Бюргер К. Эффективное дошкольное образование: успешные подходы и дидактические стратегии содействия развитию ребенка
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Бюргер К. Эффективное дошкольное образование: успешные подходы и дидактические стратегии содействия развитию ребенка // Современное дошкольное образование. Теория и практика. – 2017. – №3. – С.48–62.
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В данной статье предпринята попытка определить стратегии, которые могут быть использованы в образовательных программах в дошкольном образовании для содействия когнитивному и социально-эмоциональному развитию детей. Путем синтеза эмпирического опыта использования педагогических техник, стимулирующих формирование компетенций у детей, автор преследует цель установить такие характерологические параметры программ, которые, прежде всего, способствуют эффективности дошкольного образования. Особое внимание в статье уделено стратегиям, которые обеспечивают освоение детьми языка, математики и социально-эмоциональных навыков. Таким образом, статья отвечает запросам специалистов, которые занимаются многочисленными вопросами
и потребностями развития детей дошкольного возраста, сталкивающихся с проблемами. Представлено конкретное руководство для авторов программ и административно-управленческого персонала, стремящихся разработать целенаправленные программы, которые будут эффективно работать на пользу развития детей.
и потребностями развития детей дошкольного возраста, сталкивающихся с проблемами. Представлено конкретное руководство для авторов программ и административно-управленческого персонала, стремящихся разработать целенаправленные программы, которые будут эффективно работать на пользу развития детей.
1. Adamson, L. 1995. Communication Development During Infancy. Madison: Brown & Benchmark.
2. Anderson, R. C., and P. Freebody. 1981. “Vocabulary Knowledge.” In Reading Comprehension and Education, edited by J. T. Guthrie, 77–117. Newark: International Reading Association.
3. Arnold, D. H., P. H. Fisher, G. L. Doctoroff, and J. Dobbs. 2002. “Accelerating Math Development in Head Start Classrooms.” Journal of Educational Psychology 94 (4): 762–770.
4. August, D., M. Carlo, C. Dressler, and C. Snow. 2005. “The Critical Role of Vocabulary Development for English Language Learners.” Learning Disabilities Research & Practice 20 (1): 50–57.
5. Baumann, J. F., and E. J. Kame’enui. 1991. “Research on Vocabulary Instruction: Ode to Voltaire.” In Handbook on Research on the Teaching of English Language Arts, edited by J. Flood, J. M. Jensen, D. Lapp, and J. R. Squire, 604–632. New York: Macmillan.
6. Bierman, K. L., C. E. Domitrovich, R. L.Nix, S. D. Gest, J. A. Welsh, et al. 2008. “Promoting Academic and Socio-Emotional School Readiness: The Head Start REDI Program.” Child Development 79 (6): 1802–1817.
7. Bowman, B. T., S. Donovan, and M. S. Burns, eds. 2001. Eager to Learn: Educating Our Preschoolers. Washington: National Academy Press.
8. Brent, M. R., and J. M. Siskind. 2001. “The Role of Exposure to Isolated Words in Early Vocabulary Development.” Cognition 81: B33–B44.
9. Broadhead, P., J. Johnston, C. Tobbell, and R. Woolley. 2010. Personal, Social and Emotional Development. London: Continuum.
10. Carlisle, J. F. 2007. “Fostering Morphological Processing, Vocabulary Development, and Reading Comprehension.” In Vocabulary Acquisition: Implications for Reading Comprehension, edited by R. K. Wagner, A. E. Muse, and K. R. Tannenbaum, 78–103. New York: Guilford Press.
11. Clements, D. H., and J. Sarama. 2011. “Early Childhood Mathematics Intervention.” Science 333: 968–970.
12. Clements, D. H., and J. Sarama. 2007. “Effects of a Preschool Mathematics Curriculum: Summative Research on the Building Blocks Project.” Journal for Research in Mathematics Education 38 (2): 136–163.
13. Clements, D. H., J. Sarama, M. E. Spitler, A. A. Lange, and C. B. Wolfe. 2011. “Mathematics Learned by Young Children in an Intervention Based on Learning Trajectories: A Large-Scale Cluster Randomized Trial.” Journal for Research in Mathematics Education 42 (2): 127–166.
