Смит К. Дискурсы детской безопасности: что говорят дети?
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Смит К. Дискурсы детской безопасности: что говорят дети? // Современное дошкольное образование. Теория и практика. – 2016. – №1. – С.68–78.
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В настоящей статье идет речь об исследовательском проекте, участниками которого стали дети. Им было предложено поделиться своими мнениями, в окружении кого и где они чувствуют себя безопасно или небезопасно. Всего в исследовании приняли участие тридцать девять детей от трех до пяти лет, посещавших дошкольные учреждения. Свои взгляды на проблему безопасности они выразили в беседах со взрослыми, а также через невербальные формы самовыражения. Исследование проводилось в Порт-Филиппе, районе австралийского города Мельбурн. В статье представлены результаты анализа дискурса детской безопасности, который был произведен с целью выявления, насколько забота о личной безопасности ограничивает возможности и стремление детей к самостоятельным действиям вне семьи и дома. Это исследование ставит педагогов, исследователей, чиновников и родителей перед вопросом: в какой степени взрослый надзор и контроль над детьми, призванные обеспечивать их безопасность, ограничивают их свободу.
1. Alderson, A. 2008. «Children as Researchers: Participation Rights and Research Methods.» In Research with Children: Perspectives and Practices, edited by P. Christensen and A. James, 276–290. Milton Park: Routledge.
2. Andrews, G., B. Gould, and J. Corry. 2002. «Child Sexual Abuse Revisited.» The Medical Journal of Australia 176 (10): 458–459.
3. Apter, M. J. 2007. Danger: Our Quest for Excitement. Oxford: One world.
4. Ball, S. 1990. «Introducing Monsieur Foucault.» In Foucault and Education, Discipline and Knowledge, edited by S. Ball. London: Routledge.
5. Beate Hansen Sandseter, E. 2009. «Children’s Expressions of Exhilaration and Fear in Risky Play.» Contemporary Issues in Early Childhood 10 (1): 92–106.
6. Campbell, S. 2001. A Social Justice Disposition in Young Children. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, The University of Melbourne.
7. Cannella, G. 1997. Deconstructing Early Childhood Education. New York: Peter Lang.
8. Cheal, D. 1991. Family and the State of Theory. New York: Harvester Whaetsheaf.
9. Clark, A., and Moss, P. 2001. Listening to Young Children. The Mosaic Approach. London: National Children’s Bureau and Joseph Rowntree Foundation. European Early Childhood Education Research Journal 535.
10. Commonwealth of Australia. 2009. Belonging, Being & Becoming. Barton: Australian Government Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations.
11. Department of Education and Early Childhood Development. 2009. Victorian Early Years Learning and Development Framework. East Melbourne: Early Childhood Strategy Division Department of Education and Early Childhood Development and Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority.
12. Diaz Soto, L. 2005. «Children make the Best Theorists.» In Power and Voice in Research with Children, edited by L. Diaz Soto and B. Swadener, 9–20. New York: Peter Lang.
13. Dockett, S., Einarstottir, J., and Perry, B.
2009. «Researching with Children: Ethical Tensions.» Journal of Early Childhood Research 7 (3): 283–298.
14. Fargas-Malet, M., McSherry, D., Larkin, E.
and Robinson, C. 2010. «Research with Children: Methodological Issues and Innovative Techniques.» Journal of Early Childhood Research 8 (2): 175–192.
15. Foucault, M. 1977. Discipline and Punish: The Birth of the Prison. London: Penguin. Books.
16. Giddens, A. 1991. Modernity and Self-Identity: Self and Society in the Late Modern Age. Cambridge: Polity Press.
17. Gill, T. 2007. No Fear: Growing up in a Risk Adverse Society. London: Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation.
18. Gore, J. 1995. «Foucault’s Poststructulism and Observational Education Research: A Study of Power Relations.» In After Postmodernism: Education, Politics and Identity, edited by R. Smith and P. Wexler, 77–89. London: Falmer Press.
19. Gore, J. 1998.»Dicipline Bodies: On the Continuity of Power Relations in Pedagogy.» In Foucault’s Challenge: Discourse, Knowledge and Power in Education, edited by T. S. Popkewitz and M. Brennan, 231–251. New York: Teachers College Press.
