Арнотт Л. «Можно ли нам моргать?». Категории лидерства и владения как медиаторы взаимодействия детей, совместно использующих технические устройства
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Арнотт Л. «Можно ли нам моргать?». Категории лидерства и владения как медиаторы взаимодействия детей, совместно использующих технические устройства // Современное дошкольное образование. Теория и практика. – 2014. – №2. – С.64–78.
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В настоящей статье рассмотрены возможности использования технических ресурсов в формировании социальной интеракции между детьми дошкольного возраста. Представлены материалы исследования, как дети в возрасте от 3 до 5 лет выстраивают взаимоотношения со сверстниками в процессе совместного использования технических ресурсов. Взаимодействие детей с 24 техническими устройствами наблюдалось на протяжении девяти месяцев, разделенных на три фазы; при этом применялись систематический и итерационный методы сбора данных, а также циклический анализ. Результаты показали, что дети стремятся утвердить контроль над работой устройства и взаимодействующими с ними сверстниками, опираясь на свои социальные роли и технологические позиции. Соединенные вместе, эти роли и позиции определяют возможности ребенка в установлении межличностных связей вокруг различных технических ресурсов. Фокусируя внимание на комбинации сложной социальной динамики и коллективного использования технических ресурсов, настоящая статья призвана продемонстрировать, каким образом формируется интерактивная среда в современных, технически оснащенных дошкольных учреждениях.
1. Alliance for Childhood. 2004. Tech Tonic: Towards a New Literacy of Technology. College Park, MD: Alliance for Childhood.
2. Avgitidou, Sofia. 2010. ‘‘Peer Culture and Friendship Relationships as Contexts for the Development of Young Children’s Pro-social Behaviour.’’ International Journal of Early Years Education 9 (2): 145-152. doi:10.1080/713670688.
3. Bennett, S., K. Maton, and L. Kervin. 2008. ‘‘The ‘digital natives’ Debate: A Critical Review of the Evidence.’’ British Journal of Educational Technology 39 (5): 775-786. doi:10.1111/j.1467-8535.2007.00793.x.
4. Berson, I. R., and M. J. Berson. 2010. High-tech Tots: Childhood in a Digital World, Research in Global Child Advocacy. Charlotte, NC: Information Age.
5. Brooker, L., and J. Siraj-Blactchford. 2002. ‘‘‘Click on Miaow!’: How Children of Three and Four Years Experience the Nursery Computer.’’ Contemporary Issues in Early Childhood 3 (2): 251-273. http://www.wwwords.co.uk/rss/abstract.asp?j=ciec&aid=1581&doi=1.
Buckingham, D. 2000. After the Death of Childhood: Growing Upin the Age of Electronic Media. Cambridge: Polity Press.
6. Cannella, G. S. 1993. ‘‘Learning Through Social Interaction: Shared Cognitive Experiences, Negotiation Strategies and Joint Concept Construction for Young Children.’’ Early Childhood Research Quarterly 8 (4): 427-444. http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/ article/pii/S088520060580078X.
7. Canning, N. 2007. ‘‘Children’s Empowerment in Play.’’ European Early Childhood Education Research Journal 15 (2): 227-236. doi:10.1080/13502930701320966.
8. Carr, M. 2000. ‘‘Technological Affordance, Social Practice and Learning Narratives in an Early Childhood Setting.’’ International Journal of Technology & Design Education 10 (1): 61_79. http://link.springer.com/article/10.1023%2FA%3A1008986002620?LI=true.
9. Ching, C, X. C. Wang, M. L. Shih, and Y. C. Kedem. 2006. ‘‘Digital Photography and Journals in a First-Grade Classroom: Toward Meaningful Technology Integration in Early Childhood Education.’’ Early Education & Development 17 (3): 347-371. http:// www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1207/s15566935eed1703_3.
10. Clements, D. H. 1997. Effective use of computers with young children. Opinion Papers,
http://www.eric.ed.gov/ERICWebPortal/search/detailmini.jsp?_nfpb_true&_&ERICExt Search_SearchValue_0_ED436231&ERICExtSearch_SearchType_0_no&accno_ED 436231.