14. Denham, S. A. 2006. “Social-Emotional Competence as Support for School Readiness: What is it and how do we Assess it?” Early Education & Development 17 (1): 57–89.
15. Domitrovich, C. E., R. C. Cortes, and M. T. Greenberg. 2007. “Improving Young Children’s Social and Emotional Competence: A Randomized Trial of the Preschool “PATHS” Curriculum.” The Journal of Primary Prevention 28 (2): 67–91.
16. Esser, H. 2006. Migration, Language and Integration (AKI Research Review 4). Berlin: Arbeitsstelle Interkulturelle Konflikte und gesellschaftliche Integration.
17. Grant, C. B., and A. D. McLaughlin. 2001. Language-Meaning-Social Construction: Interdisciplinary Studies. New York: Rodopi.
18. Griffin, S. A. 2004. “Building Number Sense with Number Worlds: A Mathematics Program for Young Children.” Early Childhood Research Quarterly 19: 173–180.
19. Griffin, S. A., R. Case, and R. S. Siegler. 1994. “Rightstart: Providing the Central Conceptual Prerequisites for First Formal Learning of Arithmetic to Students at Risk for School Failure.” In Classroom Lessons: Integrating Cognitive Theory and Classroom Practice, edited by K. McGilly, 25–49. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
20. Gross, D., L. Fogg, C. Webster-Stratton, C. W. J. Garvey, and J. Grady. 2003. “Parent Training with Multi-Ethnic Families of Toddlers in Day Care in Low-Income Urban Communities.” Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology 71 (2): 261–278.
21. Guralnick, M. J. 2010. “Early Intervention Approaches to Enhance the Peer-Related Social Competence of Young Children with Developmental Delays: A Historical Perspective.” Infants & Young Children 23 (2): 73–83.
22. Haden, C. A., E. Reese, and R. Fivush. 1996. “Mothers’ Extra-Textual Comments During Storybook Reading: Stylistic Differences Over Time and Across Texts.” Discourse Processes 21 (2): 135–169.
23. Hancock, T. B., and A. P. Kaiser. 2006. “Enhanced Milieu Teaching.” In Treatment of Language Disorders in Children, edited by R. J. McCauley and M. E. Fey, 203–236. Baltimore: Brookes.
24. Hart, B., and T. Risley. 1975. “Incidental Teaching of Language in the Preschool.” Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis 8 (4): 411–420.
25. Hart, B., and T. Risley. 1995. Meaningful Differences in the Everyday Experience of Young American Children. Baltimore: Brookes.
26. Hart, B., and T. Risley. 1999. The Social World of Children Learning to Talk. Baltimore: Brookes.
27. Hollingsworth, J., and S. Ybarra. 2009. Explicit Direct Instruction (EDI): The Power of the Well-Crafted, Well-Taught Lesson. Thousand Oaks: Corwin.
28. Hurtado, N., V. A. Marchman, and A. Fernald. 2008. “Does Input Influence Uptake? Links between Maternal Talk, Processing Speed and Vocabulary Size in Spanish-Learning Children.” Developmental Science 11 (6): F31–F39.
29. Huttenlocher, J., W. Haight, A. Bryk, M. Seltzer, and T. Lyons. 1991. “Early Vocabulary Growth: Relation to Language Input and Gender.” Developmental Psychology 27 (2): 236–248.
30. Jordan, N. C., D. Kaplan, C. Ramineni, and M. N. Locuniak. 2009. “Early Math Matters: Kindergarten Number Competence and Later Mathematics Outcomes.” Developmental Psychology 45: 850–867.
31. Joseph, G. E., and P. S. Strain. 2003. “Comprehensive Evidencebased Social-Emotional Curricula for Young Children: An Analysis of Efficacious Adoption Potential.” Topics in Early Childhood Special Education 23 (2): 62–73.
32. Juffer, F., M. J. Bakermans-Kranenburg, and M. H. van Ijzendoorn. 2005. “Enhancing Children’s Socioemotional Development: A Review of Intervention Studies.” In Handbook of Research Methods in Developmental Science, edited by D. M. Teti, 213–232. Malden: Blackwell.
