Пенн Хелен. Услуги по уходу за детьми в Европе
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Пенн Хелен. Услуги по уходу за детьми в Европе // Современное дошкольное образование. Теория и практика. – 2016. – №2. – С.64–78.
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Статья основана на данных исследования, инициированного Европейской комиссией и являвшегося частью крупного исследовательского проекта, внимание которого было сосредоточено на «социальных услугах, представляющих всеобщий интерес». В настоящее время Европейская комиссия изучает, какие механизмы регулирования и контроля над качеством являются наиболее эффективными в отношении негосударственных поставщиков социальных услуг, функционирующих в условиях конкуренции. Эта деятельность позволила произвести анализ частных услуг в сфере дошкольного воспитания и образования стран Евросоюза, а также нормативно-правовых рамок, их регулирующих. Особое внимание в статье обращено на Великобританию и, в частности, на Англию. Эта страна выделяется на общеевропейском фоне высоким уровнем концептуализации и государственной поддержки частных коммерческих предприятий в сфере дошкольного воспитания и образования. При этом нормативно-правовые рамки, регулирующие деятельность этих предприятий, отличаются крайней узостью: в них не затрагиваются такие вопросы, как финансовое регулирование, доступность услуг, зарплаты и условия труда педагогов, отчетность.
1. Clarke, A., D. Lawrence, E. Lloyd, H. Penn, and P. Blackburn. 2010. The London Childcare Market. Final Report. London: London Development Agency.
2. Daycare Trust. 2012. Annual Child Care Costs Survey. London: Daycare Trust.
3. Esping-Anderson, G. 1990. Three Worlds of Welfare Capitalism. Cambridge: Polity Press.
4. European Commission. 2010. Second Biennial Report on Social Services of General Interest http://ec.europa.eu/social/main.jsp?catId=794&langId=en
5. European Commission: Early Childhood Education and Care: Providing all our children with the best start for the world of tomorrow. Brussels. Communication from the Commission. COM (2011) XXX.
6. Faux, K. 2010. Ofsted Inspections: Why Go Private? Nursery World 17.3.2010 http://www.nurseryworld.co.uk/news/990513/Analysis-Ofsted-inspections–Why-go-private
7. Howes, C. and J. Brown. 2000. Improving Childcare Quality. California: UCLA Building Community Systems for Young Children series.
8. Immervoll, H., and D. Barber. 2005. Can Parents Afford to Work? Childcare Costs, Tax-benefit Policies and Work Incentives. OECD. Social, Employment and Migration Working papers no 31.
9. Jacobsen, K., and G. Vollset. 2012. «From «Black» Market Care to a Legal Right to a Place in Publicly Available and Supported Care and Education for All – The Case of Norway.» In Childcare Markets: Can They Deliver an Equitable Service, edited by E. Lloyd and H.Penn, 115–130. Bristol: Policy Press.
10. Laing and Buisson. 2011. Children’s Nurseries: UK Market Report 2011. 10th ed. London: Laing and Buisson.
11. Lloyd, E. 2012. «Parental Childcare Costs in the Netherlands after the Childcare Act 2005 –A Case Study.» In Childcare Costs, edited by Penn and Lloyd. London: DfE Research report forthcoming. Annex 1.
12. Lloyd, E., and H. Penn. 2010. «Why Do Childcare Markets Fail?» Public Policy Research 17 (1): 42–48.
13. Lloyd E. and H. Penn. 2012. Childcare Markets: Can They Deliver an Equitable Service? Bristol. Policy Press.
14. NESSE/EU. 2009. «Early Childhood Education and Care: Key Lessons from Research for Policy Makers.» Paper prepared by Helen Penn for the NESSE network of experts, Brussels. www.nesse.fr/nesse/nesse_top/tasks
15. Noailly, J., S. Visser, and P. Grout. 2007. «The Impact of Market Forces on the Provision of Childcare: Insights from the 2005 Childcare Act in the Netherlands», CPB Memorandum 176, The Hague, CPB Netherlands Bureau for Economic Policy Analysis. www.cpb.nl/nl/
16. Oberhuemer, P., I. Schreyer, and M. J. Neuman. 2010. Professionals in Early Childhood Education and Care Systems – European Profiles and Perspectives. Farmington Hills, MI: Barbara Budrich.
17. OECD. 2006. Starting Strong: Early Childhood Education and Care II. Paris: OECD.
18. OECD. 2011. Social and Family Database. Paris: OECD.
19. Ofsted. 2010a. Annual Report 2010. London: Ofsted.
20. Ofsted. 2010b. Complaints Procedures. London: Ofsted http: //www.ofsted.gov.uk/ Ofstedhome/Forms-and-guidance/Browse-all-by/Other/General/Complaints-procedure-raisingconcerns-and-making-complaints-about-Ofsted
21. Onnismaa, E., and M. Kalliala. 2010. «Finnish ECEC Policy: Interpretations, Implementations and Implications.» Early Years 30 (3): 267–277.
22. Penn, H. 2007. «Childcare Market Management: How the UK Government has Reshaped its Role in Developing Early Education and Care.» Contemporary Issues in Early Childhood 8 (3): 192–207.
23. Penn, H. 2011. «Gambling on the Market: The Role of for-profit Provision in Early Childhood Education and Care.» Journal of Early Childhood Research 9 (2): 150–161.
24. Penn, H., and E. Lloyd. 2012. Childcare Costs. London: DfE Research Report forthcoming.
25. Plantegna, J. 2012. «Local Providers and Loyal Parents: Competition and Consumer Choice in a Dutch Childcare Market.» In Childcare Markets: Can They Deliver an Equitable Service, edited by E. Lloyd and H. Penn. Bristol: Policy Press.
