Мэннинг М., Гарвис С., Флеминг К., Уонг Г.Т.У. Взаимосвязь квалификации педагога и качества развивающей среды в дошкольном образовании
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Мэннинг М., Гарвис С., Флеминг К., Уонг Г.Т.У. Взаимосвязь квалификации педагога и качества развивающей среды в дошкольном образовании // Современное дошкольное образование. Теория и практика. – 2017. – №6. – С.28–45.
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В данном исследовании оценивалась взаимосвязь между квалификацией педагогов и показателями качества образовательного пространства в ДОО (по шкалам ECERS, ECERS-R). Для метаанализа была использована выборка из 82 независимых исследований: в 58 из них была проведена оценка качества образовательной среды в дошкольном образовательном учреждении в целом, в 24 – оценка согласно шкалам оценивания образовательного пространства по субшкалам. Взаимосвязь между квалификацией педагогов и качеством образовательной среды в дошкольном образовании дает статистически достоверную положительную корреляцию (средняя корреляция с допущением ρ = 0.80; r=0.198). Результаты также показывают: положительную, статистически незначимую взаимосвязь между квалификацией педагогов и организацией обучения; положительную, статистически незначимую взаимосвязь между квалификацией педагогов и качеством коммуникации и использования языка.
1. Antle, B. F., Frey, A., Barbee, A., Frey, S., Grisham-Brown, J., & Cox, M. (2008). Child care subsidy and program quality revisited. Early Education and Development, 19(4), 560-573.
2. August, A. L. (2012). Preschool education in Belize: Research on the current status and implications for the future. Education, 2(7), 231-238.
3. Bolger, K. E., & Scarr, S. (1995). Not so far from home: How family characteristics predict child care quality. Early Development and Parenting, 4(3), 103-112.
4. Britto, P.R., Engle, P.L. & Cuper, C.M. (2013). Handbook of early childhood development research and its impact on global policy. London: Oxford University Press.
5. Brooks-Gunn, J., Garfinkel, I., McLanahan, S. S., & Paxson, C. (2011). Fragile Families and Child Wellbeing Study [Public Use Data] (Publication no. 10.3886/ICPSR31622.v1). (ICPSR31622-v1). Retrieved 17th March 2014, from the Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research.
6. Brown, K. (2005). The impact of preschool on middle-class children in a public inclusion program. (Doctor of Philosophy), University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
7. Bryant, D., Wesley, P., Burchinal, P., Hegland, S., Hughes, K., Tout, K., Jeon, H. J. (2009). Quality Interventions for Early Care and Education (QUINCE) – Partners for Inclusion, 2004-2007 [California, Iowa, Minnesota, Nebraska, NorthCarolina] (Publication no. 10.3886/ICPSR28124.v1). (ICPSR28124-v1). Retrieved 15th March 2014, from the Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research.
8. Burchinal, M. R., Roberts, J. E., Riggins Jr, R., Zeisel, S. A., Neebe, E., & Bryant, D. (2000). Relating quality of center-based child care to early cognitive and language development longitudinally. Child Development, 71(2), 339-357.
9. Cassidy, D. J., Hestenes, L. L., Hegde, A., Hestenes, S., & Mims, S. (2005). Measurement of quality in preschool child care classrooms: The Early Childhood Environment Rating Scale-Revised and its’ psychometric properties. Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 20(3), 345-360.
10. Couse, L. J. (2001). Effectiveness of service delivery models in inclusive early childhood programs. (Doctor of Philosophy), Syracuse University, Syracuse, New York.
11. Cryer, D., Tietze, W., Burchinal, M., Leal, T., & Palacios, J. (1999). Predicting process quality from structural quality in preschool programs: A cross-country comparison. Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 14(3), 339-361.
12. D’Amour, A. C. (2008). The relations among childcare provider education, neighborhood poverty, and the quality of childcare classrooms. College Park, MD: University of Maryland.
13. Dennis, S. E., & O’Connor, E. (2013). Reexamining quality in early childhood education: Exploring the relationship between the organizational climate and the classroom. Journal of Research in Childhood Education, 27(1), 74-92.
14. Dove, R. A. (2003). Child engagement: An indicator of quality child care. (Doctor of Philosophy), Tennessee Technological University, Cookeville, TN.
