Ивренди А. Игра, основанная на выборе, саморегуляция и восприятие чисел
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Ивренди А. Игра, основанная на выборе, саморегуляция и восприятие чисел // Современное дошкольное образование. – 2018. – №1(83). – С.42–51.
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Игра, основанная на выборе, предоставляет широкие возможности для использования и развития саморегуляции и математических навыков. Данное исследование было направлено на изучение вопроса, влияет ли участие детей в одиночной игре низкого уровня, интерактивной игре и компетентной игре на их навыки саморегуляции и восприятия чисел. Также изучалось влияние демографических переменных и социальных навыков детей на эти навыки. В исследовании приняли участие 149 детей (средний возраст = 68 месяцев, SD = 3,71) из государственных и полунезависимых детских садов из города на юго-западе Турции. В процессе свободной игры проводилось наблюдение за детьми, измерялась их саморегуляция и математические навыки. Педагоги оценивали социальные навыки детей. Результаты показали, что участие детей в игре, основанной на выборе, значительно повышает их шансы на обладание более высоким уровнем восприятия чисел и навыков саморегуляции. В частности, интерактивная игра в значительной степени способствовала развитию навыков саморегуляции и восприятия чисел. Кроме того, существенными факторами, влияющими на эти навыки, являются детский возраст, семейный доход и социальные навыки. Полученные результаты свидетельствуют о важности игры для развития саморегуляции и математических навыков.
1. Acun Kapıkıran, N., A. Ivrendi, and A. Adak. 2006. “Okul Öncesi Çocuklarında Sosyal Beceri: Durum Saptaması.” Pamukkale Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi 19 (1): 20–28.
2. Bergen, D. 1988. “Using a Schema for Play and Learning.” In Play as a Medium for Learning and Development, edited by D. Bergen, 169–181. New Hampshire: Heinemann.
3. Bergen, D., and J. Coscia. 2001. Brain Research and Childhood Education: Implications for Educators. Olney, MD: Association for the Childhood Education International.
4. Blevins-Knabe, B., and L. Musun-Miller. 1996. “Number Use at Home by Children and their Parents and its Relationship to Early Mathematical Performance.” Early Development and Parenting 5: 35–45.
5. Bodrova, E., and D. J. Leong. 2005. “Self-regulation as a Key to School Readiness: How can Early Childhood Teachers Promote this Critical Competence?” In Critical Issues in Early Childhood Professional Development, edited by M. Zaslow and I. Martinez-Beck, 223–270. Baltimore: Brookes.
6. Bodrova, E., and D. J. Leong. 2008. “Developing Self-regulation in Kindergarten: Can We Keep All the Crickets in the Basket?” Young Children March 2008: 56–58.
7. Bolat, E. Y., and A. D. Sıgırtmaç. 2006. “The Effect of the Musical Game Activities to Gain the Number and Operations Concept.” Ege Eğitim Dergisi 7 (2): 43–56.
8. Booren, L. M., J. T. Downer, and Virginia E. Vitiello. 2012. “Observations of Children’s Interactions with Teachers, Peers, and Tasks Across Preschool Classroom Activity Settings.” Early Education and Development 23 (4): 517–538.
9. Braza, F., P. Braza, R. M. Carreras, J. M. Munoz, J. R. Sanchez-Martin, A. Azurmendi, A. Sorozabal, A. Garcia, and J. Cardas. 2007. “Behavioral Profiles of Different Types of Social Status in Preschool Children: An Observational Approach.” Social Behavior and Personality: An International Journal 35 (2): 195–212.
10. Chien, N. C., C. Howes, M. Burchinal, R. C. Pianta, S. Ritchie, D. M. Bryant, R. M. Clifford, D. M. Early, and O. A. Barbarin. 2010. “Children’s Classroom Engagement and School Readiness Gains in Prekindergarten.” Child Development, 81 (5): 1534–1549.