11. Clements, D. H. 1999. ‘‘Young Children and Technology.’’ In Dialogue On Early Childhood Science, Mathematics, and Technology Education, edited by G. D Nelson, 92-105. Washington, DC: American Association for the Advancement of Science.
12. Cordes, C., and E. Miller. 2000. Fool’s Gold: A Critical Look at Computers in Childhood. College Park, MD: Alliance for Childhood.
13. Corsaro, W. A. 1985. Friendshipand Peer Culture in the Early Years, Language and Learning for Human Service Professions. Norwood, NJ: Ablex.
14. Corsaro, W. A. 1993. ‘‘Interpretive Reproduction in Children’s Role Play.’’ Childhood 1 (2): 64-74. doi:10.1177/090756829300100202.
15. Corsaro, W. A. 2003. ‘‘We’re Friends, Right?’’: Inside Kids’ Cultures. Washington, DC: Joseph Henry Press.
16. Crotty, M. 1998. The Foundations of Social Research: Meaning and Perspective in the Research Process. London: Sage.
17. Denzin, N. K., and Y. S. Lincoln. 2005. The Sage Handbook of Qualitative Research. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
18. Faulkner, Dorothy, and Miell Dorothy. 1993. ‘‘Settling into School: The Importance of Early Friendships for the Development of Children’s Social Understanding and Communicative
Competence.’’ International Journal of Early Years Education 1 (1): 23-46. doi:10.1080/ 0966976930010104.
19. Harre, R., and L. Van Langenhove. 1999. Positioning Theory: Moral Contexts of Intentional Action. Oxford, MA: Blackwell.
20. Haugland, S. 2000. ‘‘Computers and Young Children.’’ ERIC Digest, March 2000. http://ecap.crc.illinois.edu/eecearchive/digests/2000/haugland00.pdf
21. Haugland, S. W., and J. L. Wright. 1997. Young Children and Technology: A World of Discovery. Boston: Allyn and Bacon.
22. Heft, T. M., and S. Swaminathan. 2002. ‘‘The Effects of Computers on the Social Behavior of Preschoolers.’’ Journal of Research in Childhood Education 16 (2): 162-174. doi:10.1080/02568540209594982.
23. Hutchby, I., and J. Moran-Ellis. 2001. Children, Technology, and Culture: The Impacts of Technologies in Children’s Everyday Lives. London: Routledge/Falmer.
24. James, A., C. Jenks, and A. Prout. 1998. Theorizing Childhood. Cambridge: Polity Press.
Jordan, E., A. Cowan, and J. Roberts. 1995. ‘‘Knowing the Rules: Discursive Strategies in
Young Children’s Power Struggles.’’ Early Childhood Research Quarterly 10 (3): 339-358. http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/088520069590011X.
25. Kutnick, P., A. Brighi, S. Avgitidou, M. L. Genta, M. Hannikainen, M. Karlsson-Lohmander, R. O. Ruiz, et al. 2007. ‘‘The Role and Practice of Interpersonal Relationships in European Early Education Settings: Sites for Enhancing Social Inclusion, Personal Growth and Learning?1.’’ European Early Childhood Education Research Journal 15 (3): 379-406. doi:10.1080/13502930701679429.
26. Kyratzis, Amy. 2004. ‘‘Talk and Interaction among Children and the Co-Construction of Peer Groups and Peer Culture.’’ Annual Review of Anthropology 33 (1): 625-649. doi:10.1146/annurev.anthro.33.070203.144008.
27. Laupa, M. 1994. ‘‘Who’s in charge?’ Preschool Children’s Concept of Authority.’’ Early Childhood Research Quarterly 9 (1): 1-17. http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/
28. Ljung-Djarf, A. 2008. ‘‘The Owner, the Participant and the Spectator: Positions and Positioning in Peer Activity Around the Computer in Pre-school.’’ Early Years 28 (1): 61-72.
Ljung-Djarf, A., L. Aberg-Bengtsson, and T. Ottosson. 2005. ‘‘Ways of Relating to Computer Use in Pre-school Activity.’’ International Journal of Early Years Education 13 (1): 29-41. doi:10.1080/09669760500048295.
