Зырянова Н.М. Исследование представлений детей старшего дошкольного возраста
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Зырянова Н.М. Исследование представлений детей старшего дошкольного возраста // Современное дошкольное образование. Теория и практика. – 2017. – №10. – С.22–32.
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В статье описывается московское лонгитюдное исследование образа мира у старших дошкольников как пример современного подхода к анализу психологических особенностей детей раннего возраста. Исследования последних десятилетий рассматривают маленьких детей как активных и полноправных участников исследовательского процесса и стремятся к тому, чтобы слушать и слышать голос самого ребенка. Для этих целей разрабатываются новые методологические подходы – феноменологический, нарративный, «мозаичный» и др. В их рамках создаются новые диагностические методики. Изучаются условия эффективного проведения исследований с участием детей младшего возраста, получения от них достоверной и адекватной информации. Московский лонгитюд был запущен в 1992 году, сразу после начала кардинальных социально-экономических реформ в России. Его цель – проанализировать влияние изменений, происходящих в стране, на представления детей старшего дошкольного возраста. В исследовании участвуют дети шести лет, посещающие детские сады Москвы. С каждым ребенком проводится структурированое интервью-беседа о представлениях детей о своей жизни, о них самих, о том, что происходит в России и в мире. На сегодняшний день выполнено шесть срезов. Каждый срез был связан с какими-то значимыми социальными, экономическими, политическими изменениями в России. В 2016–2017 годах исследование продолжается. Основным методом исследования является качественный анализ, дающий возможность взглянуть на жизнь детей их глазами, оценить новые возможности и риски для развития детей в современном мире. Данная работа является единственным в России исследованием, охватывающим более двух десятилетий и позволяющим не только выявить особенности аттитюдов детей в определенной социальной ситуации, но и зафиксировать их изменения.
1. Егорова М.С., Зырянова Н.М., Пьянкова С.Д., Черткова Ю.Д. Из жизни детей дошкольного возраста. Дети в изменяющемся мире. – М., 2001.
2. Егорова М.С., Зверева О.В. Влияние структуры семьи на представление дошкольников о желаемой семье // Психологические исследования. – 2009. – №5.
3. Егорова М.С., Алексеева О.С., Зырянова Н.М., Козлова И.Е., Панкратова А.А.,
Паршикова О.В. Пьянкова С.Д., Черткова Ю.Д. Дошкольники нового века // Образовательная политика. – 2012. – №6(62). – С. 54–70.
4. Зырянова Н.М. Счастье есть? (Счастливы ли дети в кризис?) // Психологические исследования: электрон. науч. журн. – 2010. – №5(13).
5. Зырянова Н.М. Особенности образа мира у современных старших дошкольников // Материалы Всероссийской заочной научно-практической конференции «Актуальные проблемы психолого-педагогического сопровождения образования в условиях реализации ФГОС нового поколения». Орехово-Зуево. – М., 2014. – С. 225–228.
6. Квале С. Исследовательское интервью. – М.: Смысл, 2003.
7. Леонтьев Д.А. Психология смысла: природа, строение и динамика смысловой реальности. – М. 2003.
8. Паскаль К., Бертрам Т., Прислушиваясь к маленьким детям: борьба за внедрение парадигмы участия в исследованиях раннего детства // Современное дошкольное образование. Теория и практика. – 2015. – №1. – С. 68.
9. Belsky J. Differential susceptibility to rearing influence: An evolutionary hypothesis and some evidence. In B. Ellis & D. Bjorklund (Eds.), Origins of the social mind: Evolutionary psychology and child development. 2005. pp. 139–163. New York: Guilford.
10. Brainerd C., Reyna V., Ceci S. Developmental reversals in falsememory: A review of data and theory. Psychological Bulletin. 2008. 134. 343–382.
11. Brubacher S., Poole D., Dickinson J. The use of ground rules in investigative interviews with children: A synthesis and call for research. Developmental Review. 2015. 36. 15–33.