20. Government of Victoria. 2009. Children’s Services Regulation 2009. Melbourne: Government of Victoria.
21. Harden, J. 2000. «There’s No Place Like Home: The Public/private Distinction in Children’s Theorizing of Risk and Safety.» Childhood 7 (1): 43–59.
22. Hood, S., P. Kelley, B. Mayall, and A. Oakley. 1996. Children, Parents and Risk. London: Social Science Unit, Institute of Education.
23. Jenks, C. 1996. Childhood. London: Routledge.
24. Kelley, P., B. Mayall, and S. Hood. 1997. «Children’sAccounts of Risk.» Childhood 4 (3): 305–324.
25. Kotsanas, C. M. 2009. Sustaining Children’s Participation in Early Childhood Settings? Discourse, Power and the‘Danger’ of Participation Practices. Masters Thesis, Melbourne Graduate School of Education, The University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Australia.
26. Lundy, L., and L. McEvoy. 2009. «Developing Outcomes for Educational Services: A Children’s Rights-Based Approach.» Effective Education 1 (1): 43–60.
27. MacNaughton, G. 2005. Doing Foucault in Early Childhood Studies. Milton Park: Routledge.
28. MacNaughton, G. and Smith, K. 2005. «Exploring Ethics and Difference: The Choices and Challenges of Researching with Children.»In Exploring Ethical Research with Children, edited by A. Farrell, 112–123. Buckingham: Open University Press.
29. MacNaughton, G., and P. Hughes. 2009. Doing Action Research in Early Childhood Studies: A Step by Step Guide. Maidenhead: Open University Press.
30. MacNaughton, G., and K. Smith. 2008. «Engaging Ethically with Young Children: Principles and Practices for Listening and Responding with Care.» In Young Children as Active Citizens: Principles, Policies and Pedagogies, edited by G. MacNaughton, P. Hughes and K. Smith, 31–43. London: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
31. MacNaughton, G., and K. Smith. 2009. «Children’s Rights in Early Childhood.» In Introduction to Early Childhood Studies, edited by M. J. Kehily, 161–176. Open University Press/McGraw Hill.
32. Moran, E., D. Warde, L. Macleod, G. Mayes, and J. Gillies. 1997. «Stranger Danger: What do Children Know?» Child Abuse Review 6: 11–23.
33. Municipal Association of Victoria and Department of Education and Early Childhood Development. 2011. Municipal Early Years Planning Framework and Practical Resource Guide. Melbourne: Municipal Association of Victoria and Department of Education and Early Childhood Development.
34. Perry, B., and S. Dockett. 2011. «‘How ‘Bout we have a Celebration!’ Advice from Children on Starting School.» European Early Childhood Education Research Journal 19 (3): 373–386.
35. Prezza, M., Alparone, F., Cristallo, C.,
and Luigi, S. 2005. «Parental Perception of Social Risk and Positive Potentiality of Outdoor Autonomy for Children: The Development of Two Instruments.» Journal of Environmental Psychology 25: 437–453.
36. Rolfe, S. 2004. Rethinking Attachment for Early Childhood Practice Promoting Security, Autonomy and Resilience in Young Children. Crows Nest: Allen & Unwin.
37. Rolfe, S. 2008. «Children’s Voices in the Shere of Decision-Making about their Best Interests: The Case of the Child Protection System.» In Young Children as Active Citizens: Principles, Policies and Pedagogies, edited by G. MacNaughton, P. Hughes and K. Smith, 77–91. London: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
38. Saltmarch, S. 2010. «Lessons in Safety: Cultural Politics and Safety Education in a Multiracial, Multiethnic Early Childhood Education Setting.» Contemporary Issues in Early Childhood 11 (3): 288–297.
39. Sandseter, E. B. H. 2007a. «Categorising Risky Play – How can we Identify Risk-taking in Children’s Play?.» European Early Childhood Education Research Journal 15 (2): 237–252.
40. Sandseter, E. B. H. 2007b. «Risky Play among Four and Five-year-old Children in Preschool.» In Visions into Practice: Making Quality a Reality in the Lives of Young Children, conference proceedings, edited by S. O’Brien, P. Cassidy and H. Shonfeld, 248–257. Dublin: Centre for early childhood development and education.
41. Skar, M., and E. Krogh. 2009. «Changes in Children’s Nature-Based Experiences Near Home: From Spontaneous Play to Adult-controlled, Planned and Organised Activities.» Children’s Geographies 7 (3): 339–354.
