ван дер Аалсвоорт Г., Пракке Б., Хоуард Д., Кёниг А., Парккинен Т. Как студенты-педагоги воспринимают детские игры и свою роль в детских играх
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ван дер Аалсвоорт Г., Пракке Б., Хоуард Д., Кёниг А., Парккинен Т. Как студенты-педагоги воспринимают детские игры и свою роль в детских играх // Современное дошкольное образование. Теория и практика. – 2016. – №4. – С.68–79.
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Для анализа взглядов студентов-педагогов на детские игры нами было предпринято сравнительное исследование, в котором участвовали студенты из Нидерландов, Уэльса, Германии и Финляндии. Всего в исследовании приняли участие 31 нидерландский, 37 валлийских, 40 немецких и 19 финских студентов-педагогов. Им было предложено просмотреть четыре видеоролика с занятиями дошкольников и в свободной форме ответить на четыре вопроса относительно увиденного. Анализ полученных ответов преследовал две цели. Во-первых, мы сравнивали их с точки зрения наличия в них различных характеристик игры. Во-вторых, мы анализировали, как участники из разных стран характеризовали роль педагогов в просмотренных ими детских занятиях. Аналитический метод позволил выявить значительные расхождения во взглядах участников. Авторы пришли к выводу, что различия во взглядах участников могут корениться в характере педагогического образования. Восприятие педагогами детских игр и своих ролей в них, по-видимому, зависит от того, в какой степени эта проблема затрагивается в образовательных программах педагогических учебных заведений.
1. Alvarez, L. 2004. «Suutarila Journal; Educators Flocking to Finland, Land of Literate Children.» New York Times, April 9, 2004.
2. Ashida, H., K. Kadota, K. Akita, M. Suzuki, T. Noguchi, Y. Oda, L. Fried, and A. Konig. 2007. «Comparative Study of Perceptions of Early Childhood Education among Japanese, German, and US Preschool Teachers using Multi-vocal Ethnography Method.» International Journal of Early Childhood Education 13 (2): 79–96.
3. Bodrova, E. 2008. «Make-believe Play versus Academic Skills: A Vygotskian Approach to Today’s Dilemma of Early Childhood Education.» European Early Childhood Education Research Journal 16 (3): 357–369.
4. Burts, D. C., C. H. Hart, R. Charlesworth, and L. Kirk. 1990. «A Comparison of Frequencies of Stress Behaviors Observed in Kindergarten Children in Classrooms with Developmentally Appropriate versus Developmentally Inappropriate Instructional Practices.» Early Childhood Research Quarterly 5: 407–423.
5. Cohen, D. 2006. The Development of Play. 3rd ed. NY: New York University Press.
6. Department for Education and Skills. 2007. The Early Years Foundation Stage. Nottingham: DfES Publications.
7. Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Erziehung-swissenschaft. 2007. «Kerncurriculum fur konsekutive Bachelor-/Masterstudiengange im Hauptfach Erziehungswissenschaft mit der Studienrichtung Padagogik der fruhen Kindheit.» In Kerncurriculum Erziehungswissenschaft. Empfehlungen der Deutschen Gesellschaft fur Erziehungswissenschaft (DGfE), edited by DGfE (Hrsg.), 57–64. Berlin: Sonderband.
8. Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Erziehung-
swissenschaft. 2008. «Kerncurriculum fur konsekutive Bachelor-/Masterstudiengange im Hauptfach Erziehungswissenschaft mit der Studienrichtung Padagogik der fruhen Kindheit.» In Kerncurriculum Erziehungswissenschaft. Empfehlungen der Deutschen Gesellschaft fur Erziehungswissenschaft (DGfE), edited by DGfE (Hrsg.), 57–64. Berlin: Sonderband.
9. Gilliam, W.S. 2010. «Coordinating America’s Highly Diversified Early Childhood Investment Portfolio.» In Investing in Young Children: New Directions in Federal Preschool and Early Childhood Policy, edited by R. Haskins and W. S. Barnett. New York: Brookings and NIEER.
10. Golinkoff, R. M., K. Hirsh-Pasek, D. Singer. 2006. «Play-Learning: A Challenge for Parents and Educators.» In Play=Learning: How Play Motivates and Enhances Children’s Cognitive and Social-emotional Growth, edited by D. Singer, R. M. Golinkoff, and K. Hirsh-Pasek, 3–15. New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
11. Harkness, S., and C.M. Super. 2006. «Themes and Variations: Parental Ethnotheories in Western Cultures.» In Parenting Beliefs, Behaviors, and Parent-Child Relations: A Cross-Cultural Perspective, edited by K. H. Rubins and O. B. Chung, 61–81. New York, NY: Psychology Press.
