Коэльо Л., Торрес Н., Фернандес К., Сантос А. Дж. Качество игры, социальное принятие и взаимная дружба у детей дошкольного возраста
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Коэльо Л., Торрес Н., Фернандес К., Сантос А. Дж. Качество игры, социальное принятие и взаимная дружба у детей дошкольного возраста // Современное дошкольное образование. – 2019. – №1(91). – С. 70–79.
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Игра со сверстниками – один из важнейших контекстов приобретения социальных компетенций в раннем детстве. В данном исследовании изучалась связь между игровым поведением детей, социальным принятием в группе сверстников и количеством взаимных дружеских связей. В исследовании приняли участие 128 детей в возрасте от трех до пяти лет. Социальное принятие и количество взаимных дружеских связей оценивались с использованием двух социометрических показателей: номинации и сравнения между сверстниками. Поведение детей во время игровой деятельности оценивалось португальской версией Шкалы интерактивных игр со сверстниками (Penn Interactive Peer Play Scale, PIPPS). Общие результаты показали положительную и значимую корреляцию между позитивным взаимодействием и социометрическими показателями, что указывает на то, что дети, демонстрирующие позитивное игровое поведение, более восприняты сверстниками и имеют большее количество взаимных дружеских связей. С другой стороны, разрушение и разобщенность отрицательно коррелировали с социометрическими показателями, что указывает на то, что дети, демонстрирующие такие типы игрового поведения, имеют более низкое социальное принятие и меньшее количество дружеских связей. Анализ корреляций по трем возрастным группам показывает отчетливую взаимосвязь между качеством игры, социальным принятием и дружбой в зависимости от возраста. Результаты нашего исследования подтверждают, что уже в раннем возрасте поведение во время игры связано с дружбой и социальной репутацией.
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4. Coplan, R. J., and K. A. Arbeau. 2009. “Peer Interactions and Play in Early Childhood.” In Handbook of Peer Interactions, Relations, and Groups, edited by K. H. Rubin, W. M. Bukowski and B. Laursen, 143–161. New York: Guilford Press.
5. Denham, S. A., and R. W. Holt. 1993. “Preschoolers’ Likability as Causeor Consequence of Their Social Behavior.” Developmental Psychology 29: 271–275.
6. Dunn, J., and A. L. Cutting. 1999. “Understanding Others, and Individual Differences in Friendship Interactions in Young Children.” Social Development 8 (2): 201–219.
7. Eurydice Network. 2009. Tackling Social and Cultural Qualities Through Early Childhood Education and Care in Europe. Brussels, Belgium: Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency.
8. Fantuzzo, J. W., B. Sutton-Smith, K. C. Coolahan, P. Manz, S. Canning, and D. Debnam. 1995. “Assessment of Play Interaction Behaviors in Young Low Income Children: Penn Interactive Peer Scale.” Early Childhood Research Quarterly 10: 105–120.
9. Farver, J., and W. Branstetter. 1994. “Preschoolers’ Prosocial Responses to Theirs Peers’ Distress.” Developmental Psychology 30 (3): 334–341.
10. Hay, D. F., M. Caplan, and A. Nash. 2009. “The Beginnings of Peer Relations.” In Handbook of Peer Interactions, Relations, and Groups, edited by K. H. Rubin, W. M. Bukowski and B. Laursen, 143–161. New York: Guilford Press.
11. Hayvren, M., and S. Hymel. 1984. “Ethical Issues in Sociometric Testing: Impact of Sociometric Measures on Interaction Behavior.” Developmental Psychology 20 (5): 844–849.
12. Howes, C. 1983. “Patterns of Friendship.” Child Development 54: 1041–1053.
13. Howes, C. 2009. “Friendship in Early Childhood.” In Handbook of Peer Interactions, Relations, and Groups, edited by K. H. Rubin, W. M. Bukowski and B. Laursen, 180–194. New York: Guilford Press.
14. Jiang, X. L., and A. H. N. Cillessen. 2005. “Stability of Continuous Measures of Sociometric Status: A Metaanalysis.” Developmental Review 25: 1–25.