42. Smith, K. 2004. Reconceptualising Observation in the Early Childhood Curriculum. Unpublished PhD Thesis, The University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Australia.
43. Smith, K. 2008. Uncovering the hierarchies of citizenship when implementing child participation in local government. Paper read at 18th EECERA Annual Conference, Reconsidering the Basics in Early Childhood Education, 3–6 September, at Stavanger, Norway.
44. Smith, K., K. Alexander, and G. MacNaughton. 2008. Respecting Children as Citizens in Local Government: Participation in Policies and Services Project. City of Port Phillip, Victoria.
45. Smith, K., and J. Smale. 2007. Listening to Children: Local Government Respecting Children’s Rights to Citizenship. Paper Read at Diversity in Early Childhood Education and Training (DECET) Conference «Foundations for Equal Opportunities for All in Early Childhood and Education», 18–20 October, at Brussels, Belgium.
46. Stephenson, A. 2003. «Physical Risk-taking: Dangerous or Endangered?» Early Years 23 (1): 35–43.
47. Sumsion, J. 2003. «Researching with Children: Lessons in Humility, Reciprocity, and Community.» Australian Journal of Early Childhood 28 (1): 18–23.
48. Taylor, L. 2007. Rethinking Professional Learning in Early Childhood. Unpublished PhD Thesis, The University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Australia.
49. Taylor, L. 2010. «Action Research.» In Doing Early Childhood Research: International Perspectives on Theory and Practice, edited by G. MacNaughton, S. A. Rolfe and I. Siraj-Blatchford, 291–308. Crows Nest: Allen & Unwin.
50. Timperio, A., Crawford, D., Telford, A., and Salmon, J. 2004. «Perceptions about the Local Neighbourhood and Walking and Cycling among Children.» Preventive Medicine 38: 39–47.
51. Tovey, H. 2007. Playing Outdoors: Spaces and Places, Risks and Challenge. Maidenhead: Open University Press.
52. UNESCO. 2006. United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child 2005 [cited 22 August 2006]. Available from www.unicef.org/crc/crc.htm.
53. Usher, R., and R. Edwards. 1994. Postmodernism and Education. Chatham: Routledge.
54. Weedon, C. 1987. Feminist Practice and Poststructuralist Theory. Oxford: Basil.
55. Whitzman, C., and Pike, L. 2007. From Battery-reared to Free Range Children. Melbourne: University of Melbourne.
56. Woodhead, M., and D. Faulkner. 2008. «Subjects, Objects or Participants?.»In Research with Children: Perspectives and Practices, edited by P. Christensen and A. James, 10–39. London and New York: Falmer Press.
57. Wyver, S., Tranter, P., Naughton, G., Little, H., Sandseter, E. B. H., and Bundy, A. 2010.
58. Contemporary Issues in Early Childhood 11 (3): 263–277.
2. Andrews, G., B. Gould, and J. Corry. 2002. «Child Sexual Abuse Revisited.» The Medical Journal of Australia 176 (10): 458–459.
3. Apter, M. J. 2007. Danger: Our Quest for Excitement. Oxford: One world.
4. Ball, S. 1990. «Introducing Monsieur Foucault.» In Foucault and Education, Discipline and Knowledge, edited by S. Ball. London: Routledge.
5. Beate Hansen Sandseter, E. 2009. «Children’s Expressions of Exhilaration and Fear in Risky Play.» Contemporary Issues in Early Childhood 10 (1): 92–106.
6. Campbell, S. 2001. A Social Justice Disposition in Young Children. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, The University of Melbourne.
7. Cannella, G. 1997. Deconstructing Early Childhood Education. New York: Peter Lang.
8. Cheal, D. 1991. Family and the State of Theory. New York: Harvester Whaetsheaf.
9. Clark, A., and Moss, P. 2001. Listening to Young Children. The Mosaic Approach. London: National Children’s Bureau and Joseph Rowntree Foundation. European Early Childhood Education Research Journal 535.
10. Commonwealth of Australia. 2009. Belonging, Being & Becoming. Barton: Australian Government Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations.
11. Department of Education and Early Childhood Development. 2009. Victorian Early Years Learning and Development Framework. East Melbourne: Early Childhood Strategy Division Department of Education and Early Childhood Development and Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority.