15. Dunn, L. (1993). Proximal and distal features of day care quality and children’s development. Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 8(2), 167-192.
16. Early, D., Burchinal, M., Barbarin, O., Bryant, D., Chang, F., Clifford, R., . . . Barnett, W. S. (2013). Pre-Kindergarten in Eleven States: NCEDL’s Multi-State Study of Pre-Kindergarten and Study of State-Wide Early Education Programs (SWEEP) (Publication no. 10.3886/ICPSR34877.v1). (ICPSR34877-v1). Retrieved 13th March 2014, from Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research.
17. Epstein, A. S. (1999). Pathways to quality in Head Start, public school, and private nonprofit early childhood programs. Journal of Research in Childhood Education, 13(2), 101-119.
18. Henry, G. T., Henderson, L. W., Ponder, B. D., Gordon, C. S., Mashburn, A. J., & Rickman, D. K. (2003). Report of the Findings from the Early Childhood Study: 2001-02. Atlanta, Georgia: Georgia State University.
19. Hestenes, L. L., Kintner-Duffy, V., Wang, Y. C., La Paro, K., Mims, S. U., Crosby, D., . . . Cassidy, D. J. (2015). Comparisons among quality measures in child care settings: Understanding the use of multiple measures in North Carolina’s QRIS and their links to social-emotional development in preschool children. Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 30, 199-214.
20. Ho, H. Y. (2011). Effects, attributes, and predictions of parental involvement during early transition: Does race/ethnicity matter? Evidence from the FACES 1997 Cohort. (PhD in Psychology in Education), University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pensylvania.
21. Holloway, S. D., Kagan, S. L., Fuller, B., Tsou, L., & Carroll, J. (2001). Assessing child-care quality with a telephone interview. Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 16(2), 165-189.
22. Honeycutt, D. (2008). The relationship of teacher qualications, quality of care and student achievement outcomes in the Arkansas Better Chance Program. (Ed.D.), University of Arkansas, Ann Arbor.
23. Jardine-Ledet, A. S. (1999). Evaluating the efficacy of inservice training for modifying the knowledge and practices of child care providers in Louisiana. (Doctor of Philosophy), University of New Orleans, New Orleans, LA.
24. Kintner-Duffy, V. L. (2011). “Everybody’s different and the same”: An inquiry into early childhood teachers’ beliefs, knowledge, and practices in relation to children from culturally diverse backgrounds. (Doctoral of Philosophy), University of North Carolina, Greensboro.
25. Kontos, S. J. (1991). Child care quality, family background, and children’s development. Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 6(2), 249-262.
26. Kwon, J. Y., & Han, Y. M. (2007). A comparison of the quality in public and private child-care center. The Korean Journal of Community Living Science, 18(1), 177-187.
27. La Paro, K. M., Hamre, B. K., Locasale-Crouch, J., Pianta, R. C., Bryant, D., Early, D., . . .
Burchinal, M. (2009). Quality in kindergarten classrooms: Observational evidence for the need to increase children’s learning opportunities in early education classrooms. Early Education and Development, 20(4), 657-692.
28. Laferney, P. S. (2006). Early Childhood Professional Development and Classroom Quality in Preschool Classrooms. (Master of Science), Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, Oklahoma.
29. Melhuish, E., Belsky, J., MacPherson, K., & Cullis, A. (2010). The quality of group childcare settings used by 3-4 year old children in Sure Start local programme areas and the relationship with child outcomes. London: Department of Education.
30. Peisner-Feinberg, E., Bryant, D., Fischer, R., & Grayson, L. (2008). Cuyahoga County Child Care Quality Study. Cleveland, OH: Mandel School of Applied Social Sciences, Case Western Reserve University.
31. Phillips, D., Mekos, D., Scarr, S., McCartney, K., & Abbott–Shim, M. (2001). Within and beyond the classroom door: Assessing quality in child care centers. Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 15(4), 475-496.
32. Rous, B., Grove, J., Cox, M., Townley, K., & Crumpton, G. (2008). The impact of the Kentucky professional development framework on child care, head start and public preschool classroom quality and child outcomes. Lexington, KY: University of Kentucky, Human Development Institute.