12. Hirsh-Pasek, K., R. M. Golinkoff, L. E. Berk, and D. Singer. 2009. A Mandate for Playful Learning in Preschool: Presenting the Evidence. New York: Oxford University Press.
13. Howard, J. 2002. «Eliciting Young Children’s Perceptions of Play, Work and Learning Using the Activity Apperception Story Procedure.» Early Child Development and Care 172 (5): 489–502.
14. Howard, J. 2010. «Early Years Practitioners’ Perceptions of Play: An Exploration of Theoretical Understanding, Planning and Involvement, Confidence and Barriers to Practice.» Education & Child Psychology 27 (4): 91–102.
15. Hyson, M., H. B. Tomlinson, and C. A. S. Morris. 2009. «Quality Improvement in Early Childhood Teacher Education: Faculty Perspectives and Recommendations for the Future.» Early Childhood Research and Practice 11 (1): 1–38.
16. Hyvonen, P. 2011. «Play in the School Context? The Perspectives of Finnish Teachers.» Australian Journal of Teacher Education 38 (8): 65–83.
17. Izumi-Taylor, S., I. Pramling Samuelsson, and C. S. Rogers. 2010. «Perspectives of Play in Three Nations: A Comparative Study in Japan, Sweden and the United States.» Early Childhood Research and Practice 12 (1): 1–13.
18. Jepma, Y., and P. Muller. 2012. Handreiking HBO in de voorschoolse sector [Guidelines for higher education in preschool education]. Utrecht: Sardes.
19. KMK. 2000. Rahmenvereinbarungen zur Ausbildung und Prufung von Erzieherinnen. Beschluss der Kultusministerkonferenz vom 28.01.2000.
20. Konig, A., and G. M. van der Aalsvoort. 2009. «Attitudes of Dutch and German Pre-school Teachers Towards Professional Childcare: A Cultural Comparison.» Early Years 29 (3): 249–260.
21. Kwakkel-Scheffer, N. 2006. «Het belang van spelen op school.» In Puur plezier. Spelsuggesties voor de basisschool [Pure pleasure. Suggestions for play in primary school], edited by G. M. van der Aalsvoort, J. J. C. Kwakkel, and A. K. de Vries (Red.), 13–36. Leuven: ACCO.
22. Lindon, J. 2001. Understanding Children’s Play. Cheltenham: Nelson Thornes.
23. Martlew, J., C. Stephen, and J. Ellis. 2011. «Play in the Primary School Classroom? The Experience of Teachers Supporting Children’s Learning through a New Pedagogy.» Early Years 31 (1): 71–83.
24. McInnes, K., J. Howard, G. Miles, and K. Crowley. 2009. «Behavioural Differences Exhibited by Children when Practicing a Task Under Formal and Playful Conditions.» Educational and Child Psychology 26 (2): 31–39.
25. Mena Marcos, J. J., and H. Tillema. 2006. «Studying Studies on Teacher Reflection and Action: An Appraisal of Research Contributions.» Educational Research Review 1: 112–132.
26. Miller, E., and J. Almon. 2009. Crisis in Kindergarten: Why Children Need to Play in School. College Park, MD: Alliance for Childhood.
27. Morgan, A. E., and E. S. Kennewell. 2006. «Initial Teacher Education Students’ Views on Play as a Medium for Learning – a Divergence of Personal Philosophy and Practice.» Technology, Pedagogy and Education 15 (3): 307–320. doi:10.1080/14759390600923691
28. Oehler, E. 2012. Pre-School Education in Germany. Online-redaction. Goethe: Deutschland.
29. Onderwijsraad. 2010. Naar een nieuwe kleuterperiode in de basisschool [To a new Kindergarten in primary education]. Den Haag: Onderwijsraad.
30. Robert Bosch Stiftung. 2008. Qualifikationsrahmen Fruhpadagogik B.A. http://www.erzieherin.de/assets/files/ausbildung/2009
31. Rogers, S. 2011. Rethinking Play and Pedagogy in Early Childhood Education: Concepts Contexts and Cultures. Oxon: Routledge.
32. SBL. 2004. Bekwaamheidseisen PO [Competences in primary education]. Utrecht: SBL.
33. Surbeck, E. 2009. «Put ‘Academic Content’ in Early Childhood Education and Early Childhood Teacher Education: A Response to Hyson et al.» Early Childhood Research and Practice 11 (1): 39–43.
34. Van der Aalsvoort, G. M., B. Prakke, A. Konig, and S. Goorhuis. 2010. «Preschool Teachers’ and Students’ Attitudes Towards Playful Preschool Activities: A Cross-cultural Comparison Between Germany and the Netherlands.» International Journal of Early Years Education 18 (4): 349–363.