12. Brubacher S., Powell M., Snow P., Skouteris H., Manger B. Guidelines for teachers to elicit detailed and accurate narrative accounts from children. Children and Youth Services Review. 2016. 63. 83–92.
13. Burns N., Grove S. The Practice of Nursing Research Conduct, Critique & Utlization.2001. W.B. Saunders Company, USA.
14. Ceci, S. J., Kulkofsky, S., Klemfuss, J. Z., Sweeney, C. D., Bruck, M. Unwarranted assumptions about children’s testimonial accuracy. Annual Review of Clinical Psychology, 2007a. 3, 311–328.
15. Ceci S., Papierno P., Kulkofsky S. Representational constraints on children’s suggestibility. Psychological Science 2007b. 18. 503–509.
16. Ceci S., Loftus E., Leichtman M., Bruck M. The possible role of source misattributions in the creation of false beliefs among preschoolers. International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis. 1994. 62. 304–320.
17. Chae Y., Goodman G., Larson R. , Augusti E., Alley D., VanMeenen K., Coulter K. Children’s memory and suggestibility about a distressing event: The role of children’s and parents’ attachment. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology. 2014. 123. 90–111.
18. Clark A., Moss P. Listening to young children. The Mosaic approach. London. 2015.
19. Colaizzi P. Psychosocial research as a phenomenologist view. sit. In: Valle. R., King M. (Eds.). Existential-Phenomenological Alternatives for Psychology. Oxford University Press, NewYork, 1978. pp.47–71.
20. Coles R. The Moral Life of Children. 1986. Boston: Atlantic Monthly Press.
21. Denzin N.K., Lincoln Y.S. Introduction: The discipline and practice of qualitative research // The handbook of qualitative research. Second edition / Ed. by N.K. Denzin and Y.S. Lincoln. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. 2000. P.1-28.
22. Egorova M.S., Zyryanova N.M., Pankratova A.A., Parshikova O.V., Chertkova Y.D. Dreams and desires of preschoolers, Procedia – Social and Behavioral Sciences, ElsevierLtd., Амстердам, 2016, 233, 463 – 466.
23. Fivush R., Schwarzmueller A. Say it once again: Effects of repeated questions on children’s event recall. Journal of Traumatic Stress, 1995. 8, 555–580.
24. Habermas T., Bluck S. Getting a life: The emergence of the life story in adolescence //Psychol. Bull. 2000. 126. P. 748–769.
25. Hatch J. Young children as informants in classroom studies. Early Childhood Research Quarterly. 1990. 5(2). 251-264.
26. Hershkowitz I., Lamb M., Orbach Y., Katz C., Horowitz D. The development of communicative and narrative skills among preschoolers: Lessons from forensic interviews about child abuse. Child Development. 2012. 83. 611–622.
27. Howe M.L., Courage M.L. The emergence and early development of autobiographical memory// Psychol. Rev. 1997. 104. P. 499–523.
28. Hritz, C. E. Royer, R.K. Helm, K.A. Burd, K. Ojeda, S. J. Ceci. Children’s suggestibility research: Things to know before interviewing a child. A. C. Anuario de Psicologнa Jurнdica. 2015. 25. 3–12.
29. Irwin L., Johnson J. Interviewing young children: Explicating our practices and dilemmas. Qualitative Health Research. 2005. 15(6). 821-831.
30. Jouhki M-R, Suominen T., Peltonen K., Еstedt-Kurki P. Participation in siblings’ birth at home from children’s viewpoint. Midwifery. 34(2016). 150–157
31. Keary K., Fitzpatrick C. Children’s disclosure of sexual abuse during formal investigations. Child Abuse & Neglect. 1994.18. 543–548.
32. Leichtman M., Ceci S. The effects of stereotypes and suggestions on preschoolers’ reports. Developmental Psychology. 1995. 31. 568–578.
33. Livingston Smith S. Facilitating adoptions from care: A compendium of effective and promising practices.2014. London: BAAF.