11. Cook, D. 2000. “Voice Practice: Social and Mathematical Talk in Imaginative Play.” Early Child Development and Care 162 (1): 51–63.
12. Coolahan, K., J. Fantuzzo, J. Mendez, and P. McDermott. 2000. “Preschool Peer Interactions and Readiness to Learn: Relationships Between Classroom Peer Play and Learning Behaviors and Conduct.” Journal of Educational Psychology 92: 458–465.
13. Duman, G., and Z. F. Temel. 2011. “Türkiye ve Amerika Birleşik Devletleri’nde anasınıfına devam eden çocukların oyun davranışlarının incelenmesi” [Examining play behaviors of children who enrolled in kindergarten in Turkey and USA]. Sosyal Bilimler [Social Sciences] 1 (1): 279–298.
14. Eisenberg, N., R. A. Fabes, J. Bernzweig, M. Karbon, R. Poulin, and L. Hanish. 1993. “The Relations of Emotionality and Regulation to Preschoolers’ Social Skills and Sociometric Status.” Child Development 64 (5): 1418–1438.
15. Eisenberg, N., R. A. Fabes, B. Murphy, P. Maszk, M. Smith, and M. Karbon. 1995. “The Role of Emotionality and Regulation in Children’s Social Functioning: A Longitudinal Study.” Child Development 66 (5): 1360–84.
16. Elias, C. L., and L. E. Berk. 2002. “Self-regulation in Young Children: Is there a Role for Sociodramatic Play?” Early Childhood Research Quarterly 17 (2): 216–38.
17. Emfinger, K. 2009. “Numerical Conceptions Reflected During Multiage Child-initiated Pretend Play.” Journal of Instructional Psychology 36 (4): 326–334.
18. Fantuzzo, J., K. C. Coolahan, J. L. Mendez, P. A. McDermott, and B. Sutton-Smith. 1998. “Contextually-relevant Validation of Constructs of Peer Play with African American Head Start Children: Penn Interactive Peer Play Scale.” Early Childhood Research Quarterly 13 (3): 411–431.
19. Fantuzzo, J., Y. Sekino, and H. L. Cohen. 2004. “An Examination of the Contributions of Interactive Peer Play to Salient Classroom Competencies for Urban Head Start Children.” Psychology in the Schools 41 (3): 323–336.
20. Gersten, R., and D. Chard. 1999. “Number Sense: Rethinking Arithmetic Instruction for Students with Mathematical Disabilities.” The Journal of Special Education 33 (1): 18–28.
21. Gmitrova, V., and J. Gmitrov. 2003. “The Impact of Teacher-directed and Child-directed Pretend Play on Cognitive Competence in Kindergarten Children.” Early Childhood Education Journal 30 (4): 241–246.
22. Hanline, M. F., S. Milton, and P. C. Phelps. 2008. “A longitudinal Study Exploring the Relationship of Representational Levels of Three Aspects of Preschool Socio-dramatic Play and Early Academic Skills.” Journal of Research in Childhood Education 23 (1): 19–28.
23. Howes, C. 2000. “Social-emotional Classroom Climate in Child Care, Child-teacher Relationships and Children’s Second Grade Peer Relations.” Social Development 9 (2): 191–204.
24. Howes, C., and C. C. Matheson. 1992. “Sequences in the Development of Competent Play with Peers: Social and Social Pretend Play.” Developmental Psychology 28 (5): 961–974.
25. Howse, R. B., G. Lange, D. C. Farran, and C. D. Boyles. 2003. “Motivation and Self-regulation as Predictors of Achievement in Economically Disadvantaged Young Children.” The Journal of Experimental Education 71 (2): 151–174.
26. Ivrendi, A. 2011. “Influence of Self-regulation on the Development of Children’s Number Sense.” Early Childhood Education Journal 39: 239–247.