35. Vygotsky, L. S. 1978. «The Role of Play in Development.» In Mind in Society. The Development of Higher Psychological Processes, edited by L. S. Vygotsky, 92–104. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
36. Warford, M. K. 2011. «The Zone of Proximal Teacher Development.» Teacher and Teacher Education 27: 252–258.
37. Welsh Assembly Government. 2003. The Learning Country: The Foundation Phase – 3-7-Years. Cardiff: Welsh Assembly Government.
38. Whitebread, D., and P. Coltman, eds. 2008. Teaching and Learning in the Early Years. London: Routledge.
39. Whitebread, D., P. Coltman, H. Jameson, and R. Lander. 2009. «Play, Cognition and Self-regulation: What Exactly are Children Learning When They Learn Through Play.» Educational and Child Psychology 26 (2): 40–52.
40. Wood, E., and J. Attfield. 2005. Play, Learning and the Early Childhood Curriculum. London: Paul Chapman Publishing.
2. Ashida, H., K. Kadota, K. Akita, M. Suzuki, T. Noguchi, Y. Oda, L. Fried, and A. Konig. 2007. «Comparative Study of Perceptions of Early Childhood Education among Japanese, German, and US Preschool Teachers using Multi-vocal Ethnography Method.» International Journal of Early Childhood Education 13 (2): 79–96.
3. Bodrova, E. 2008. «Make-believe Play versus Academic Skills: A Vygotskian Approach to Today’s Dilemma of Early Childhood Education.» European Early Childhood Education Research Journal 16 (3): 357–369.
4. Burts, D. C., C. H. Hart, R. Charlesworth, and L. Kirk. 1990. «A Comparison of Frequencies of Stress Behaviors Observed in Kindergarten Children in Classrooms with Developmentally Appropriate versus Developmentally Inappropriate Instructional Practices.» Early Childhood Research Quarterly 5: 407–423.
5. Cohen, D. 2006. The Development of Play. 3rd ed. NY: New York University Press.
6. Department for Education and Skills. 2007. The Early Years Foundation Stage. Nottingham: DfES Publications.
7. Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Erziehung-swissenschaft. 2007. «Kerncurriculum fur konsekutive Bachelor-/Masterstudiengange im Hauptfach Erziehungswissenschaft mit der Studienrichtung Padagogik der fruhen Kindheit.» In Kerncurriculum Erziehungswissenschaft. Empfehlungen der Deutschen Gesellschaft fur Erziehungswissenschaft (DGfE), edited by DGfE (Hrsg.), 57–64. Berlin: Sonderband.
8. Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Erziehung-
swissenschaft. 2008. «Kerncurriculum fur konsekutive Bachelor-/Masterstudiengange im Hauptfach Erziehungswissenschaft mit der Studienrichtung Padagogik der fruhen Kindheit.» In Kerncurriculum Erziehungswissenschaft. Empfehlungen der Deutschen Gesellschaft fur Erziehungswissenschaft (DGfE), edited by DGfE (Hrsg.), 57–64. Berlin: Sonderband.
9. Gilliam, W.S. 2010. «Coordinating America’s Highly Diversified Early Childhood Investment Portfolio.» In Investing in Young Children: New Directions in Federal Preschool and Early Childhood Policy, edited by R. Haskins and W. S. Barnett. New York: Brookings and NIEER.
10. Golinkoff, R. M., K. Hirsh-Pasek, D. Singer. 2006. «Play-Learning: A Challenge for Parents and Educators.» In Play=Learning: How Play Motivates and Enhances Children’s Cognitive and Social-emotional Growth, edited by D. Singer, R. M. Golinkoff, and K. Hirsh-Pasek, 3–15. New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
11. Harkness, S., and C.M. Super. 2006. «Themes and Variations: Parental Ethnotheories in Western Cultures.» In Parenting Beliefs, Behaviors, and Parent-Child Relations: A Cross-Cultural Perspective, edited by K. H. Rubins and O. B. Chung, 61–81. New York, NY: Psychology Press.
12. Hirsh-Pasek, K., R. M. Golinkoff, L. E. Berk, and D. Singer. 2009. A Mandate for Playful Learning in Preschool: Presenting the Evidence. New York: Oxford University Press.
13. Howard, J. 2002. «Eliciting Young Children’s Perceptions of Play, Work and Learning Using the Activity Apperception Story Procedure.» Early Child Development and Care 172 (5): 489–502.
14. Howard, J. 2010. «Early Years Practitioners’ Perceptions of Play: An Exploration of Theoretical Understanding, Planning and Involvement, Confidence and Barriers to Practice.» Education & Child Psychology 27 (4): 91–102.
15. Hyson, M., H. B. Tomlinson, and C. A. S. Morris. 2009. «Quality Improvement in Early Childhood Teacher Education: Faculty Perspectives and Recommendations for the Future.» Early Childhood Research and Practice 11 (1): 1–38.