15. Johnson, C., M. Ironsmith, C. Snow, and M. Poteat. 2000. “Peer Acceptance and Social Adjustment in Preschool and Kindergarten.” Early Childhood Education Journal 27 (4): 207–212.
16. Ladd, G. W. 1990. “Having Friends, Keeping Friends, Making Friends, and Being Liked by Peers in the Classroom: Predictors of Children’s Early School Adjustment?” Child Development 61: 1081– 1100.
17. Ladd, G. W., J. M. Price, and C. H. Hart. 1988. “Predicting Preschoolers’ Peer Status from Their Playground Behaviors.” Child Development 59: 986–992.
18. Lindsey, E. W. 2002. “Preschool Children’s Friendships and Peer Acceptance: Links to Social Competence.” Child Study Journal 32 (3): 145–156.
19. McCandless, B. R., and H. R. Marshall. 1957. “APicture Sociometric Technique for Preschool Children and its Relation to Teacher Judgments of Friendship.” Child Development 28: 139–148.
20. Parker, G. P., and S. R. Asher. 1993. “Friendship and Friendship Quality in Middle Childhood: Links with Peer Group Acceptance and Feelings to Loneliness and Social Dissatisfaction.” Developmental Psychology 29 (4): 611–621.
21. Parker, J. G., and J. Seal. 1996. “Forming, Losing, Renewing, and Replacing Friendships: Applying Temporal Parameters to the Assessment of Children’s Friendship Experiences.” Child Development 67: 2248–2268.
22. Parten, M. B. 1932. “Social Participation among Pre-School Children.” The Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology 27 (3): 243–269.
23. Peceguina, I., A. J. Santos, and J. R. Daniel. 2008. “A concordância entre medidas sociométricas e a estabilidade dos estatutos sociais em crianças de idade pré-escolar.” Análise Psicológica 3 (26): 479–490.
24. Persson, G. 2005. “Young Children’s Prosocial and Aggressive Behaviors and Their Experiences of Being Targeted for Similar Behaviors by Peers.” Social Development 14 (2): 206–228.
25. Putallaz, M. 1983. “Predicting Children’s Sociometric Status from Their Behavior.” Child Development 54: 1417–1426.
26. Rose-Krasnor, L., and S. Denham. 2009. “Social-emotional Competence in Early Childhood.” In Handbook of Peer Interactions, Relations, and Groups, edited by K. H. Rubin, W. M. Bukowski and B. Laursen, 162–179. New York: Guilford Press.
27. Rubin, K. H., W. M. Bukowski, and J. G. Parker. 2006. “Peer Interactions, Relationships, and Groups.” In Handbook of Child Psychology, 6th ed., edited by W. Damon, R. M. Lerner and
28. N. Eisenberg, 571–645. Hoboken: John Wiley& Sons.
29. Santos, A. J., J. R. Daniel, C. Fernandes, and B. E. Vaughn. 2015. “Affiliative Subgroups in Preschool Classrooms: Integrating Constructs and Methods From Social Ethology and Sociometric Traditions.” PLoS ONE, 10 (7): e0130932. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0130932.
30. Santos, A. J., B. E. Vaughn, I. Peceguina, J. Daniel, and N. Shin. 2014. “Growth of Social Competence During the Preschool Years: AThree-Year Longitudinal Study.” Child Development, 85: 2062–2073. doi:10.1111/cdev.12246.
31. Torres, N., M. Freitas, L. Monteiro, M. Antunes, and A. J. Santos. 2014. “Interação social lúdica no pré-escolar: Analise confirmatória da versão portuguesa da PennInteractivePeer Play Scale (PIPPS) para educadores.” Revista do Laboratório de Psicologia 12 (1). doi:10.14417/lp.801. .
32. Vaughn, B. E., M. R. Azria, L. R. Caya, W. Newell, L. Krysik, K. K. Bost, and K. L. Kazura. 2000. “Friendship and Social Competence in a Sample of Preschool Children Attending Head Start.” Developmental Psychology 36 (3): 326–338.
33. Vaughn, B. E., T. N. Colvin, M. R. Azria, L. Caya, and L. Krysik. 2001. “Dyadic Analyses of Friendship in a Sample of Preschool-age Children Attending Head Start: Correspondence Between Measures and Implications for Social Competence.” Child Development 72 (3): 862–878.
