Эрнандес А.М., Кацола П. Двигательные навыки как предиктор когнитивных способностей у детей четырехлетнего возраста
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Эрнандес А.М., Кацола П. Двигательные навыки как предиктор когнитивных способностей у детей четырехлетнего возраста // Современное дошкольное образование. Теория и практика. – 2017. – №1. – С.40–49.
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Исследования, проведенные среди детей школьного возраста, показали наличие связи между развитием у них двигательных навыков и когнитивных способностей, однако подобного рода исследований с привлечением детей четырехлетнего возраста практически не проводилось. Двигательные и когнитивные навыки 32 (15 мальчиков, 17 девочек) четырехлетних детей были проанализированы при помощи теста двигательных навыков и умений Бруининкс-Осерецкого (БОТ-2) (мелкая моторика – ММ, координация рук – КР, координация тела – КТ, а также теста на силу и ловкость – СЛ), краткого теста общих умственных способностей (КТОУС) (вербальный, невербальный интеллект, IQ). Посредством корреляционного анализа была подтверждена достоверность взаимосвязи между координацией тела и вербальным интеллектом (0.45) и IQ (0.51), а также между координацией рук и IQ (0.55). Развитие двигательных навыков и умений в целом подтвердили наличие взаимосвязи с вербальным (0.49) и невербальным интеллектом (0.40) и IQ (0.58). Координация рук определяет показатели вербального (24%) и невербального интеллекта (16%) и IQ (34%). Таким образом, представляется, что двигательные навыки связаны с когнитивной деятельностью, что подтверждает значимость раннего развития двигательных навыков.
1. Battin-Pearson, S., M. D. Newcomb, R. D. Abbott, K. G. Hill, R. F. Catalano, and J. D.Hawkins. 2000. “Predictors of Early High School Drop-out: A Test of Five Theories. ”Journal of Education Psychology 92: 568–582.
2. Bobbio, T. G., C. Gabbard, V. M. G. Gonçalves, A. A. Barros Filho, and A. M. Morcillo. 2009. “The Relationship between motor Function and Cognitive Performance in Brazilian Firstgraders.” Revista de Neurologнa (Reviews in Neurology) 49 (7): 388–9.
3. Boethel, M. 2004. Readiness: School, Family & Community Connections. National Center for Family & Community Connections with Schools, Southwest Educational Development Laboratory, Austin, TX, USA.
4. Bradley, R. H., and R. F. Corwyn. 2002. “Socioeconomic Status and Child Development.” Annual Review of Psychology 53: 371–399.
5. Bruininks, R. H., and B. D. Bruininks. 2005. Bruininks-Oseretsky Test of Motor Proficiency. 2nd ed. Minneapolis, MN: Pearson.
6. Bushnell, E. W., and J. P. Boudreau. 1993. “Motor Development and the Mind: The Potential Role of Motor Abilities as a Determinant of Aspects of Perceptual Development.” Child Development 64 (4): 1005–1021.
7. Caçola, P., C. Gabbard, D. C. C. Santos, and A. C. T. Batistela. 2011. “Development of the Affordances in the Home Environment for Motor Development- Infant Scale.” Pediatrics International 53: 820–825.
8. Canivez, G. L., R. Neitzel, and B. E. Martin. 2005. “Construct Validity of the Kaufman Brief Intelligence Test, Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children-Third Edition, and Adjustment Scales for Children and Adolescents.” Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment 23: 15–34.
9. Case-Smith, J., T. Heaphy, D. Marr, B. Galvin, V. Koch, M. Good Ellis, and I. Perez. 1998. “Fine Motor and Functional Performance Outcomes in Preschool Children.” The American Journal of Occupational Therapy 52 (10): 788–796.
10. Chambers, M. E., and D. A. Sugden. 2002. “The Identification and Assessment of Young Children with Movement Difficulties [Identification et йvaluation des jeunes souffrant de difficultйs d’ordre moteur La Identificaciуn y Evaluaciуn de Niсos de Preescolar con Problemas de Movimento].” International Journal of Early Years Education 10 (3): 157–176.
11. Childers, J. S., T. W. Durham, and S. Wilson. 1994. “Relation of Performance on the Kaufman Brief Intelligence Test with the Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test- Revised among Preschool Children.” Perceptual and Motor Skills 79: 1195–1199.