16. Hyvonen, P. 2011. «Play in the School Context? The Perspectives of Finnish Teachers.» Australian Journal of Teacher Education 38 (8): 65–83.
17. Izumi-Taylor, S., I. Pramling Samuelsson, and C. S. Rogers. 2010. «Perspectives of Play in Three Nations: A Comparative Study in Japan, Sweden and the United States.» Early Childhood Research and Practice 12 (1): 1–13.
18. Jepma, Y., and P. Muller. 2012. Handreiking HBO in de voorschoolse sector [Guidelines for higher education in preschool education]. Utrecht: Sardes.
19. KMK. 2000. Rahmenvereinbarungen zur Ausbildung und Prufung von Erzieherinnen. Beschluss der Kultusministerkonferenz vom 28.01.2000.
20. Konig, A., and G. M. van der Aalsvoort. 2009. «Attitudes of Dutch and German Pre-school Teachers Towards Professional Childcare: A Cultural Comparison.» Early Years 29 (3): 249–260.
21. Kwakkel-Scheffer, N. 2006. «Het belang van spelen op school.» In Puur plezier. Spelsuggesties voor de basisschool [Pure pleasure. Suggestions for play in primary school], edited by G. M. van der Aalsvoort, J. J. C. Kwakkel, and A. K. de Vries (Red.), 13–36. Leuven: ACCO.
22. Lindon, J. 2001. Understanding Children’s Play. Cheltenham: Nelson Thornes.
23. Martlew, J., C. Stephen, and J. Ellis. 2011. «Play in the Primary School Classroom? The Experience of Teachers Supporting Children’s Learning through a New Pedagogy.» Early Years 31 (1): 71–83.
24. McInnes, K., J. Howard, G. Miles, and K. Crowley. 2009. «Behavioural Differences Exhibited by Children when Practicing a Task Under Formal and Playful Conditions.» Educational and Child Psychology 26 (2): 31–39.
25. Mena Marcos, J. J., and H. Tillema. 2006. «Studying Studies on Teacher Reflection and Action: An Appraisal of Research Contributions.» Educational Research Review 1: 112–132.
26. Miller, E., and J. Almon. 2009. Crisis in Kindergarten: Why Children Need to Play in School. College Park, MD: Alliance for Childhood.
27. Morgan, A. E., and E. S. Kennewell. 2006. «Initial Teacher Education Students’ Views on Play as a Medium for Learning – a Divergence of Personal Philosophy and Practice.» Technology, Pedagogy and Education 15 (3): 307–320. doi:10.1080/14759390600923691
28. Oehler, E. 2012. Pre-School Education in Germany. Online-redaction. Goethe: Deutschland.
29. Onderwijsraad. 2010. Naar een nieuwe kleuterperiode in de basisschool [To a new Kindergarten in primary education]. Den Haag: Onderwijsraad.
30. Robert Bosch Stiftung. 2008. Qualifikationsrahmen Fruhpadagogik B.A. http://www.erzieherin.de/assets/files/ausbildung/2009
31. Rogers, S. 2011. Rethinking Play and Pedagogy in Early Childhood Education: Concepts Contexts and Cultures. Oxon: Routledge.
32. SBL. 2004. Bekwaamheidseisen PO [Competences in primary education]. Utrecht: SBL.
33. Surbeck, E. 2009. «Put ‘Academic Content’ in Early Childhood Education and Early Childhood Teacher Education: A Response to Hyson et al.» Early Childhood Research and Practice 11 (1): 39–43.
34. Van der Aalsvoort, G. M., B. Prakke, A. Konig, and S. Goorhuis. 2010. «Preschool Teachers’ and Students’ Attitudes Towards Playful Preschool Activities: A Cross-cultural Comparison Between Germany and the Netherlands.» International Journal of Early Years Education 18 (4): 349–363.
35. Vygotsky, L. S. 1978. «The Role of Play in Development.» In Mind in Society. The Development of Higher Psychological Processes, edited by L. S. Vygotsky, 92–104. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
36. Warford, M. K. 2011. «The Zone of Proximal Teacher Development.» Teacher and Teacher Education 27: 252–258.
37. Welsh Assembly Government. 2003. The Learning Country: The Foundation Phase – 3-7-Years. Cardiff: Welsh Assembly Government.
38. Whitebread, D., and P. Coltman, eds. 2008. Teaching and Learning in the Early Years. London: Routledge.
39. Whitebread, D., P. Coltman, H. Jameson, and R. Lander. 2009. «Play, Cognition and Self-regulation: What Exactly are Children Learning When They Learn Through Play.» Educational and Child Psychology 26 (2): 40–52.
40. Wood, E., and J. Attfield. 2005. Play, Learning and the Early Childhood Curriculum. London: Paul Chapman Publishing.
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