34. Lloyd-Smith M. and Tarr J. Researching children’s perspectives: a sociological dimension. In: Lewis A., Lindsay G. (Eds.) Researching Children’s Perspectives. 2000. Buckingham, Philadelphia: Open University Press.
35. McAdams D.P. The Psychology of Life Stories. Review of General Psychology 2001. Vol. 5, N 2, p. 100–122.
36. McAdams D.P., Janis, L. (2004). Narrative identity and narrative therapy. In L.E. Angus, & J. McLeod (Eds.), The handbook of narrative and psychotherapy. 2004 Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. (pp. 159–173).
37. McAdams, D.P., McLean, K.C. (2013). Narrative identity. Current Directions in Psychological Science, 2013. 22(3), 233–238.
38. Melinder A., Alexander K., Il Cho Young, Goodman G., Thoresen C., Lonnum K., Magnussen S. Children’s eyewitness memory: A comparison of two interviewing strategies as realized by forensic professionals.. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology. 2010. 105.156–177.
39. Moston S. The suggestibility of children in interview studies. First Language, 1987. 7, 67–78.
40. Neisser U., Fivush R. (Eds). Constructing narrative, emotion, and self in parent-child conversations about the past // The remembering self. N. Y. 1994. P. 136–157.
41. Otgaar H., Howe M., Peters M., Sauerland M., Raymaekers L. Developmental trends in different types of spontaneous false memories: implications for the legal field. Behavioral Sciences and the Law. 2013. 31. 666–682.
42. Powell M., Hughes-Scholes C., Sharman S. Skill in interviewing reduces confirmation bias. Journal of Investigative Psychology and Offender Profiling, 2012. 9, 126–134.
43. Price H., Roberts K., Collins A., The quality of children’s allegations of abuse in investigative interviews containing practice narratives. Journal of Applied Research in Memory and Cognition. 2013. 2. 1–6.
44. Principe G., Schindewolf E. Natural conversations as a source of false memories in children: Implications for the testimony of young witnesses. Developmental Review. 2012. 32, 205–223.
45. Principe G., Guiliano S, Root C. Rumor mongering and remembering: How rumors originating in children’s inferences can affect memory. Journal Of Experimental Child Psychology. 2008. 99. 135–155.
46. Punch S. Research with children: The Same or Different from Research with Adults? Childhood. 2002. 9(3). 321-341.
47. Quas J., Lench, H. Arousal at encoding, arousal at retrieval, interviewer support, and children’s memory for a mild stressor. Applied Cognitive Psychology. 2007. 21. 289–305.
48. Roberts K., Lamb M., Sternberg K. The effects of rapport-building style on children’s reports of a staged event. Applied Cognitive Psychology. 2004. 18. 189–202.
49. Roebers C. M., Fernandez O. The effects of accuracy motivation and children’s and adults’ event recall, suggestibility, and their answers to unanswerable questions. Journal of Cognition and Development, 2002. 3, 415–443.
50. Rohwer M., Kloo D., Perner J. Escape from metaignorance: How children develop an understanding of their own lack of knowledge. Child Development, 2012. 83, 1869–1883.
51. Royer, C. The suggestive influence of different lineup presentations on memory: A study of children and adult (Unpublished master’s thesis). 2014. Cornell University, Ithaca, NY.
52. Sternberg K., Lamb M., Hershkowitz I., Yudilevitch L., Orbach Y., Esplin P. Hovav M. Effects of introductory style on children’s abilities to describe experiences of sexual abuse. Child Abuse & Neglect, 1997. 21. 1133–1146.
53. Sylva K., Melhuish E., Sammons P., Siraj-Blatchford I., Taggart B. The Effective Provision of Pre-School Education (EPPE) Project: Final Report. 2004. London: DfES/Institute of Education, University of London.
54. Sylva K., Pugh G. Transforming the early years in England. Oxford Review of Education. 2005. 31 (1), 11–27.
55. Thomas D.R. A general inductive approach for analyzing qualitative evaluation data. American Journal of Evaluation, 2006. 27(2), 237–246.