27. Ivrendi, A., and A. Wakefield. 2009. “Mothers’ and Fathers’ Participation in Mathematical Activities of their Young Children.” The 5th International Balkan Education and Science Congress Proceedings, 50–54, Edirne, Turkey.
28. Johnson, J. E., J. F. Christie, and F. Wardle. 2005. Play, Development, and Early Education. New York: Allyn and Bacon.
29. Jordan, N. C., D. Kaplan, L. N. Ola’h, and M. N. Locuniak. 2006. “Number Sense Growth in Kindergarten: A Longitudinal Investigation of Children at Risk for Mathematics Difficulties.” Child Development 77 (1): 153–175.
30. Kontos, S., and A. Wilcox-Herzog. 1997. “Influences on Children’s Competence in Early Childhood Classrooms.” Early Childhood Research Quarterly 12: 247–262.
31. McClelland, M. M., C. E. Cameron, C. M. Connor, C. L. Farris, A. M. Jewkes, and F. J. Morrison. 2007. “Links Between Behavioral Regulation and Preschoolers’ Literacy, Vocabulary, and Math Skills.” Developmental Psychology 43 (4): 947–959.
32. Metin-Aslan, O., and Belma Tugrul. 2013. “Analyzing Preschool Children’s Bullying and Play Behavior During Play.” Mediterranean Journal of Educational Research 13: 27–41.
33. MONE (Ministry of National Education). 2013. Curriculum for Preschool Children. Ankara: MEB.
34. National Council of Teachers of Mathematics. 2000. Principles and Standards for School Mathematics. Reston, VA: NCTM.
35. Ponitz, C. C., M. M. McClelland, A. M. Jewkes, C. M. Connor, C. L. Farris, and F. J. Morrison. 2008. “Touch Your Toes! Developing a Direct Measure of Behavioral Regulation in Early Childhood.” Early Childhood Research Quarterly 23: 141–158.
36. Savina, E. 2014. “Does Play Promote Self-regulation in Children?” Early Child Development and Care, doi:10.1080/03004430.2013.875541.
37. Seefeldt, C., and A. Galper. 2008. Active Experiences for Active Children: Mathematics. Columbus, Ohio: Merrill Prentice Hall.
38. Seo, K.-H., and H. P. Ginsburg. 2004. “What is Developmentally Appropriate in Early Childhood Mathematics Education? Lessons from New Research.” In Engaging Young Children in Mathematics: Standards for Early Childhood Mathematics Education, edited by D. H. Clements, J. Sarama, and A.-M. DiBiase, 91–104. Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum.
39. Sirin, S. 2011. Anaokuluna Devam Eden Beş Yaş Grubu Çocuklara Sayı ve I˙şlem Kavramlarını Kazandırmada Oyun Yönteminin Etkisi. [The influence of play method on 5 years old children’s number and operations concepts] Yayınlanmamış yüksek lisans tezi, Uludağ Üniversitesi Eğitim Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Bursa [Unpublished Master Thesis]. Bursa: Bursa University, Educational Sciences Graduate School.
40. Skibbe, L. E., C. M. Connor, F. C. Morrison, and A. M. Jewkes. 2011. “Schooling Effects on Preschoolers’ Self-regulation, Early Literacy, and Language Growth.” Early Childhood Research Quarterly 26 (1): 42–49.
41. Spinrad, T. L., N. Eisenberg, E. Harris, L. Hanish, R. A. Fabes, K. Kupanoff, S. Ringwald, and J. Holmes. 2004. “The Relation of Children’s Everyday Nonsocial Peer Play Behavior to their Emotionality, Regulation, and Social Functioning.” Developmental Psychology 40 (1): 67–80.
42. Stоrksen, I., I. T. Ellingsen, S. B. Wanless, and M. M. McClelland. 2014. “The Influence of Parental Socioeconomic Background and Gender on Self-regulation among 5-year-old Children in Norway.” Early Education and Development, 0: 1–22.