34. Walker, S. 2004. “Teacher Reports of Social Behavior and Peer Acceptance in Early Childhood: Sex and Social status Differences.” Child Study Journal 34 (1): 13–28. Walker, S. 2009. “Sociometric Stability and the BehavioralCorrelates of Peer Acceptance in Early Childhood.” The Journal of Genetic Psychology 170 (4): 339–358. Wasik, B. H. 1987. “Sociometric Measures and Peer Descriptors of Kindergarten Children: AStudy of Reliability and Validity.” Journal of Clinical Child Psychology 16: 218–224.
2. Bredekamp, S., and C. Copple. 1997. Developmentally Appropriate Practice in Early Childhood Programs. Washington, DC: National Association for the Education and Young Children.
3. Conselho Nacional de Educação. 2011. Estado da Educação 2012. Autonomia e Descentralização. Lisboa, Portugal: Editorial do Ministério da Educação e Ciência.
4. Coplan, R. J., and K. A. Arbeau. 2009. “Peer Interactions and Play in Early Childhood.” In Handbook of Peer Interactions, Relations, and Groups, edited by K. H. Rubin, W. M. Bukowski and B. Laursen, 143–161. New York: Guilford Press.
5. Denham, S. A., and R. W. Holt. 1993. “Preschoolers’ Likability as Causeor Consequence of Their Social Behavior.” Developmental Psychology 29: 271–275.
6. Dunn, J., and A. L. Cutting. 1999. “Understanding Others, and Individual Differences in Friendship Interactions in Young Children.” Social Development 8 (2): 201–219.
7. Eurydice Network. 2009. Tackling Social and Cultural Qualities Through Early Childhood Education and Care in Europe. Brussels, Belgium: Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency.
8. Fantuzzo, J. W., B. Sutton-Smith, K. C. Coolahan, P. Manz, S. Canning, and D. Debnam. 1995. “Assessment of Play Interaction Behaviors in Young Low Income Children: Penn Interactive Peer Scale.” Early Childhood Research Quarterly 10: 105–120.
9. Farver, J., and W. Branstetter. 1994. “Preschoolers’ Prosocial Responses to Theirs Peers’ Distress.” Developmental Psychology 30 (3): 334–341.
10. Hay, D. F., M. Caplan, and A. Nash. 2009. “The Beginnings of Peer Relations.” In Handbook of Peer Interactions, Relations, and Groups, edited by K. H. Rubin, W. M. Bukowski and B. Laursen, 143–161. New York: Guilford Press.
11. Hayvren, M., and S. Hymel. 1984. “Ethical Issues in Sociometric Testing: Impact of Sociometric Measures on Interaction Behavior.” Developmental Psychology 20 (5): 844–849.
12. Howes, C. 1983. “Patterns of Friendship.” Child Development 54: 1041–1053.
13. Howes, C. 2009. “Friendship in Early Childhood.” In Handbook of Peer Interactions, Relations, and Groups, edited by K. H. Rubin, W. M. Bukowski and B. Laursen, 180–194. New York: Guilford Press.
14. Jiang, X. L., and A. H. N. Cillessen. 2005. “Stability of Continuous Measures of Sociometric Status: A Metaanalysis.” Developmental Review 25: 1–25.
15. Johnson, C., M. Ironsmith, C. Snow, and M. Poteat. 2000. “Peer Acceptance and Social Adjustment in Preschool and Kindergarten.” Early Childhood Education Journal 27 (4): 207–212.
16. Ladd, G. W. 1990. “Having Friends, Keeping Friends, Making Friends, and Being Liked by Peers in the Classroom: Predictors of Children’s Early School Adjustment?” Child Development 61: 1081– 1100.
17. Ladd, G. W., J. M. Price, and C. H. Hart. 1988. “Predicting Preschoolers’ Peer Status from Their Playground Behaviors.” Child Development 59: 986–992.
18. Lindsey, E. W. 2002. “Preschool Children’s Friendships and Peer Acceptance: Links to Social Competence.” Child Study Journal 32 (3): 145–156.