12. Diamond, A. 2000. “Close Interrelation of Motor Development and Cognitive Development and of the Cerebellum and Prefrontal Cortex.” Child Development 71: 44–56.
13. Doswell, G., V. Lewis, K. Sylva, and J. Boucher. 1994. “Validational Data on the Warwick Symbolic Play Test.” International Journal of Language & Communication Disorders 29 (3): 289–298.
14. Draper, C. E., M. Achmat, J. Forbes, and E. V. Lambert. 2012. “Impact of a Community-based Programme for Motor Development on Gross Motor Skills and Cognitive Function in Preschool Children from Disadvantaged Settings.” Early Child Development and Care 182 (1): 137–152.
15. Dьger, T., G. Bumin, M. Uyanika, E. Aki, and H. Kayihan. 1999. “The Assessment of Bruininks-Osteretsky Test of Motor Proficiency in Children.” Pediatric Rehabilitation 3 (3): 125–131.
16. Edelman, G. M. 1987. Neural Darwinism: The Theory of Neuronal Group Selection. New York: Basic Books.
17. Edelman, G. M. 1992. Bright Air, Brilliant Fire: On the Matter of the Mind. New York: Basic Books.
18. Exner, C. E. 1990. “The Zone of Proximal Development in In-hand Manipulation Skills of Nondysfunctional 3- and 4-Year-old Children.” American Journal of Occupational Therapy 44 (10): 884–891.
19. Exner, C. E. 1997. “Clinical Interpretation of “In-hand Manipulation in Young Children: Translation Movements.” American Journal of Occupational Therapy 51 (9): 729–32.
20. Flavell, J. H. 1992. “Perspectives on Perspective Taking.” In Piaget’s Theory: Prospects and Possibilities, edited by. H. Beilin and P. Pufall, 107–139. Hillsdale: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc.
21. Kaufman, A. S., and N. L. Kaufman. 2004. Kaufman Brief Intelligence Test. 2nd ed. Bloomington: Pearson.
22. Kirk, M. A., and R. E. Rhodes. 2011. “Motor Skill Interventions to Improve Fundamental Movement Skills of Preschoolers with Developmental Delay.” Adapted Physical Activity Quarterly 28: 210–232.
23. Krumlinde-Sundholm, L., and A. C. Eliasson. 2003. “Development of the Assisting Hand Assessment: A Rasch-built Measure Intended for Children with Unilateral Upper Limb Impairments.” Scandinavian Journal of Occupational Therapy 10: 16–26.
24. Lewis, V., J. Boucher, L. Lupton, and S. Watson. 2000. “Relationships between Symbolic Play, Functional Play, Verbal and Non-verbal Ability in Young Children.” International Journal of Language & Communication Disorders 35 (1): 117–127.
25. Luciana, M., and C. A. Nelson. 1998. “The Functional Emergence of Prefrontally-Guided Working Memory Systems in Four-to Eight-Year-Old Children.” Neuropsychologia 36 (3): 273–293.
26. Magill-Evans, J., and M. J. Harrison. 2001. “Parent-child Interactions, Parenting Stress, and Developmental Outcomes at 4 years.” Children’s Health Care 30 (2): 135–150.
27. Magill-Evans, J., and M. J. Harrison. 2010. “Parent-child Interactions, Parenting Stress, and Developmental Outcomes at 4 years.” Children’s Health Care 30 (2): 135–150.
28. Meisels, S. J. 1999. “Assessing readiness.” In The Transition to Kindergarten, edited by R. C. Pianta and M. J. Cox, 39–66. Baltimore: Paul H. Brookes Publishing Co.
29. Miquelote, A. F., D. C. C. Santos, P. M. Caçola, M. I. L. Montebelo, and C. Gabbard. 2012. “Effect of the Home Environment on Motor and Cognitive Behavior of Infants.” Infant Behavior & Development 35: 329–334. DOI: 10.1016/j.infbeh.2012.02.002
30. Murray, G. K., J. Veijola, K. Moilanen, J. Miettunen, D. C. Glahn, T. D. Cannon, P. B. Jones, and M. Isohanni. 2006. “Infant Motor Development is Associated with Adult Cognitive Categorization in a Longitudinal Birth Cohort Study.” Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry 47 (1): 25–29.