33. Kaiser, A. P., and J. A. Trent. 2007. “Communication Intervention for Young Children with Disabilities: Naturalistic Approaches to Promoting Development.” In Handbook of Developmental Disabilities, edited by S. Odom, R. Horner, M. Snell, and J. Blacher, 224–246. New York: Guilford.
34. Kaiser, A. P., P. J. Yoder, and A. Keetz. 1992. “Evaluating Milieu Teaching.” In Causes and Effects in Communication and Language Intervention, edited by S. Warren and J. Reichle, 9–47. Baltimore: Brookes.
35. Kazdin, A. E., D. K. Esveldt, N. H. French, and A. S. Unis. 1987. “Effects of Parent Management Training and Problem-Solving Skills Training Combined in the Treatment of Antisocial Child Behavior.” Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry 26 (3): 416–424.
36. Kinder, D., and D. Carnine. 1991. “Direct Instruction: What it is and what it is Becoming.” Journal of Behavioral Education 1 (2): 193–213.
37. Klein, A., P. Starkey, D. Clements, J. Sarama, and R. Iyer. 2008. “Effects of a Pre-Kindergarten Mathematics Intervention: A Randomized Experiment.” Journal of Research on Educational Effectiveness 1 (3): 155–178.
38. Korczak, J. 1991. When I am Little Again / The Child’s Right to Respect. Lanham: University Press of America.
39. Korczak, J. 2008. Wie man ein Kind lieben soll [How to love a child]. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht.
40. Kraft, B. L., and R. M. Santos. 1997. “Integrating Effective Teaching Literature with Literature on Instruction in the Natural Environment.” Exceptionality: A Special Education Journal 7 (2): 139–141.
41. Landry, S. H., P. R. Swank, K. E. Smith, M. A. Assel, and S. B. Gunnewig. 2006. “Enhancing Early Literacy Skills for Preschool Children: Bringing a Professional Development Model to Scale.” Journal of Learning Disabilities 39 (4): 306–324.
42. LeBlanc, L. A., J. Esch, T. M. Sidener, and A. M. Firth. 2006. “Behavioral Language Interventions for Children with Autism: Comparing Applied Verbal Behavior and Naturalistic Teaching Approaches.” The Analysis of Verbal Behavior 22: 49–60.
43. Lever, R., and M. Sénéchal. 2011. “Discussing Stories: On How a Dialogic Reading Intervention Improves Kindergartners’ Oral Narrative Construction.” Journal of Experimental Child Psychology 108: 1–24.
44. Mashburn, A. J., L. M. Justice, J. T. Downer, and R. C. Pianta. 2009. “Peer Effects on Children’s Language Achievement During Pre-Kindergarten.” Child Development 80: 686–702.
45. McMahon, S. D., J. Washburn, E. D. Felix, J. Yakin, and G. Childrey. 2000. “Violence Prevention: Program Effects on Urban Preschool and Kindergarten Children.” Applied and Preventive Psychology 9: 271–281.
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2. Anderson, R. C., and P. Freebody. 1981. “Vocabulary Knowledge.” In Reading Comprehension and Education, edited by J. T. Guthrie, 77–117. Newark: International Reading Association.
3. Arnold, D. H., P. H. Fisher, G. L. Doctoroff, and J. Dobbs. 2002. “Accelerating Math Development in Head Start Classrooms.” Journal of Educational Psychology 94 (4): 762–770.
4. August, D., M. Carlo, C. Dressler, and C. Snow. 2005. “The Critical Role of Vocabulary Development for English Language Learners.” Learning Disabilities Research & Practice 20 (1): 50–57.
5. Baumann, J. F., and E. J. Kame’enui. 1991. “Research on Vocabulary Instruction: Ode to Voltaire.” In Handbook on Research on the Teaching of English Language Arts, edited by J. Flood, J. M. Jensen, D. Lapp, and J. R. Squire, 604–632. New York: Macmillan.