56. Toglia, M. P., Ross, D. F., Ceci, S. K., Hembrooke, H. The suggestibility of children’s memory: A social-psychological and cognitive interpretation. In: M. L. Howe, C. J. Brainerd, V. F. Reyna (Eds.), Development of long-term retention. 1992. pp. 217–241 .New York: Springer-Verlag.
57. Treacher A., Katz I. Narrative and fantasy in adoption. Adoption & Fostering. 2001. 25(3). 20–28.
58. Watson D., Latter S., Bellew R. Adopted children and young people’s views on their life storybooks: The role of narrative in the formation of identities.. Children and Youth Services Review. 2015. 58. 90–98.
59. Woodgate R. Adopting the qualitative paradigm to understanding children’s perspectives of illness: Barrier or facilitator? Journal of Pediatric Nursing, 2001. 16(3), 149-161.
60. Woodhead M. Reconstructing Developmental Psychology: Some First Steps. Children and Society 1999. 13(1).
2. Егорова М.С., Зверева О.В. Влияние структуры семьи на представление дошкольников о желаемой семье // Психологические исследования. – 2009. – №5.
3. Егорова М.С., Алексеева О.С., Зырянова Н.М., Козлова И.Е., Панкратова А.А.,
Паршикова О.В. Пьянкова С.Д., Черткова Ю.Д. Дошкольники нового века // Образовательная политика. – 2012. – №6(62). – С. 54–70.
4. Зырянова Н.М. Счастье есть? (Счастливы ли дети в кризис?) // Психологические исследования: электрон. науч. журн. – 2010. – №5(13).
5. Зырянова Н.М. Особенности образа мира у современных старших дошкольников // Материалы Всероссийской заочной научно-практической конференции «Актуальные проблемы психолого-педагогического сопровождения образования в условиях реализации ФГОС нового поколения». Орехово-Зуево. – М., 2014. – С. 225–228.
6. Квале С. Исследовательское интервью. – М.: Смысл, 2003.
7. Леонтьев Д.А. Психология смысла: природа, строение и динамика смысловой реальности. – М. 2003.
8. Паскаль К., Бертрам Т., Прислушиваясь к маленьким детям: борьба за внедрение парадигмы участия в исследованиях раннего детства // Современное дошкольное образование. Теория и практика. – 2015. – №1. – С. 68.
9. Belsky J. Differential susceptibility to rearing influence: An evolutionary hypothesis and some evidence. In B. Ellis & D. Bjorklund (Eds.), Origins of the social mind: Evolutionary psychology and child development. 2005. pp. 139–163. New York: Guilford.
10. Brainerd C., Reyna V., Ceci S. Developmental reversals in falsememory: A review of data and theory. Psychological Bulletin. 2008. 134. 343–382.
11. Brubacher S., Poole D., Dickinson J. The use of ground rules in investigative interviews with children: A synthesis and call for research. Developmental Review. 2015. 36. 15–33.
12. Brubacher S., Powell M., Snow P., Skouteris H., Manger B. Guidelines for teachers to elicit detailed and accurate narrative accounts from children. Children and Youth Services Review. 2016. 63. 83–92.
13. Burns N., Grove S. The Practice of Nursing Research Conduct, Critique & Utlization.2001. W.B. Saunders Company, USA.
14. Ceci, S. J., Kulkofsky, S., Klemfuss, J. Z., Sweeney, C. D., Bruck, M. Unwarranted assumptions about children’s testimonial accuracy. Annual Review of Clinical Psychology, 2007a. 3, 311–328.
15. Ceci S., Papierno P., Kulkofsky S. Representational constraints on children’s suggestibility. Psychological Science 2007b. 18. 503–509.
16. Ceci S., Loftus E., Leichtman M., Bruck M. The possible role of source misattributions in the creation of false beliefs among preschoolers. International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis. 1994. 62. 304–320.