19. McCandless, B. R., and H. R. Marshall. 1957. “APicture Sociometric Technique for Preschool Children and its Relation to Teacher Judgments of Friendship.” Child Development 28: 139–148.
20. Parker, G. P., and S. R. Asher. 1993. “Friendship and Friendship Quality in Middle Childhood: Links with Peer Group Acceptance and Feelings to Loneliness and Social Dissatisfaction.” Developmental Psychology 29 (4): 611–621.
21. Parker, J. G., and J. Seal. 1996. “Forming, Losing, Renewing, and Replacing Friendships: Applying Temporal Parameters to the Assessment of Children’s Friendship Experiences.” Child Development 67: 2248–2268.
22. Parten, M. B. 1932. “Social Participation among Pre-School Children.” The Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology 27 (3): 243–269.
23. Peceguina, I., A. J. Santos, and J. R. Daniel. 2008. “A concordância entre medidas sociométricas e a estabilidade dos estatutos sociais em crianças de idade pré-escolar.” Análise Psicológica 3 (26): 479–490.
24. Persson, G. 2005. “Young Children’s Prosocial and Aggressive Behaviors and Their Experiences of Being Targeted for Similar Behaviors by Peers.” Social Development 14 (2): 206–228.
25. Putallaz, M. 1983. “Predicting Children’s Sociometric Status from Their Behavior.” Child Development 54: 1417–1426.
26. Rose-Krasnor, L., and S. Denham. 2009. “Social-emotional Competence in Early Childhood.” In Handbook of Peer Interactions, Relations, and Groups, edited by K. H. Rubin, W. M. Bukowski and B. Laursen, 162–179. New York: Guilford Press.
27. Rubin, K. H., W. M. Bukowski, and J. G. Parker. 2006. “Peer Interactions, Relationships, and Groups.” In Handbook of Child Psychology, 6th ed., edited by W. Damon, R. M. Lerner and
28. N. Eisenberg, 571–645. Hoboken: John Wiley& Sons.
29. Santos, A. J., J. R. Daniel, C. Fernandes, and B. E. Vaughn. 2015. “Affiliative Subgroups in Preschool Classrooms: Integrating Constructs and Methods From Social Ethology and Sociometric Traditions.” PLoS ONE, 10 (7): e0130932. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0130932.
30. Santos, A. J., B. E. Vaughn, I. Peceguina, J. Daniel, and N. Shin. 2014. “Growth of Social Competence During the Preschool Years: AThree-Year Longitudinal Study.” Child Development, 85: 2062–2073. doi:10.1111/cdev.12246.
31. Torres, N., M. Freitas, L. Monteiro, M. Antunes, and A. J. Santos. 2014. “Interação social lúdica no pré-escolar: Analise confirmatória da versão portuguesa da PennInteractivePeer Play Scale (PIPPS) para educadores.” Revista do Laboratório de Psicologia 12 (1). doi:10.14417/lp.801. .
32. Vaughn, B. E., M. R. Azria, L. R. Caya, W. Newell, L. Krysik, K. K. Bost, and K. L. Kazura. 2000. “Friendship and Social Competence in a Sample of Preschool Children Attending Head Start.” Developmental Psychology 36 (3): 326–338.
33. Vaughn, B. E., T. N. Colvin, M. R. Azria, L. Caya, and L. Krysik. 2001. “Dyadic Analyses of Friendship in a Sample of Preschool-age Children Attending Head Start: Correspondence Between Measures and Implications for Social Competence.” Child Development 72 (3): 862–878.
34. Walker, S. 2004. “Teacher Reports of Social Behavior and Peer Acceptance in Early Childhood: Sex and Social status Differences.” Child Study Journal 34 (1): 13–28. Walker, S. 2009. “Sociometric Stability and the BehavioralCorrelates of Peer Acceptance in Early Childhood.” The Journal of Genetic Psychology 170 (4): 339–358. Wasik, B. H. 1987. “Sociometric Measures and Peer Descriptors of Kindergarten Children: AStudy of Reliability and Validity.” Journal of Clinical Child Psychology 16: 218–224.
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