6. Bierman, K. L., C. E. Domitrovich, R. L.Nix, S. D. Gest, J. A. Welsh, et al. 2008. “Promoting Academic and Socio-Emotional School Readiness: The Head Start REDI Program.” Child Development 79 (6): 1802–1817.
7. Bowman, B. T., S. Donovan, and M. S. Burns, eds. 2001. Eager to Learn: Educating Our Preschoolers. Washington: National Academy Press.
8. Brent, M. R., and J. M. Siskind. 2001. “The Role of Exposure to Isolated Words in Early Vocabulary Development.” Cognition 81: B33–B44.
9. Broadhead, P., J. Johnston, C. Tobbell, and R. Woolley. 2010. Personal, Social and Emotional Development. London: Continuum.
10. Carlisle, J. F. 2007. “Fostering Morphological Processing, Vocabulary Development, and Reading Comprehension.” In Vocabulary Acquisition: Implications for Reading Comprehension, edited by R. K. Wagner, A. E. Muse, and K. R. Tannenbaum, 78–103. New York: Guilford Press.
11. Clements, D. H., and J. Sarama. 2011. “Early Childhood Mathematics Intervention.” Science 333: 968–970.
12. Clements, D. H., and J. Sarama. 2007. “Effects of a Preschool Mathematics Curriculum: Summative Research on the Building Blocks Project.” Journal for Research in Mathematics Education 38 (2): 136–163.
13. Clements, D. H., J. Sarama, M. E. Spitler, A. A. Lange, and C. B. Wolfe. 2011. “Mathematics Learned by Young Children in an Intervention Based on Learning Trajectories: A Large-Scale Cluster Randomized Trial.” Journal for Research in Mathematics Education 42 (2): 127–166.
14. Denham, S. A. 2006. “Social-Emotional Competence as Support for School Readiness: What is it and how do we Assess it?” Early Education & Development 17 (1): 57–89.
15. Domitrovich, C. E., R. C. Cortes, and M. T. Greenberg. 2007. “Improving Young Children’s Social and Emotional Competence: A Randomized Trial of the Preschool “PATHS” Curriculum.” The Journal of Primary Prevention 28 (2): 67–91.
16. Esser, H. 2006. Migration, Language and Integration (AKI Research Review 4). Berlin: Arbeitsstelle Interkulturelle Konflikte und gesellschaftliche Integration.
17. Grant, C. B., and A. D. McLaughlin. 2001. Language-Meaning-Social Construction: Interdisciplinary Studies. New York: Rodopi.
18. Griffin, S. A. 2004. “Building Number Sense with Number Worlds: A Mathematics Program for Young Children.” Early Childhood Research Quarterly 19: 173–180.
19. Griffin, S. A., R. Case, and R. S. Siegler. 1994. “Rightstart: Providing the Central Conceptual Prerequisites for First Formal Learning of Arithmetic to Students at Risk for School Failure.” In Classroom Lessons: Integrating Cognitive Theory and Classroom Practice, edited by K. McGilly, 25–49. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
20. Gross, D., L. Fogg, C. Webster-Stratton, C. W. J. Garvey, and J. Grady. 2003. “Parent Training with Multi-Ethnic Families of Toddlers in Day Care in Low-Income Urban Communities.” Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology 71 (2): 261–278.
21. Guralnick, M. J. 2010. “Early Intervention Approaches to Enhance the Peer-Related Social Competence of Young Children with Developmental Delays: A Historical Perspective.” Infants & Young Children 23 (2): 73–83.
22. Haden, C. A., E. Reese, and R. Fivush. 1996. “Mothers’ Extra-Textual Comments During Storybook Reading: Stylistic Differences Over Time and Across Texts.” Discourse Processes 21 (2): 135–169.
23. Hancock, T. B., and A. P. Kaiser. 2006. “Enhanced Milieu Teaching.” In Treatment of Language Disorders in Children, edited by R. J. McCauley and M. E. Fey, 203–236. Baltimore: Brookes.
24. Hart, B., and T. Risley. 1975. “Incidental Teaching of Language in the Preschool.” Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis 8 (4): 411–420.
25. Hart, B., and T. Risley. 1995. Meaningful Differences in the Everyday Experience of Young American Children. Baltimore: Brookes.