26. Plantegna, J., and C. Remery. 2009. The Provision of Childcare Services. Brussels: European Commission, Department for Employment, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities.
27. UNESCO. 2010. Building the Wealth of Nations: Regional Reports from the UNESCO World Conference on Early Childhood Care and Education. Paris: UNESCO. http://www.unesco.org/new/en/world-conference-on-ecce/reports/
28. Verbist, G., M. Furster, and M. Vaalavuo. 2012. The Impact of Publicly Provided Services on the Distribution of Resources: Review of New Results and Methods. Paris: OECD. OECD Social, Employment and Migration Working Papers No. 130.
2. Daycare Trust. 2012. Annual Child Care Costs Survey. London: Daycare Trust.
3. Esping-Anderson, G. 1990. Three Worlds of Welfare Capitalism. Cambridge: Polity Press.
4. European Commission. 2010. Second Biennial Report on Social Services of General Interest http://ec.europa.eu/social/main.jsp?catId=794&langId=en
5. European Commission: Early Childhood Education and Care: Providing all our children with the best start for the world of tomorrow. Brussels. Communication from the Commission. COM (2011) XXX.
6. Faux, K. 2010. Ofsted Inspections: Why Go Private? Nursery World 17.3.2010 http://www.nurseryworld.co.uk/news/990513/Analysis-Ofsted-inspections–Why-go-private
7. Howes, C. and J. Brown. 2000. Improving Childcare Quality. California: UCLA Building Community Systems for Young Children series.
8. Immervoll, H., and D. Barber. 2005. Can Parents Afford to Work? Childcare Costs, Tax-benefit Policies and Work Incentives. OECD. Social, Employment and Migration Working papers no 31.
9. Jacobsen, K., and G. Vollset. 2012. «From «Black» Market Care to a Legal Right to a Place in Publicly Available and Supported Care and Education for All – The Case of Norway.» In Childcare Markets: Can They Deliver an Equitable Service, edited by E. Lloyd and H.Penn, 115–130. Bristol: Policy Press.
10. Laing and Buisson. 2011. Children’s Nurseries: UK Market Report 2011. 10th ed. London: Laing and Buisson.
11. Lloyd, E. 2012. «Parental Childcare Costs in the Netherlands after the Childcare Act 2005 –A Case Study.» In Childcare Costs, edited by Penn and Lloyd. London: DfE Research report forthcoming. Annex 1.
12. Lloyd, E., and H. Penn. 2010. «Why Do Childcare Markets Fail?» Public Policy Research 17 (1): 42–48.
13. Lloyd E. and H. Penn. 2012. Childcare Markets: Can They Deliver an Equitable Service? Bristol. Policy Press.
14. NESSE/EU. 2009. «Early Childhood Education and Care: Key Lessons from Research for Policy Makers.» Paper prepared by Helen Penn for the NESSE network of experts, Brussels. www.nesse.fr/nesse/nesse_top/tasks
15. Noailly, J., S. Visser, and P. Grout. 2007. «The Impact of Market Forces on the Provision of Childcare: Insights from the 2005 Childcare Act in the Netherlands», CPB Memorandum 176, The Hague, CPB Netherlands Bureau for Economic Policy Analysis. www.cpb.nl/nl/
16. Oberhuemer, P., I. Schreyer, and M. J. Neuman. 2010. Professionals in Early Childhood Education and Care Systems – European Profiles and Perspectives. Farmington Hills, MI: Barbara Budrich.
17. OECD. 2006. Starting Strong: Early Childhood Education and Care II. Paris: OECD.
18. OECD. 2011. Social and Family Database. Paris: OECD.
19. Ofsted. 2010a. Annual Report 2010. London: Ofsted.
20. Ofsted. 2010b. Complaints Procedures. London: Ofsted http: //www.ofsted.gov.uk/ Ofstedhome/Forms-and-guidance/Browse-all-by/Other/General/Complaints-procedure-raisingconcerns-and-making-complaints-about-Ofsted
21. Onnismaa, E., and M. Kalliala. 2010. «Finnish ECEC Policy: Interpretations, Implementations and Implications.» Early Years 30 (3): 267–277.
22. Penn, H. 2007. «Childcare Market Management: How the UK Government has Reshaped its Role in Developing Early Education and Care.» Contemporary Issues in Early Childhood 8 (3): 192–207.
23. Penn, H. 2011. «Gambling on the Market: The Role of for-profit Provision in Early Childhood Education and Care.» Journal of Early Childhood Research 9 (2): 150–161.
24. Penn, H., and E. Lloyd. 2012. Childcare Costs. London: DfE Research Report forthcoming.
25. Plantegna, J. 2012. «Local Providers and Loyal Parents: Competition and Consumer Choice in a Dutch Childcare Market.» In Childcare Markets: Can They Deliver an Equitable Service, edited by E. Lloyd and H. Penn. Bristol: Policy Press.
26. Plantegna, J., and C. Remery. 2009. The Provision of Childcare Services. Brussels: European Commission, Department for Employment, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities.
27. UNESCO. 2010. Building the Wealth of Nations: Regional Reports from the UNESCO World Conference on Early Childhood Care and Education. Paris: UNESCO. http://www.unesco.org/new/en/world-conference-on-ecce/reports/
28. Verbist, G., M. Furster, and M. Vaalavuo. 2012. The Impact of Publicly Provided Services on the Distribution of Resources: Review of New Results and Methods. Paris: OECD. OECD Social, Employment and Migration Working Papers No. 130.
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