43. Vieillevoye, S., and N. Nader-Grosbois. 2008. “Self-regulation During Pretend Play in Children with Intellectual Disability and in Normally Developing Children.” Research in Developmental Disabilities: A Multidisciplinary Journal 29 (3): 256–272.
44. Wakefield, A. P., and A. Ivrendi. 2008. Unpublished Work about Children’s Number Sense.
45. Whitebread, D., and M. Basilio. 2012. “The Emergence and Early Development of Selfregulation in Young Children.” Profesorado: Revista de Curriculum y Formacion del Profesorado 16 (1): 16–33.
46. Whitebread, D., S. Bingham, V. Grau, D. P. Pasternak, and C. Sangster. 2007. “Development of Metacognition and Self-regulated Learning in Young Children: Role of Collaborative and Peer-assisted Learning.” Journal of Cognitive Education and Psychology 6 (3): 433–455.
2. Bergen, D. 1988. “Using a Schema for Play and Learning.” In Play as a Medium for Learning and Development, edited by D. Bergen, 169–181. New Hampshire: Heinemann.
3. Bergen, D., and J. Coscia. 2001. Brain Research and Childhood Education: Implications for Educators. Olney, MD: Association for the Childhood Education International.
4. Blevins-Knabe, B., and L. Musun-Miller. 1996. “Number Use at Home by Children and their Parents and its Relationship to Early Mathematical Performance.” Early Development and Parenting 5: 35–45.
5. Bodrova, E., and D. J. Leong. 2005. “Self-regulation as a Key to School Readiness: How can Early Childhood Teachers Promote this Critical Competence?” In Critical Issues in Early Childhood Professional Development, edited by M. Zaslow and I. Martinez-Beck, 223–270. Baltimore: Brookes.
6. Bodrova, E., and D. J. Leong. 2008. “Developing Self-regulation in Kindergarten: Can We Keep All the Crickets in the Basket?” Young Children March 2008: 56–58.
7. Bolat, E. Y., and A. D. Sıgırtmaç. 2006. “The Effect of the Musical Game Activities to Gain the Number and Operations Concept.” Ege Eğitim Dergisi 7 (2): 43–56.
8. Booren, L. M., J. T. Downer, and Virginia E. Vitiello. 2012. “Observations of Children’s Interactions with Teachers, Peers, and Tasks Across Preschool Classroom Activity Settings.” Early Education and Development 23 (4): 517–538.
9. Braza, F., P. Braza, R. M. Carreras, J. M. Munoz, J. R. Sanchez-Martin, A. Azurmendi, A. Sorozabal, A. Garcia, and J. Cardas. 2007. “Behavioral Profiles of Different Types of Social Status in Preschool Children: An Observational Approach.” Social Behavior and Personality: An International Journal 35 (2): 195–212.
10. Chien, N. C., C. Howes, M. Burchinal, R. C. Pianta, S. Ritchie, D. M. Bryant, R. M. Clifford, D. M. Early, and O. A. Barbarin. 2010. “Children’s Classroom Engagement and School Readiness Gains in Prekindergarten.” Child Development, 81 (5): 1534–1549.
11. Cook, D. 2000. “Voice Practice: Social and Mathematical Talk in Imaginative Play.” Early Child Development and Care 162 (1): 51–63.
12. Coolahan, K., J. Fantuzzo, J. Mendez, and P. McDermott. 2000. “Preschool Peer Interactions and Readiness to Learn: Relationships Between Classroom Peer Play and Learning Behaviors and Conduct.” Journal of Educational Psychology 92: 458–465.
13. Duman, G., and Z. F. Temel. 2011. “Türkiye ve Amerika Birleşik Devletleri’nde anasınıfına devam eden çocukların oyun davranışlarının incelenmesi” [Examining play behaviors of children who enrolled in kindergarten in Turkey and USA]. Sosyal Bilimler [Social Sciences] 1 (1): 279–298.