33. Sandstrom, H. (2012). The characteristics and quality of pre-school education in Spain. International Journal of Early Years Education, 1-12.
34. Selden, S. C., & Sowa, J. E. (2004). Testing a multi-dimensional model of organizational performance: Prospects and problems. Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory, 14(3), 395-416.
35. Setodji, C. M., Le, V.-N., & Schaack, D. (2012). Accounting for movement between childcare classrooms: Does it change teacher effects interpretations? Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology, 33(1), 1-12.
36. Smith, W. E. (2005). Structural characteristics that predict quality in preschool-age classrooms in child care centers. (Doctor of Philosophy), University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA.
37. Stein-Balock, A. (2007). Predicting the quality of center-based early care and education programs for preschool children: A cumulative asset model. (Master of Science), Iowa State University, Ames.
38. Stein, A. (2010). Family child care provider beliefs and program quality: A longitudinal study investigating the role of consultation. (Doctor of Philosophy), Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa.
39. Thompson, D. S. (1992). The relationship between the amount of training and education of teachers of three to five-year-old children and attitudes and quality of the child care environment. (Doctor of Education), University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Champaign, Illinois.
40. Tout, K., & Sherman, J. (2005). A Snapshot of Quality in Minnesota’s Child Care Centers: A Report of the Minnesota Child Care Policy Research Partnership. St. Paul, MN: The Minnesota Child Care Policy Research Partnership.
41. Vermeer, H. J., Van IJzendoorn, M. H., de Kruif, R. E., Fukkink, R. G., Tavecchio, L. W., Riksen-Walraven, J. M., & van Zeijl, J. (2008). Child care in the Netherlands: Trends in quality over the years 1995-2005. The Journal of Genetic Psychology, 169(4), 360-385.
42. Vu, J. A., Jeon, H.-J., & Howes, C. (2008). Formal education, credential, or both: Early childhood program classroom practices. Early Education and Development, 19(3), 479-504.
43. Weinraub, M., Shlay, A. B., Harmon, M., & Tran, H. (2005). Subsidizing child care: How child care subsidies affect the child care used by low-income African American families. Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 20(4), 373-392.
44. Wheeler, M. (2006). A comparison of school readiness for preschool children with and without disabilities in inclusive environments. (Doctor of Education), Columbia University, New York.
45. Whitebook, M., Phillips, D., Bellm, D., Crowell, N., Almaraz, M., & Jo, J. Y. (2004). Two Years in Early Care and Education: A Community Portrait of Quality and Workforce Stability. Berkeley, CA: Center for the Study of Child Care Employment.
46. Zill, N., Resnick, G., Kim, K., McKey, R. H., Clark, C., Pai-Samant, S., . . . D’Elio, M. A. (2001). Head Start FACES: Longitudinal Findings on Program Performance. Third Progress Report. Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.
2. August, A. L. (2012). Preschool education in Belize: Research on the current status and implications for the future. Education, 2(7), 231-238.
3. Bolger, K. E., & Scarr, S. (1995). Not so far from home: How family characteristics predict child care quality. Early Development and Parenting, 4(3), 103-112.
4. Britto, P.R., Engle, P.L. & Cuper, C.M. (2013). Handbook of early childhood development research and its impact on global policy. London: Oxford University Press.
5. Brooks-Gunn, J., Garfinkel, I., McLanahan, S. S., & Paxson, C. (2011). Fragile Families and Child Wellbeing Study [Public Use Data] (Publication no. 10.3886/ICPSR31622.v1). (ICPSR31622-v1). Retrieved 17th March 2014, from the Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research.
6. Brown, K. (2005). The impact of preschool on middle-class children in a public inclusion program. (Doctor of Philosophy), University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
7. Bryant, D., Wesley, P., Burchinal, P., Hegland, S., Hughes, K., Tout, K., Jeon, H. J. (2009). Quality Interventions for Early Care and Education (QUINCE) – Partners for Inclusion, 2004-2007 [California, Iowa, Minnesota, Nebraska, NorthCarolina] (Publication no. 10.3886/ICPSR28124.v1). (ICPSR28124-v1). Retrieved 15th March 2014, from the Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research.