12. Diaz Soto, L. 2005. «Children make the Best Theorists.» In Power and Voice in Research with Children, edited by L. Diaz Soto and B. Swadener, 9–20. New York: Peter Lang.
13. Dockett, S., Einarstottir, J., and Perry, B.
2009. «Researching with Children: Ethical Tensions.» Journal of Early Childhood Research 7 (3): 283–298.
14. Fargas-Malet, M., McSherry, D., Larkin, E.
and Robinson, C. 2010. «Research with Children: Methodological Issues and Innovative Techniques.» Journal of Early Childhood Research 8 (2): 175–192.
15. Foucault, M. 1977. Discipline and Punish: The Birth of the Prison. London: Penguin. Books.
16. Giddens, A. 1991. Modernity and Self-Identity: Self and Society in the Late Modern Age. Cambridge: Polity Press.
17. Gill, T. 2007. No Fear: Growing up in a Risk Adverse Society. London: Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation.
18. Gore, J. 1995. «Foucault’s Poststructulism and Observational Education Research: A Study of Power Relations.» In After Postmodernism: Education, Politics and Identity, edited by R. Smith and P. Wexler, 77–89. London: Falmer Press.
19. Gore, J. 1998.»Dicipline Bodies: On the Continuity of Power Relations in Pedagogy.» In Foucault’s Challenge: Discourse, Knowledge and Power in Education, edited by T. S. Popkewitz and M. Brennan, 231–251. New York: Teachers College Press.
20. Government of Victoria. 2009. Children’s Services Regulation 2009. Melbourne: Government of Victoria.
21. Harden, J. 2000. «There’s No Place Like Home: The Public/private Distinction in Children’s Theorizing of Risk and Safety.» Childhood 7 (1): 43–59.
22. Hood, S., P. Kelley, B. Mayall, and A. Oakley. 1996. Children, Parents and Risk. London: Social Science Unit, Institute of Education.
23. Jenks, C. 1996. Childhood. London: Routledge.
24. Kelley, P., B. Mayall, and S. Hood. 1997. «Children’sAccounts of Risk.» Childhood 4 (3): 305–324.
25. Kotsanas, C. M. 2009. Sustaining Children’s Participation in Early Childhood Settings? Discourse, Power and the‘Danger’ of Participation Practices. Masters Thesis, Melbourne Graduate School of Education, The University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Australia.
26. Lundy, L., and L. McEvoy. 2009. «Developing Outcomes for Educational Services: A Children’s Rights-Based Approach.» Effective Education 1 (1): 43–60.
27. MacNaughton, G. 2005. Doing Foucault in Early Childhood Studies. Milton Park: Routledge.
28. MacNaughton, G. and Smith, K. 2005. «Exploring Ethics and Difference: The Choices and Challenges of Researching with Children.»In Exploring Ethical Research with Children, edited by A. Farrell, 112–123. Buckingham: Open University Press.
29. MacNaughton, G., and P. Hughes. 2009. Doing Action Research in Early Childhood Studies: A Step by Step Guide. Maidenhead: Open University Press.
30. MacNaughton, G., and K. Smith. 2008. «Engaging Ethically with Young Children: Principles and Practices for Listening and Responding with Care.» In Young Children as Active Citizens: Principles, Policies and Pedagogies, edited by G. MacNaughton, P. Hughes and K. Smith, 31–43. London: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
31. MacNaughton, G., and K. Smith. 2009. «Children’s Rights in Early Childhood.» In Introduction to Early Childhood Studies, edited by M. J. Kehily, 161–176. Open University Press/McGraw Hill.
32. Moran, E., D. Warde, L. Macleod, G. Mayes, and J. Gillies. 1997. «Stranger Danger: What do Children Know?» Child Abuse Review 6: 11–23.
33. Municipal Association of Victoria and Department of Education and Early Childhood Development. 2011. Municipal Early Years Planning Framework and Practical Resource Guide. Melbourne: Municipal Association of Victoria and Department of Education and Early Childhood Development.
34. Perry, B., and S. Dockett. 2011. «‘How ‘Bout we have a Celebration!’ Advice from Children on Starting School.» European Early Childhood Education Research Journal 19 (3): 373–386.
35. Prezza, M., Alparone, F., Cristallo, C.,
and Luigi, S. 2005. «Parental Perception of Social Risk and Positive Potentiality of Outdoor Autonomy for Children: The Development of Two Instruments.» Journal of Environmental Psychology 25: 437–453.