31. Piaget, J. 1952. The Origins of Intelligence in Children. New York: International Universities Press, Inc.
32. Piaget, J. 1969. The Mechanisms of Perception. New York: Basic Books.
33. Piek, J. P., L. Dawson, L. M. Smith, and N. Gasson. 2008. “The Role of Early Fine and Gross Motor Development on Later Motor and Cognitive Ability.” Human Movement Science 27: 668–681.
34. Seefeldt, C., and B. A. Wasik. 2005. Early Education: Three, Four, and Five Year Olds Go to School. 2nd ed. Upper Saddle River: Prentice Hall.
35. Schцner, G., and E. Thelen. 2006. “Using Dynamic Field Theory to Rethink Infant Habituation.” Psychological Review 113 (2): 273–299.
36. Sheridan, S. M., L. L. Knoche, C. P. Edwards, J. A. Bovaird, and K. A. Kupzyk. 2010. “Parent Engagement and School Readiness: Effects of the Getting Ready Intervention on Preschool Children’s Social-emotional Competencies.” Early Education and Development 21 (1): 125–156.
37. Sherry, K., and C. E. Draper. 2012. “The Relationship between Gross Motor Skills and School Readiness in Early Childhood: Making the Case in South Africa.” Early Child Development and Care 183 (9): 1–18.
38. Shonkoff, J. P., and D. A. Phillips. 2000. From Neurons to Neighborhoods: The Science of Early Childhood Development. Washington, DC: National Academy Press.
39. Spencer, J. P., L. K. Samuelson, M. S. Blumberg, B. McMurray, S. R. Robinson, and J. B. Tomblin. 2009. “Seeing the World through a Third Eye: Developmental Systems Theory Looks beyond the Nativist – Empiricist Debate.” Child Development Perspectives 3 (2): 103–105.
40. Sporns, O., and G. M. Edelman. 1993. “Solving Bernstein’s Problem: A Proposal for the Development of Coordinated Movement by Selection.” Child Development 64: 960–981.
41. Tsujimoto, S. 2008. “The Prefrontal Cortex: Function Neural Development During Early Childhood.” The Neuroscientist 14 (4): 345–358.
42. Wassenberg, R., F. J. M. Feron, A. G. H. Kessels, J. G. M. Hendriksen, A. C. Kalff, M. Kroes, P. P. M. Hurks, M. Beeren, J. Jolles, and J. S. H. Vles. 2005. “Relation between Cognitive and Motor Performance in 5- to 6-Year-Old Children: Results from a Large-Scale Cross- Sectional Study.” Child Development 76 (5): 1092–1103.
43. Wilson, B. N., B. J. Kaplan, S. G. Crawford, and D. Dewey. 2000. “Interrater Reliability of the Bruininks-Osteretsky Test of Motor Proficiency-long Form.” Adapted Physical Activity Quarterly 17: 95–110.
2. Bobbio, T. G., C. Gabbard, V. M. G. Gonçalves, A. A. Barros Filho, and A. M. Morcillo. 2009. “The Relationship between motor Function and Cognitive Performance in Brazilian Firstgraders.” Revista de Neurologнa (Reviews in Neurology) 49 (7): 388–9.
3. Boethel, M. 2004. Readiness: School, Family & Community Connections. National Center for Family & Community Connections with Schools, Southwest Educational Development Laboratory, Austin, TX, USA.
4. Bradley, R. H., and R. F. Corwyn. 2002. “Socioeconomic Status and Child Development.” Annual Review of Psychology 53: 371–399.
5. Bruininks, R. H., and B. D. Bruininks. 2005. Bruininks-Oseretsky Test of Motor Proficiency. 2nd ed. Minneapolis, MN: Pearson.
6. Bushnell, E. W., and J. P. Boudreau. 1993. “Motor Development and the Mind: The Potential Role of Motor Abilities as a Determinant of Aspects of Perceptual Development.” Child Development 64 (4): 1005–1021.