29. McCormick, L. 1987. ‘‘Comparison of the Effects of a Microcomputer Activity and Toy Play on Social and Communication Behaviors of Young Children.’’ Journal of Early Intervention 11 (3): 195-205. doi:10.1177/105381518701100301.
30. Miell, D., and R. Dallos. 1996. Social Interaction and Personal Relationships. London: Sage in association with The Open University.
31. Morgan, A., and S. E. Kennewell. 2005. ‘‘The Role of Play in the Pedagogy of ICT.’’
Education & Information Technologies 10 (3): 177-188.
32. Morgan, A., and J. Siraj-Blatchford. 2009. Using ICT in the Early Years: Parents and Practitioners in Partnership. London: Practical Pre-School Books.
33. Muller, Alexandra A., and Marion Perlmutter. 1985. ‘‘Preschool Children’s Problem Solving Interactions at Computers and Jigsaw Puzzles.’’ Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology 6 (2-3): 173-186. doi:10.1016/0193-3973(85)90058_9.
34. Norman, D. A. 1988. The Psychology of Everyday Things. New York: Basic Books.
Packer, M., and B. Scott. 1992. ‘‘The Hermeneutic Investigation of Peer Relations.’’ In Children’s Development within Social Context. Research and Methodology, edited by L. Winegar and J. Valsiner. Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
35. Palmer, S. 2007. Toxic Childhood: How the Modern World is Damaging Our Children and What We Can Do About It. London: Orion.
36. Parten, M. 1932. ‘‘Social Participation among Preschool Children.’’ The Journal of Abnormal & Social Psychology 27 (3): 243-269. http://psycnet.apa.org/index.cfm?fa=buy.option ToBuy&id=1933-03543-001.
37. Parten, M. 1933. ‘‘Leadership among Preschool Children.’’ Journal of Abnormal & Social Psychology 27 (4): 430-440. http://psycnet.apa.org/journals/abn/27/4/430/.
Paulus, T., H. Stewart, A. Reece, and P. Long. 2009. ‘‘Positioning Theory as Analytic Tool for Understanding Intersubjective Meaning-making.’’ In Proceedings of the 9th international conference on computer supported collaborative learning – Volume 2, Rhodes, Greece: International Society of the Learning Sciences, June 8-13.
38. Petrakos, H., and N. Howe. 1996. ‘‘The Influence of the Physical Design of the Dramatic Play Center on Children’s Play.’’ Early Childhood Research Quarterly 11 (1): 63-77. http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0885200696900290.
39. Plowman, L., and C. Stephen. 2005. ‘‘Children, Play and Computers in Preschool Education.’’ British Journal of Educational Technology 36 (2): 145-157. https://dspace.stir.ac.uk/bitstream/1893/458/1/Plowman%20BJET.pdf.
40. Plowman, L., and C. Stephen. 2007. ‘‘Guided Interaction in Pre-school Settings.’’ Journal of Computer Assisted Learning 23 (1): 14-26. http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1365-2729.2007.00194.x/abstract;jsessionid=0B89873FCAF8A677F8E8DEE65A2C0711.d02t04.
41. Plowman, L., J. McPake, and C. Stephen. 2010. ‘‘The Technologisation of Childhood? Young Children and Technology in the Home.’’ Children & Society 24 (1): 63-74. doi:10.1111/j.1099-0860.2008.00180.x.
42. Plowman, L., C. Stephen, and J. McPake. 2010. Growing UpWith Technology: Young Children Learning in A Digital World. London: Routledge.
43. Pollard, A., and A. Filer. 1996. The Social World of Children’s Learning: Case Studies of Pupils From Four to Seven. London: Cassell.
44. Prensky, M. 2001. Digital Game-based learning. New York: McGraw-Hill.
Radley, A. 1996. ‘‘Relationships in Detail: the Study of Social Interaction.’’ In Social Interaction and Personal Relationships, edited by Dorothy Miell and Rudi Dallos, 23-101. London: Sage Publications.
45. Read, M., A. Sugawara, and J. Brandt. 1999. ‘‘Impact of Space and Color in the Physical Environment on Preschool Children’s Cooperative Behaviour.’’ Environment & Behavior 31 (3): 413-428. http://eab.sagepub.com/content/31/3/413.abstract.