8. Burchinal, M. R., Roberts, J. E., Riggins Jr, R., Zeisel, S. A., Neebe, E., & Bryant, D. (2000). Relating quality of center-based child care to early cognitive and language development longitudinally. Child Development, 71(2), 339-357.
9. Cassidy, D. J., Hestenes, L. L., Hegde, A., Hestenes, S., & Mims, S. (2005). Measurement of quality in preschool child care classrooms: The Early Childhood Environment Rating Scale-Revised and its’ psychometric properties. Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 20(3), 345-360.
10. Couse, L. J. (2001). Effectiveness of service delivery models in inclusive early childhood programs. (Doctor of Philosophy), Syracuse University, Syracuse, New York.
11. Cryer, D., Tietze, W., Burchinal, M., Leal, T., & Palacios, J. (1999). Predicting process quality from structural quality in preschool programs: A cross-country comparison. Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 14(3), 339-361.
12. D’Amour, A. C. (2008). The relations among childcare provider education, neighborhood poverty, and the quality of childcare classrooms. College Park, MD: University of Maryland.
13. Dennis, S. E., & O’Connor, E. (2013). Reexamining quality in early childhood education: Exploring the relationship between the organizational climate and the classroom. Journal of Research in Childhood Education, 27(1), 74-92.
14. Dove, R. A. (2003). Child engagement: An indicator of quality child care. (Doctor of Philosophy), Tennessee Technological University, Cookeville, TN.
15. Dunn, L. (1993). Proximal and distal features of day care quality and children’s development. Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 8(2), 167-192.
16. Early, D., Burchinal, M., Barbarin, O., Bryant, D., Chang, F., Clifford, R., . . . Barnett, W. S. (2013). Pre-Kindergarten in Eleven States: NCEDL’s Multi-State Study of Pre-Kindergarten and Study of State-Wide Early Education Programs (SWEEP) (Publication no. 10.3886/ICPSR34877.v1). (ICPSR34877-v1). Retrieved 13th March 2014, from Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research.
17. Epstein, A. S. (1999). Pathways to quality in Head Start, public school, and private nonprofit early childhood programs. Journal of Research in Childhood Education, 13(2), 101-119.
18. Henry, G. T., Henderson, L. W., Ponder, B. D., Gordon, C. S., Mashburn, A. J., & Rickman, D. K. (2003). Report of the Findings from the Early Childhood Study: 2001-02. Atlanta, Georgia: Georgia State University.
19. Hestenes, L. L., Kintner-Duffy, V., Wang, Y. C., La Paro, K., Mims, S. U., Crosby, D., . . . Cassidy, D. J. (2015). Comparisons among quality measures in child care settings: Understanding the use of multiple measures in North Carolina’s QRIS and their links to social-emotional development in preschool children. Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 30, 199-214.
20. Ho, H. Y. (2011). Effects, attributes, and predictions of parental involvement during early transition: Does race/ethnicity matter? Evidence from the FACES 1997 Cohort. (PhD in Psychology in Education), University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pensylvania.
21. Holloway, S. D., Kagan, S. L., Fuller, B., Tsou, L., & Carroll, J. (2001). Assessing child-care quality with a telephone interview. Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 16(2), 165-189.
22. Honeycutt, D. (2008). The relationship of teacher qualications, quality of care and student achievement outcomes in the Arkansas Better Chance Program. (Ed.D.), University of Arkansas, Ann Arbor.
23. Jardine-Ledet, A. S. (1999). Evaluating the efficacy of inservice training for modifying the knowledge and practices of child care providers in Louisiana. (Doctor of Philosophy), University of New Orleans, New Orleans, LA.
24. Kintner-Duffy, V. L. (2011). “Everybody’s different and the same”: An inquiry into early childhood teachers’ beliefs, knowledge, and practices in relation to children from culturally diverse backgrounds. (Doctoral of Philosophy), University of North Carolina, Greensboro.
25. Kontos, S. J. (1991). Child care quality, family background, and children’s development. Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 6(2), 249-262.
26. Kwon, J. Y., & Han, Y. M. (2007). A comparison of the quality in public and private child-care center. The Korean Journal of Community Living Science, 18(1), 177-187.