36. Rolfe, S. 2004. Rethinking Attachment for Early Childhood Practice Promoting Security, Autonomy and Resilience in Young Children. Crows Nest: Allen & Unwin.
37. Rolfe, S. 2008. «Children’s Voices in the Shere of Decision-Making about their Best Interests: The Case of the Child Protection System.» In Young Children as Active Citizens: Principles, Policies and Pedagogies, edited by G. MacNaughton, P. Hughes and K. Smith, 77–91. London: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
38. Saltmarch, S. 2010. «Lessons in Safety: Cultural Politics and Safety Education in a Multiracial, Multiethnic Early Childhood Education Setting.» Contemporary Issues in Early Childhood 11 (3): 288–297.
39. Sandseter, E. B. H. 2007a. «Categorising Risky Play – How can we Identify Risk-taking in Children’s Play?.» European Early Childhood Education Research Journal 15 (2): 237–252.
40. Sandseter, E. B. H. 2007b. «Risky Play among Four and Five-year-old Children in Preschool.» In Visions into Practice: Making Quality a Reality in the Lives of Young Children, conference proceedings, edited by S. O’Brien, P. Cassidy and H. Shonfeld, 248–257. Dublin: Centre for early childhood development and education.
41. Skar, M., and E. Krogh. 2009. «Changes in Children’s Nature-Based Experiences Near Home: From Spontaneous Play to Adult-controlled, Planned and Organised Activities.» Children’s Geographies 7 (3): 339–354.
42. Smith, K. 2004. Reconceptualising Observation in the Early Childhood Curriculum. Unpublished PhD Thesis, The University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Australia.
43. Smith, K. 2008. Uncovering the hierarchies of citizenship when implementing child participation in local government. Paper read at 18th EECERA Annual Conference, Reconsidering the Basics in Early Childhood Education, 3–6 September, at Stavanger, Norway.
44. Smith, K., K. Alexander, and G. MacNaughton. 2008. Respecting Children as Citizens in Local Government: Participation in Policies and Services Project. City of Port Phillip, Victoria.
45. Smith, K., and J. Smale. 2007. Listening to Children: Local Government Respecting Children’s Rights to Citizenship. Paper Read at Diversity in Early Childhood Education and Training (DECET) Conference «Foundations for Equal Opportunities for All in Early Childhood and Education», 18–20 October, at Brussels, Belgium.
46. Stephenson, A. 2003. «Physical Risk-taking: Dangerous or Endangered?» Early Years 23 (1): 35–43.
47. Sumsion, J. 2003. «Researching with Children: Lessons in Humility, Reciprocity, and Community.» Australian Journal of Early Childhood 28 (1): 18–23.
48. Taylor, L. 2007. Rethinking Professional Learning in Early Childhood. Unpublished PhD Thesis, The University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Australia.
49. Taylor, L. 2010. «Action Research.» In Doing Early Childhood Research: International Perspectives on Theory and Practice, edited by G. MacNaughton, S. A. Rolfe and I. Siraj-Blatchford, 291–308. Crows Nest: Allen & Unwin.
50. Timperio, A., Crawford, D., Telford, A., and Salmon, J. 2004. «Perceptions about the Local Neighbourhood and Walking and Cycling among Children.» Preventive Medicine 38: 39–47.
51. Tovey, H. 2007. Playing Outdoors: Spaces and Places, Risks and Challenge. Maidenhead: Open University Press.
52. UNESCO. 2006. United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child 2005 [cited 22 August 2006]. Available from www.unicef.org/crc/crc.htm.
53. Usher, R., and R. Edwards. 1994. Postmodernism and Education. Chatham: Routledge.
54. Weedon, C. 1987. Feminist Practice and Poststructuralist Theory. Oxford: Basil.
55. Whitzman, C., and Pike, L. 2007. From Battery-reared to Free Range Children. Melbourne: University of Melbourne.
56. Woodhead, M., and D. Faulkner. 2008. «Subjects, Objects or Participants?.»In Research with Children: Perspectives and Practices, edited by P. Christensen and A. James, 10–39. London and New York: Falmer Press.
57. Wyver, S., Tranter, P., Naughton, G., Little, H., Sandseter, E. B. H., and Bundy, A. 2010.
58. Contemporary Issues in Early Childhood 11 (3): 263–277.
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