7. Caçola, P., C. Gabbard, D. C. C. Santos, and A. C. T. Batistela. 2011. “Development of the Affordances in the Home Environment for Motor Development- Infant Scale.” Pediatrics International 53: 820–825.
8. Canivez, G. L., R. Neitzel, and B. E. Martin. 2005. “Construct Validity of the Kaufman Brief Intelligence Test, Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children-Third Edition, and Adjustment Scales for Children and Adolescents.” Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment 23: 15–34.
9. Case-Smith, J., T. Heaphy, D. Marr, B. Galvin, V. Koch, M. Good Ellis, and I. Perez. 1998. “Fine Motor and Functional Performance Outcomes in Preschool Children.” The American Journal of Occupational Therapy 52 (10): 788–796.
10. Chambers, M. E., and D. A. Sugden. 2002. “The Identification and Assessment of Young Children with Movement Difficulties [Identification et йvaluation des jeunes souffrant de difficultйs d’ordre moteur La Identificaciуn y Evaluaciуn de Niсos de Preescolar con Problemas de Movimento].” International Journal of Early Years Education 10 (3): 157–176.
11. Childers, J. S., T. W. Durham, and S. Wilson. 1994. “Relation of Performance on the Kaufman Brief Intelligence Test with the Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test- Revised among Preschool Children.” Perceptual and Motor Skills 79: 1195–1199.
12. Diamond, A. 2000. “Close Interrelation of Motor Development and Cognitive Development and of the Cerebellum and Prefrontal Cortex.” Child Development 71: 44–56.
13. Doswell, G., V. Lewis, K. Sylva, and J. Boucher. 1994. “Validational Data on the Warwick Symbolic Play Test.” International Journal of Language & Communication Disorders 29 (3): 289–298.
14. Draper, C. E., M. Achmat, J. Forbes, and E. V. Lambert. 2012. “Impact of a Community-based Programme for Motor Development on Gross Motor Skills and Cognitive Function in Preschool Children from Disadvantaged Settings.” Early Child Development and Care 182 (1): 137–152.
15. Dьger, T., G. Bumin, M. Uyanika, E. Aki, and H. Kayihan. 1999. “The Assessment of Bruininks-Osteretsky Test of Motor Proficiency in Children.” Pediatric Rehabilitation 3 (3): 125–131.
16. Edelman, G. M. 1987. Neural Darwinism: The Theory of Neuronal Group Selection. New York: Basic Books.
17. Edelman, G. M. 1992. Bright Air, Brilliant Fire: On the Matter of the Mind. New York: Basic Books.
18. Exner, C. E. 1990. “The Zone of Proximal Development in In-hand Manipulation Skills of Nondysfunctional 3- and 4-Year-old Children.” American Journal of Occupational Therapy 44 (10): 884–891.
19. Exner, C. E. 1997. “Clinical Interpretation of “In-hand Manipulation in Young Children: Translation Movements.” American Journal of Occupational Therapy 51 (9): 729–32.
20. Flavell, J. H. 1992. “Perspectives on Perspective Taking.” In Piaget’s Theory: Prospects and Possibilities, edited by. H. Beilin and P. Pufall, 107–139. Hillsdale: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc.
21. Kaufman, A. S., and N. L. Kaufman. 2004. Kaufman Brief Intelligence Test. 2nd ed. Bloomington: Pearson.
22. Kirk, M. A., and R. E. Rhodes. 2011. “Motor Skill Interventions to Improve Fundamental Movement Skills of Preschoolers with Developmental Delay.” Adapted Physical Activity Quarterly 28: 210–232.
23. Krumlinde-Sundholm, L., and A. C. Eliasson. 2003. “Development of the Assisting Hand Assessment: A Rasch-built Measure Intended for Children with Unilateral Upper Limb Impairments.” Scandinavian Journal of Occupational Therapy 10: 16–26.
24. Lewis, V., J. Boucher, L. Lupton, and S. Watson. 2000. “Relationships between Symbolic Play, Functional Play, Verbal and Non-verbal Ability in Young Children.” International Journal of Language & Communication Disorders 35 (1): 117–127.
25. Luciana, M., and C. A. Nelson. 1998. “The Functional Emergence of Prefrontally-Guided Working Memory Systems in Four-to Eight-Year-Old Children.” Neuropsychologia 36 (3): 273–293.