26. Hart, B., and T. Risley. 1999. The Social World of Children Learning to Talk. Baltimore: Brookes.
27. Hollingsworth, J., and S. Ybarra. 2009. Explicit Direct Instruction (EDI): The Power of the Well-Crafted, Well-Taught Lesson. Thousand Oaks: Corwin.
28. Hurtado, N., V. A. Marchman, and A. Fernald. 2008. “Does Input Influence Uptake? Links between Maternal Talk, Processing Speed and Vocabulary Size in Spanish-Learning Children.” Developmental Science 11 (6): F31–F39.
29. Huttenlocher, J., W. Haight, A. Bryk, M. Seltzer, and T. Lyons. 1991. “Early Vocabulary Growth: Relation to Language Input and Gender.” Developmental Psychology 27 (2): 236–248.
30. Jordan, N. C., D. Kaplan, C. Ramineni, and M. N. Locuniak. 2009. “Early Math Matters: Kindergarten Number Competence and Later Mathematics Outcomes.” Developmental Psychology 45: 850–867.
31. Joseph, G. E., and P. S. Strain. 2003. “Comprehensive Evidencebased Social-Emotional Curricula for Young Children: An Analysis of Efficacious Adoption Potential.” Topics in Early Childhood Special Education 23 (2): 62–73.
32. Juffer, F., M. J. Bakermans-Kranenburg, and M. H. van Ijzendoorn. 2005. “Enhancing Children’s Socioemotional Development: A Review of Intervention Studies.” In Handbook of Research Methods in Developmental Science, edited by D. M. Teti, 213–232. Malden: Blackwell.
33. Kaiser, A. P., and J. A. Trent. 2007. “Communication Intervention for Young Children with Disabilities: Naturalistic Approaches to Promoting Development.” In Handbook of Developmental Disabilities, edited by S. Odom, R. Horner, M. Snell, and J. Blacher, 224–246. New York: Guilford.
34. Kaiser, A. P., P. J. Yoder, and A. Keetz. 1992. “Evaluating Milieu Teaching.” In Causes and Effects in Communication and Language Intervention, edited by S. Warren and J. Reichle, 9–47. Baltimore: Brookes.
35. Kazdin, A. E., D. K. Esveldt, N. H. French, and A. S. Unis. 1987. “Effects of Parent Management Training and Problem-Solving Skills Training Combined in the Treatment of Antisocial Child Behavior.” Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry 26 (3): 416–424.
36. Kinder, D., and D. Carnine. 1991. “Direct Instruction: What it is and what it is Becoming.” Journal of Behavioral Education 1 (2): 193–213.
37. Klein, A., P. Starkey, D. Clements, J. Sarama, and R. Iyer. 2008. “Effects of a Pre-Kindergarten Mathematics Intervention: A Randomized Experiment.” Journal of Research on Educational Effectiveness 1 (3): 155–178.
38. Korczak, J. 1991. When I am Little Again / The Child’s Right to Respect. Lanham: University Press of America.
39. Korczak, J. 2008. Wie man ein Kind lieben soll [How to love a child]. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht.
40. Kraft, B. L., and R. M. Santos. 1997. “Integrating Effective Teaching Literature with Literature on Instruction in the Natural Environment.” Exceptionality: A Special Education Journal 7 (2): 139–141.
41. Landry, S. H., P. R. Swank, K. E. Smith, M. A. Assel, and S. B. Gunnewig. 2006. “Enhancing Early Literacy Skills for Preschool Children: Bringing a Professional Development Model to Scale.” Journal of Learning Disabilities 39 (4): 306–324.
42. LeBlanc, L. A., J. Esch, T. M. Sidener, and A. M. Firth. 2006. “Behavioral Language Interventions for Children with Autism: Comparing Applied Verbal Behavior and Naturalistic Teaching Approaches.” The Analysis of Verbal Behavior 22: 49–60.
43. Lever, R., and M. Sénéchal. 2011. “Discussing Stories: On How a Dialogic Reading Intervention Improves Kindergartners’ Oral Narrative Construction.” Journal of Experimental Child Psychology 108: 1–24.
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