46. Rogoff, B. 1990. Apprenticeship in Thinking: Cognitive Development in Social Context. New York: Oxford University Press.
47. Saracho, O., and B. Spodek. 2007. Contemporary Perspectives on Socialization and Social Development in Early Childhood. Charlotte, NC: IAP.
48. Scottish Executive. 2003. Early Learning Forward Thinking: The Policy Framework for ICT in Early Years. Edinburgh: Learning and Teaching Scotland.
49. SERA. 2005. Scottish Educational Research Association Ethical Guidelines for Educational Research. http://www.sera.ac.uk/docs/00current/SERA%20Ethical%20Guidelines Web. PDF.
50. Shin, M. S. 2004. ‘‘Understanding Early Childhood Leadership: Emerging Competencies in the Context of Relationships.’’ Journal of Early Childhood Research 2 (3): 301-316. doi:10.1177/1476718X04046649.
51. Siraj-Blatchford, I., K. Sylva, S. Muttock, R. Gilden, and D. Bell. 2002. Researching Effective Pedagogy in the Early Years. Norwich: Department for Education and Skills.
Stephen, C. 2006. Early Years Education: Perspectives from a Review of the International Literature. Edinburgh: Scottish Executive.
52. Strayer, J., and F. F. Strayer. 1980. ‘‘Preschool Conflict and the Assessment of Social Dominance.’’ In Dominance Relations: An Ecological View of Human Conflict and Social
Interaction, edited by D. R. Omark, F.F Strayer and D. G. Freedman, 287-297. New York: Garland STPM.
53. Tapscott, D. 1998. Growing UpDigital: The Rise of the Net Generation. New York: McGraw-Hill.
54. Tudge, J. 2008. The Everyday Lives of Young Children: Culture, Class, and Child Rearing in Diverse Societies. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
55. Vygotsky, L. S. 1978. Mind in Society: The Development of Higher Psychological Processes. Cambridge: Harvard University Press.
56. Wang, X. C., and C. C. Ching. 2003. ‘‘Social Construction of Computer Experience in a First-Grade Classroom: Social Processes and Mediating Artifacts.’’ Early Education & Development 14 (3): 335-362. doi:10.1207/s15566935eed1403_4.
57. Wang, X. C., and J. L. Hoot. 2006. ‘‘Information and Communication Technology in Early Childhood Education.’’ Early Education & Development 17 (3): 317-322. doi:10.1207/s15566935eed1703_1.
58. Wartella, E. A., and N. Jennings. 2000. ‘‘Children and Computers: New Technology. Old Concerns.’’ The Future of Children 10 (2): 31-43. http://pcfly.info/doc/Computers/28.pdf.
59. Woodrow, Christine, and Busch Gillian. 2008. ‘‘Repositioning Early Childhood Leadership as Action and Activism.’’ European Early Childhood Education Research Journal 16 (1): 83-93. doi:10.1080/13502930801897053.
2. Avgitidou, Sofia. 2010. ‘‘Peer Culture and Friendship Relationships as Contexts for the Development of Young Children’s Pro-social Behaviour.’’ International Journal of Early Years Education 9 (2): 145-152. doi:10.1080/713670688.
3. Bennett, S., K. Maton, and L. Kervin. 2008. ‘‘The ‘digital natives’ Debate: A Critical Review of the Evidence.’’ British Journal of Educational Technology 39 (5): 775-786. doi:10.1111/j.1467-8535.2007.00793.x.
4. Berson, I. R., and M. J. Berson. 2010. High-tech Tots: Childhood in a Digital World, Research in Global Child Advocacy. Charlotte, NC: Information Age.
5. Brooker, L., and J. Siraj-Blactchford. 2002. ‘‘‘Click on Miaow!’: How Children of Three and Four Years Experience the Nursery Computer.’’ Contemporary Issues in Early Childhood 3 (2): 251-273. http://www.wwwords.co.uk/rss/abstract.asp?j=ciec&aid=1581&doi=1.
Buckingham, D. 2000. After the Death of Childhood: Growing Upin the Age of Electronic Media. Cambridge: Polity Press.