14. Eisenberg, N., R. A. Fabes, J. Bernzweig, M. Karbon, R. Poulin, and L. Hanish. 1993. “The Relations of Emotionality and Regulation to Preschoolers’ Social Skills and Sociometric Status.” Child Development 64 (5): 1418–1438.
15. Eisenberg, N., R. A. Fabes, B. Murphy, P. Maszk, M. Smith, and M. Karbon. 1995. “The Role of Emotionality and Regulation in Children’s Social Functioning: A Longitudinal Study.” Child Development 66 (5): 1360–84.
16. Elias, C. L., and L. E. Berk. 2002. “Self-regulation in Young Children: Is there a Role for Sociodramatic Play?” Early Childhood Research Quarterly 17 (2): 216–38.
17. Emfinger, K. 2009. “Numerical Conceptions Reflected During Multiage Child-initiated Pretend Play.” Journal of Instructional Psychology 36 (4): 326–334.
18. Fantuzzo, J., K. C. Coolahan, J. L. Mendez, P. A. McDermott, and B. Sutton-Smith. 1998. “Contextually-relevant Validation of Constructs of Peer Play with African American Head Start Children: Penn Interactive Peer Play Scale.” Early Childhood Research Quarterly 13 (3): 411–431.
19. Fantuzzo, J., Y. Sekino, and H. L. Cohen. 2004. “An Examination of the Contributions of Interactive Peer Play to Salient Classroom Competencies for Urban Head Start Children.” Psychology in the Schools 41 (3): 323–336.
20. Gersten, R., and D. Chard. 1999. “Number Sense: Rethinking Arithmetic Instruction for Students with Mathematical Disabilities.” The Journal of Special Education 33 (1): 18–28.
21. Gmitrova, V., and J. Gmitrov. 2003. “The Impact of Teacher-directed and Child-directed Pretend Play on Cognitive Competence in Kindergarten Children.” Early Childhood Education Journal 30 (4): 241–246.
22. Hanline, M. F., S. Milton, and P. C. Phelps. 2008. “A longitudinal Study Exploring the Relationship of Representational Levels of Three Aspects of Preschool Socio-dramatic Play and Early Academic Skills.” Journal of Research in Childhood Education 23 (1): 19–28.
23. Howes, C. 2000. “Social-emotional Classroom Climate in Child Care, Child-teacher Relationships and Children’s Second Grade Peer Relations.” Social Development 9 (2): 191–204.
24. Howes, C., and C. C. Matheson. 1992. “Sequences in the Development of Competent Play with Peers: Social and Social Pretend Play.” Developmental Psychology 28 (5): 961–974.
25. Howse, R. B., G. Lange, D. C. Farran, and C. D. Boyles. 2003. “Motivation and Self-regulation as Predictors of Achievement in Economically Disadvantaged Young Children.” The Journal of Experimental Education 71 (2): 151–174.
26. Ivrendi, A. 2011. “Influence of Self-regulation on the Development of Children’s Number Sense.” Early Childhood Education Journal 39: 239–247.
27. Ivrendi, A., and A. Wakefield. 2009. “Mothers’ and Fathers’ Participation in Mathematical Activities of their Young Children.” The 5th International Balkan Education and Science Congress Proceedings, 50–54, Edirne, Turkey.
28. Johnson, J. E., J. F. Christie, and F. Wardle. 2005. Play, Development, and Early Education. New York: Allyn and Bacon.
29. Jordan, N. C., D. Kaplan, L. N. Ola’h, and M. N. Locuniak. 2006. “Number Sense Growth in Kindergarten: A Longitudinal Investigation of Children at Risk for Mathematics Difficulties.” Child Development 77 (1): 153–175.
30. Kontos, S., and A. Wilcox-Herzog. 1997. “Influences on Children’s Competence in Early Childhood Classrooms.” Early Childhood Research Quarterly 12: 247–262.