17. Chae Y., Goodman G., Larson R. , Augusti E., Alley D., VanMeenen K., Coulter K. Children’s memory and suggestibility about a distressing event: The role of children’s and parents’ attachment. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology. 2014. 123. 90–111.
18. Clark A., Moss P. Listening to young children. The Mosaic approach. London. 2015.
19. Colaizzi P. Psychosocial research as a phenomenologist view. sit. In: Valle. R., King M. (Eds.). Existential-Phenomenological Alternatives for Psychology. Oxford University Press, NewYork, 1978. pp.47–71.
20. Coles R. The Moral Life of Children. 1986. Boston: Atlantic Monthly Press.
21. Denzin N.K., Lincoln Y.S. Introduction: The discipline and practice of qualitative research // The handbook of qualitative research. Second edition / Ed. by N.K. Denzin and Y.S. Lincoln. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. 2000. P.1-28.
22. Egorova M.S., Zyryanova N.M., Pankratova A.A., Parshikova O.V., Chertkova Y.D. Dreams and desires of preschoolers, Procedia – Social and Behavioral Sciences, ElsevierLtd., Амстердам, 2016, 233, 463 – 466.
23. Fivush R., Schwarzmueller A. Say it once again: Effects of repeated questions on children’s event recall. Journal of Traumatic Stress, 1995. 8, 555–580.
24. Habermas T., Bluck S. Getting a life: The emergence of the life story in adolescence //Psychol. Bull. 2000. 126. P. 748–769.
25. Hatch J. Young children as informants in classroom studies. Early Childhood Research Quarterly. 1990. 5(2). 251-264.
26. Hershkowitz I., Lamb M., Orbach Y., Katz C., Horowitz D. The development of communicative and narrative skills among preschoolers: Lessons from forensic interviews about child abuse. Child Development. 2012. 83. 611–622.
27. Howe M.L., Courage M.L. The emergence and early development of autobiographical memory// Psychol. Rev. 1997. 104. P. 499–523.
28. Hritz, C. E. Royer, R.K. Helm, K.A. Burd, K. Ojeda, S. J. Ceci. Children’s suggestibility research: Things to know before interviewing a child. A. C. Anuario de Psicologнa Jurнdica. 2015. 25. 3–12.
29. Irwin L., Johnson J. Interviewing young children: Explicating our practices and dilemmas. Qualitative Health Research. 2005. 15(6). 821-831.
30. Jouhki M-R, Suominen T., Peltonen K., Еstedt-Kurki P. Participation in siblings’ birth at home from children’s viewpoint. Midwifery. 34(2016). 150–157
31. Keary K., Fitzpatrick C. Children’s disclosure of sexual abuse during formal investigations. Child Abuse & Neglect. 1994.18. 543–548.
32. Leichtman M., Ceci S. The effects of stereotypes and suggestions on preschoolers’ reports. Developmental Psychology. 1995. 31. 568–578.
33. Livingston Smith S. Facilitating adoptions from care: A compendium of effective and promising practices.2014. London: BAAF.
34. Lloyd-Smith M. and Tarr J. Researching children’s perspectives: a sociological dimension. In: Lewis A., Lindsay G. (Eds.) Researching Children’s Perspectives. 2000. Buckingham, Philadelphia: Open University Press.
35. McAdams D.P. The Psychology of Life Stories. Review of General Psychology 2001. Vol. 5, N 2, p. 100–122.
36. McAdams D.P., Janis, L. (2004). Narrative identity and narrative therapy. In L.E. Angus, & J. McLeod (Eds.), The handbook of narrative and psychotherapy. 2004 Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. (pp. 159–173).
37. McAdams, D.P., McLean, K.C. (2013). Narrative identity. Current Directions in Psychological Science, 2013. 22(3), 233–238.
38. Melinder A., Alexander K., Il Cho Young, Goodman G., Thoresen C., Lonnum K., Magnussen S. Children’s eyewitness memory: A comparison of two interviewing strategies as realized by forensic professionals.. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology. 2010. 105.156–177.
