need defenders–some ethical challenges. Paper at Young Children’s Life World, conference at University College of Ostfold, Norway 2.12.2009.
32. Stern, D. N. 1985. The Interpersonal World of the Infant. London: UKPC Karmac Books.
33. Stern, D. N. 1990. Diary of a Baby. New York: Basic Books.
34. Uprich, E. 2008. «Children as»Beings and Becomings»: Children, Childhood and Temporality.» Children & Society 22 (4): 303–313.
35. Vygotskij, L. S. 1978. Mind in Society: The Development of Higher Psychological Processes. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harward University Press.
36. Vygotskij, L. S. 1986. Thought and Language. Cambridge, Massachusetts: The MIT Press.
37. Wien, C. A. 1998. «Towards a Pedagogy of Listening: Impressions of the Centre for Early Childhood Education, Loyalist College, Belleville, Ontario.» Canadian Children 23 (1): 12–19.
2. Arnesen, A. -L-, R. Andresen, A. S. Larsen, K.-A. Solli, T. Kolle, and B. Ulla. 2008. Barnehagens arbeid med inkludering av barn med nedsatt funksjonsevne i et profesjonsper-spektiv. Norges Forskningsråd (NFR): Praksisrettet FOU (søknad og prosjektbeskrivelse.
3. Bae, B. 2011. Gjensidige inkluderingsprosesser–muligheter i dagligdagse samspill i barneha-ger. In Barndom, barnehage inkludering, Korsvold, T (red.). Bergen: Fagbokforlaget.
4. Balke, E. 1988. Barnevernsakademiet I Oslo gjennom 50 år. Oslo: Barnevernsakademiet.
5. Bauman, Z. 1999.In Search of Politics. Cambridge: Polity Press.
6. Bleken, U. 2005.Førskolelærer og leder–en kompleks og viktig oppgave. Oslo: Pedagogisk Forum.
7. Crapanzano, V. 1992. Hermes’ Dilemma and Hamlet’Desire. On the Epistemology of Interpretation. Cambridge: Harward University Press.
8. Dahlberg, G. 2000. «Everything is a Beginning and Everything is Dangerous: Some Reflections on the Reggio Emilia Experience.» In Early Childhood Sevices: Theory, Policy and Practice, edited by H. Penn. Buckingham: Open University Press.
9. Dahlberg, G., and P. Moss. 2005. Ethics and Politics in Early Childhood Education. New York: Routledge Farmer.
10. Dewey, J. 2008. The Child and the Curriculum (including The School and Society). New York: Cosimo Classics.
11. Foucault, M. 1972. Archeology of Knowledge. New York: Panteon.
12. Foucault, M. 1977. Discipline and Punish. New York: Panteon.
13. Fromm, E. 1978. To Have or to Be?. London: Cape.
14. Jarvis, P. 1992. Paradoxes of Learning. On Becoming an Individual in the Society. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
15. Johannesen, N., and N. Sandvik. 2008. Små barn og medvirkning–noen perspektiver. Oslo: Cappelen Damm.
16. Kolle, T., A. S. Larsen, and B. Ulla. 2010. Pedagogisk dokumentasjon–inspirasjoner til bevegelige praksiser. Oslo: Fagbokforlaget.
17. Korsvold, T. 1998. For alle barn! Barnehagens framvekst i velferdsstaten. Oslo: Abstrakt forlag.
18. Lenz Taguchi, H. 2010. Going Beyond the Theory/Practice Divide in Early Childhood Education. Introducing an Intra-active Pedagogy. NY: Routledge.
19. Moss, P. 2007.»Meeting Across the Paradigmatic Divede. «Educational Philosophy and Theory» 39 (3).
20. Noddings, N. 2002. Starting at Home–Caring and Social Politics. Berkely and Los Angeles: University of California Press.
21. Norwegian Ministry of Education. 2006a. Kindergarten Act. Information in English: http:// www.regjeringen.no/en/dep/kd/Selected-topics/kindergarten/early-childhood-education-and-care-policy.
22. Norwegian Ministry of Education. 2006b. The Framework Plan for the Content and Tasks of Kindergartens. Information in English.
23. Norwegian Ministry of Education. 2009. White Paper/Report NO 41(2008–2009): Quality in ECEC. Factsheet on the most important messages. http://www.regjeringen.no/nb/dep/kd/tema/barnehage /factsheet.
24. Norwegian Ministry of Education. 2010. NOU 2010:8. Med forskertrang og lekelyst. (Official Norwegian Report 2010:8.
25. OECD. 2006. OECD Education Committee: Starting Strong II. Early Childhood Education and Care. Directorate for Education.
26. Østrem, S., J-E. Johansson, and A. Greve. 2009. «Kartlegging av barn.» Aftenposten 17.6.
27. Rhedding-Jones, J. 1997. «The Writing on the Wall: Doing a Feminist Poststructural Doctorate.» Gender and Education 9 (2): 193–206.
28. Rogers, C., and H. Jerome Freiberg. 1994. Freedom to Learn. New Jersey: Prentice Hall.
29. Sandvik, N. 2009. Internal summary of a meeting arranged by teachers at Kindergarten Teacher Education with a Parliament representative and the State Secretary. Ostfold University College, Department of Teacher Education.
30. Skjervheim, H. 1976. «Det instrumentalistiske mistaket.» In Deltakar og tilskodar og andre essays, edited by H. Skjervheim. Oslo: Tanum-Nordli A/S.
31. Solheim, M. 2009. Small people also need defenders–some ethical challenges. Paper at Young Children’s Life World, conference at University College of Ostfold, Norway 2.12.2009.
32. Stern, D. N. 1985. The Interpersonal World of the Infant. London: UKPC Karmac Books.
33. Stern, D. N. 1990. Diary of a Baby. New York: Basic Books.
34. Uprich, E. 2008. «Children as»Beings and Becomings»: Children, Childhood and Temporality.» Children & Society 22 (4): 303–313.
35. Vygotskij, L. S. 1978. Mind in Society: The Development of Higher Psychological Processes. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harward University Press.
36. Vygotskij, L. S. 1986. Thought and Language. Cambridge, Massachusetts: The MIT Press.
37. Wien, C. A. 1998. «Towards a Pedagogy of Listening: Impressions of the Centre for Early Childhood Education, Loyalist College, Belleville, Ontario.» Canadian Children 23 (1): 12–19.
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