31. McClelland, M. M., C. E. Cameron, C. M. Connor, C. L. Farris, A. M. Jewkes, and F. J. Morrison. 2007. “Links Between Behavioral Regulation and Preschoolers’ Literacy, Vocabulary, and Math Skills.” Developmental Psychology 43 (4): 947–959.
32. Metin-Aslan, O., and Belma Tugrul. 2013. “Analyzing Preschool Children’s Bullying and Play Behavior During Play.” Mediterranean Journal of Educational Research 13: 27–41.
33. MONE (Ministry of National Education). 2013. Curriculum for Preschool Children. Ankara: MEB.
34. National Council of Teachers of Mathematics. 2000. Principles and Standards for School Mathematics. Reston, VA: NCTM.
35. Ponitz, C. C., M. M. McClelland, A. M. Jewkes, C. M. Connor, C. L. Farris, and F. J. Morrison. 2008. “Touch Your Toes! Developing a Direct Measure of Behavioral Regulation in Early Childhood.” Early Childhood Research Quarterly 23: 141–158.
36. Savina, E. 2014. “Does Play Promote Self-regulation in Children?” Early Child Development and Care, doi:10.1080/03004430.2013.875541.
37. Seefeldt, C., and A. Galper. 2008. Active Experiences for Active Children: Mathematics. Columbus, Ohio: Merrill Prentice Hall.
38. Seo, K.-H., and H. P. Ginsburg. 2004. “What is Developmentally Appropriate in Early Childhood Mathematics Education? Lessons from New Research.” In Engaging Young Children in Mathematics: Standards for Early Childhood Mathematics Education, edited by D. H. Clements, J. Sarama, and A.-M. DiBiase, 91–104. Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum.
39. Sirin, S. 2011. Anaokuluna Devam Eden Beş Yaş Grubu Çocuklara Sayı ve I˙şlem Kavramlarını Kazandırmada Oyun Yönteminin Etkisi. [The influence of play method on 5 years old children’s number and operations concepts] Yayınlanmamış yüksek lisans tezi, Uludağ Üniversitesi Eğitim Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Bursa [Unpublished Master Thesis]. Bursa: Bursa University, Educational Sciences Graduate School.
40. Skibbe, L. E., C. M. Connor, F. C. Morrison, and A. M. Jewkes. 2011. “Schooling Effects on Preschoolers’ Self-regulation, Early Literacy, and Language Growth.” Early Childhood Research Quarterly 26 (1): 42–49.
41. Spinrad, T. L., N. Eisenberg, E. Harris, L. Hanish, R. A. Fabes, K. Kupanoff, S. Ringwald, and J. Holmes. 2004. “The Relation of Children’s Everyday Nonsocial Peer Play Behavior to their Emotionality, Regulation, and Social Functioning.” Developmental Psychology 40 (1): 67–80.
42. Stоrksen, I., I. T. Ellingsen, S. B. Wanless, and M. M. McClelland. 2014. “The Influence of Parental Socioeconomic Background and Gender on Self-regulation among 5-year-old Children in Norway.” Early Education and Development, 0: 1–22.
43. Vieillevoye, S., and N. Nader-Grosbois. 2008. “Self-regulation During Pretend Play in Children with Intellectual Disability and in Normally Developing Children.” Research in Developmental Disabilities: A Multidisciplinary Journal 29 (3): 256–272.
44. Wakefield, A. P., and A. Ivrendi. 2008. Unpublished Work about Children’s Number Sense.
45. Whitebread, D., and M. Basilio. 2012. “The Emergence and Early Development of Selfregulation in Young Children.” Profesorado: Revista de Curriculum y Formacion del Profesorado 16 (1): 16–33.
46. Whitebread, D., S. Bingham, V. Grau, D. P. Pasternak, and C. Sangster. 2007. “Development of Metacognition and Self-regulated Learning in Young Children: Role of Collaborative and Peer-assisted Learning.” Journal of Cognitive Education and Psychology 6 (3): 433–455.
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