39. Moston S. The suggestibility of children in interview studies. First Language, 1987. 7, 67–78.
40. Neisser U., Fivush R. (Eds). Constructing narrative, emotion, and self in parent-child conversations about the past // The remembering self. N. Y. 1994. P. 136–157.
41. Otgaar H., Howe M., Peters M., Sauerland M., Raymaekers L. Developmental trends in different types of spontaneous false memories: implications for the legal field. Behavioral Sciences and the Law. 2013. 31. 666–682.
42. Powell M., Hughes-Scholes C., Sharman S. Skill in interviewing reduces confirmation bias. Journal of Investigative Psychology and Offender Profiling, 2012. 9, 126–134.
43. Price H., Roberts K., Collins A., The quality of children’s allegations of abuse in investigative interviews containing practice narratives. Journal of Applied Research in Memory and Cognition. 2013. 2. 1–6.
44. Principe G., Schindewolf E. Natural conversations as a source of false memories in children: Implications for the testimony of young witnesses. Developmental Review. 2012. 32, 205–223.
45. Principe G., Guiliano S, Root C. Rumor mongering and remembering: How rumors originating in children’s inferences can affect memory. Journal Of Experimental Child Psychology. 2008. 99. 135–155.
46. Punch S. Research with children: The Same or Different from Research with Adults? Childhood. 2002. 9(3). 321-341.
47. Quas J., Lench, H. Arousal at encoding, arousal at retrieval, interviewer support, and children’s memory for a mild stressor. Applied Cognitive Psychology. 2007. 21. 289–305.
48. Roberts K., Lamb M., Sternberg K. The effects of rapport-building style on children’s reports of a staged event. Applied Cognitive Psychology. 2004. 18. 189–202.
49. Roebers C. M., Fernandez O. The effects of accuracy motivation and children’s and adults’ event recall, suggestibility, and their answers to unanswerable questions. Journal of Cognition and Development, 2002. 3, 415–443.
50. Rohwer M., Kloo D., Perner J. Escape from metaignorance: How children develop an understanding of their own lack of knowledge. Child Development, 2012. 83, 1869–1883.
51. Royer, C. The suggestive influence of different lineup presentations on memory: A study of children and adult (Unpublished master’s thesis). 2014. Cornell University, Ithaca, NY.
52. Sternberg K., Lamb M., Hershkowitz I., Yudilevitch L., Orbach Y., Esplin P. Hovav M. Effects of introductory style on children’s abilities to describe experiences of sexual abuse. Child Abuse & Neglect, 1997. 21. 1133–1146.
53. Sylva K., Melhuish E., Sammons P., Siraj-Blatchford I., Taggart B. The Effective Provision of Pre-School Education (EPPE) Project: Final Report. 2004. London: DfES/Institute of Education, University of London.
54. Sylva K., Pugh G. Transforming the early years in England. Oxford Review of Education. 2005. 31 (1), 11–27.
55. Thomas D.R. A general inductive approach for analyzing qualitative evaluation data. American Journal of Evaluation, 2006. 27(2), 237–246.
56. Toglia, M. P., Ross, D. F., Ceci, S. K., Hembrooke, H. The suggestibility of children’s memory: A social-psychological and cognitive interpretation. In: M. L. Howe, C. J. Brainerd, V. F. Reyna (Eds.), Development of long-term retention. 1992. pp. 217–241 .New York: Springer-Verlag.
57. Treacher A., Katz I. Narrative and fantasy in adoption. Adoption & Fostering. 2001. 25(3). 20–28.
58. Watson D., Latter S., Bellew R. Adopted children and young people’s views on their life storybooks: The role of narrative in the formation of identities.. Children and Youth Services Review. 2015. 58. 90–98.
59. Woodgate R. Adopting the qualitative paradigm to understanding children’s perspectives of illness: Barrier or facilitator? Journal of Pediatric Nursing, 2001. 16(3), 149-161.
60. Woodhead M. Reconstructing Developmental Psychology: Some First Steps. Children and Society 1999. 13(1).
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