26. Magill-Evans, J., and M. J. Harrison. 2001. “Parent-child Interactions, Parenting Stress, and Developmental Outcomes at 4 years.” Children’s Health Care 30 (2): 135–150.
27. Magill-Evans, J., and M. J. Harrison. 2010. “Parent-child Interactions, Parenting Stress, and Developmental Outcomes at 4 years.” Children’s Health Care 30 (2): 135–150.
28. Meisels, S. J. 1999. “Assessing readiness.” In The Transition to Kindergarten, edited by R. C. Pianta and M. J. Cox, 39–66. Baltimore: Paul H. Brookes Publishing Co.
29. Miquelote, A. F., D. C. C. Santos, P. M. Caçola, M. I. L. Montebelo, and C. Gabbard. 2012. “Effect of the Home Environment on Motor and Cognitive Behavior of Infants.” Infant Behavior & Development 35: 329–334. DOI: 10.1016/j.infbeh.2012.02.002
30. Murray, G. K., J. Veijola, K. Moilanen, J. Miettunen, D. C. Glahn, T. D. Cannon, P. B. Jones, and M. Isohanni. 2006. “Infant Motor Development is Associated with Adult Cognitive Categorization in a Longitudinal Birth Cohort Study.” Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry 47 (1): 25–29.
31. Piaget, J. 1952. The Origins of Intelligence in Children. New York: International Universities Press, Inc.
32. Piaget, J. 1969. The Mechanisms of Perception. New York: Basic Books.
33. Piek, J. P., L. Dawson, L. M. Smith, and N. Gasson. 2008. “The Role of Early Fine and Gross Motor Development on Later Motor and Cognitive Ability.” Human Movement Science 27: 668–681.
34. Seefeldt, C., and B. A. Wasik. 2005. Early Education: Three, Four, and Five Year Olds Go to School. 2nd ed. Upper Saddle River: Prentice Hall.
35. Schцner, G., and E. Thelen. 2006. “Using Dynamic Field Theory to Rethink Infant Habituation.” Psychological Review 113 (2): 273–299.
36. Sheridan, S. M., L. L. Knoche, C. P. Edwards, J. A. Bovaird, and K. A. Kupzyk. 2010. “Parent Engagement and School Readiness: Effects of the Getting Ready Intervention on Preschool Children’s Social-emotional Competencies.” Early Education and Development 21 (1): 125–156.
37. Sherry, K., and C. E. Draper. 2012. “The Relationship between Gross Motor Skills and School Readiness in Early Childhood: Making the Case in South Africa.” Early Child Development and Care 183 (9): 1–18.
38. Shonkoff, J. P., and D. A. Phillips. 2000. From Neurons to Neighborhoods: The Science of Early Childhood Development. Washington, DC: National Academy Press.
39. Spencer, J. P., L. K. Samuelson, M. S. Blumberg, B. McMurray, S. R. Robinson, and J. B. Tomblin. 2009. “Seeing the World through a Third Eye: Developmental Systems Theory Looks beyond the Nativist – Empiricist Debate.” Child Development Perspectives 3 (2): 103–105.
40. Sporns, O., and G. M. Edelman. 1993. “Solving Bernstein’s Problem: A Proposal for the Development of Coordinated Movement by Selection.” Child Development 64: 960–981.
41. Tsujimoto, S. 2008. “The Prefrontal Cortex: Function Neural Development During Early Childhood.” The Neuroscientist 14 (4): 345–358.
42. Wassenberg, R., F. J. M. Feron, A. G. H. Kessels, J. G. M. Hendriksen, A. C. Kalff, M. Kroes, P. P. M. Hurks, M. Beeren, J. Jolles, and J. S. H. Vles. 2005. “Relation between Cognitive and Motor Performance in 5- to 6-Year-Old Children: Results from a Large-Scale Cross- Sectional Study.” Child Development 76 (5): 1092–1103.
43. Wilson, B. N., B. J. Kaplan, S. G. Crawford, and D. Dewey. 2000. “Interrater Reliability of the Bruininks-Osteretsky Test of Motor Proficiency-long Form.” Adapted Physical Activity Quarterly 17: 95–110.
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