27. La Paro, K. M., Hamre, B. K., Locasale-Crouch, J., Pianta, R. C., Bryant, D., Early, D., . . .
Burchinal, M. (2009). Quality in kindergarten classrooms: Observational evidence for the need to increase children’s learning opportunities in early education classrooms. Early Education and Development, 20(4), 657-692.
28. Laferney, P. S. (2006). Early Childhood Professional Development and Classroom Quality in Preschool Classrooms. (Master of Science), Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, Oklahoma.
29. Melhuish, E., Belsky, J., MacPherson, K., & Cullis, A. (2010). The quality of group childcare settings used by 3-4 year old children in Sure Start local programme areas and the relationship with child outcomes. London: Department of Education.
30. Peisner-Feinberg, E., Bryant, D., Fischer, R., & Grayson, L. (2008). Cuyahoga County Child Care Quality Study. Cleveland, OH: Mandel School of Applied Social Sciences, Case Western Reserve University.
31. Phillips, D., Mekos, D., Scarr, S., McCartney, K., & Abbott–Shim, M. (2001). Within and beyond the classroom door: Assessing quality in child care centers. Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 15(4), 475-496.
32. Rous, B., Grove, J., Cox, M., Townley, K., & Crumpton, G. (2008). The impact of the Kentucky professional development framework on child care, head start and public preschool classroom quality and child outcomes. Lexington, KY: University of Kentucky, Human Development Institute.
33. Sandstrom, H. (2012). The characteristics and quality of pre-school education in Spain. International Journal of Early Years Education, 1-12.
34. Selden, S. C., & Sowa, J. E. (2004). Testing a multi-dimensional model of organizational performance: Prospects and problems. Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory, 14(3), 395-416.
35. Setodji, C. M., Le, V.-N., & Schaack, D. (2012). Accounting for movement between childcare classrooms: Does it change teacher effects interpretations? Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology, 33(1), 1-12.
36. Smith, W. E. (2005). Structural characteristics that predict quality in preschool-age classrooms in child care centers. (Doctor of Philosophy), University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA.
37. Stein-Balock, A. (2007). Predicting the quality of center-based early care and education programs for preschool children: A cumulative asset model. (Master of Science), Iowa State University, Ames.
38. Stein, A. (2010). Family child care provider beliefs and program quality: A longitudinal study investigating the role of consultation. (Doctor of Philosophy), Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa.
39. Thompson, D. S. (1992). The relationship between the amount of training and education of teachers of three to five-year-old children and attitudes and quality of the child care environment. (Doctor of Education), University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Champaign, Illinois.
40. Tout, K., & Sherman, J. (2005). A Snapshot of Quality in Minnesota’s Child Care Centers: A Report of the Minnesota Child Care Policy Research Partnership. St. Paul, MN: The Minnesota Child Care Policy Research Partnership.
41. Vermeer, H. J., Van IJzendoorn, M. H., de Kruif, R. E., Fukkink, R. G., Tavecchio, L. W., Riksen-Walraven, J. M., & van Zeijl, J. (2008). Child care in the Netherlands: Trends in quality over the years 1995-2005. The Journal of Genetic Psychology, 169(4), 360-385.
42. Vu, J. A., Jeon, H.-J., & Howes, C. (2008). Formal education, credential, or both: Early childhood program classroom practices. Early Education and Development, 19(3), 479-504.
43. Weinraub, M., Shlay, A. B., Harmon, M., & Tran, H. (2005). Subsidizing child care: How child care subsidies affect the child care used by low-income African American families. Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 20(4), 373-392.
44. Wheeler, M. (2006). A comparison of school readiness for preschool children with and without disabilities in inclusive environments. (Doctor of Education), Columbia University, New York.
45. Whitebook, M., Phillips, D., Bellm, D., Crowell, N., Almaraz, M., & Jo, J. Y. (2004). Two Years in Early Care and Education: A Community Portrait of Quality and Workforce Stability. Berkeley, CA: Center for the Study of Child Care Employment.
46. Zill, N., Resnick, G., Kim, K., McKey, R. H., Clark, C., Pai-Samant, S., . . . D’Elio, M. A. (2001). Head Start FACES: Longitudinal Findings on Program Performance. Third Progress Report. Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.
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