6. Cannella, G. S. 1993. ‘‘Learning Through Social Interaction: Shared Cognitive Experiences, Negotiation Strategies and Joint Concept Construction for Young Children.’’ Early Childhood Research Quarterly 8 (4): 427-444. http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/ article/pii/S088520060580078X.
7. Canning, N. 2007. ‘‘Children’s Empowerment in Play.’’ European Early Childhood Education Research Journal 15 (2): 227-236. doi:10.1080/13502930701320966.
8. Carr, M. 2000. ‘‘Technological Affordance, Social Practice and Learning Narratives in an Early Childhood Setting.’’ International Journal of Technology & Design Education 10 (1): 61_79. http://link.springer.com/article/10.1023%2FA%3A1008986002620?LI=true.
9. Ching, C, X. C. Wang, M. L. Shih, and Y. C. Kedem. 2006. ‘‘Digital Photography and Journals in a First-Grade Classroom: Toward Meaningful Technology Integration in Early Childhood Education.’’ Early Education & Development 17 (3): 347-371. http:// www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1207/s15566935eed1703_3.
10. Clements, D. H. 1997. Effective use of computers with young children. Opinion Papers,
http://www.eric.ed.gov/ERICWebPortal/search/detailmini.jsp?_nfpb_true&_&ERICExt Search_SearchValue_0_ED436231&ERICExtSearch_SearchType_0_no&accno_ED 436231.
11. Clements, D. H. 1999. ‘‘Young Children and Technology.’’ In Dialogue On Early Childhood Science, Mathematics, and Technology Education, edited by G. D Nelson, 92-105. Washington, DC: American Association for the Advancement of Science.
12. Cordes, C., and E. Miller. 2000. Fool’s Gold: A Critical Look at Computers in Childhood. College Park, MD: Alliance for Childhood.
13. Corsaro, W. A. 1985. Friendshipand Peer Culture in the Early Years, Language and Learning for Human Service Professions. Norwood, NJ: Ablex.
14. Corsaro, W. A. 1993. ‘‘Interpretive Reproduction in Children’s Role Play.’’ Childhood 1 (2): 64-74. doi:10.1177/090756829300100202.
15. Corsaro, W. A. 2003. ‘‘We’re Friends, Right?’’: Inside Kids’ Cultures. Washington, DC: Joseph Henry Press.
16. Crotty, M. 1998. The Foundations of Social Research: Meaning and Perspective in the Research Process. London: Sage.
17. Denzin, N. K., and Y. S. Lincoln. 2005. The Sage Handbook of Qualitative Research. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
18. Faulkner, Dorothy, and Miell Dorothy. 1993. ‘‘Settling into School: The Importance of Early Friendships for the Development of Children’s Social Understanding and Communicative
Competence.’’ International Journal of Early Years Education 1 (1): 23-46. doi:10.1080/ 0966976930010104.
19. Harre, R., and L. Van Langenhove. 1999. Positioning Theory: Moral Contexts of Intentional Action. Oxford, MA: Blackwell.
20. Haugland, S. 2000. ‘‘Computers and Young Children.’’ ERIC Digest, March 2000. http://ecap.crc.illinois.edu/eecearchive/digests/2000/haugland00.pdf
21. Haugland, S. W., and J. L. Wright. 1997. Young Children and Technology: A World of Discovery. Boston: Allyn and Bacon.
22. Heft, T. M., and S. Swaminathan. 2002. ‘‘The Effects of Computers on the Social Behavior of Preschoolers.’’ Journal of Research in Childhood Education 16 (2): 162-174. doi:10.1080/02568540209594982.
23. Hutchby, I., and J. Moran-Ellis. 2001. Children, Technology, and Culture: The Impacts of Technologies in Children’s Everyday Lives. London: Routledge/Falmer.
24. James, A., C. Jenks, and A. Prout. 1998. Theorizing Childhood. Cambridge: Polity Press.
Jordan, E., A. Cowan, and J. Roberts. 1995. ‘‘Knowing the Rules: Discursive Strategies in
Young Children’s Power Struggles.’’ Early Childhood Research Quarterly 10 (3): 339-358. http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/088520069590011X.
25. Kutnick, P., A. Brighi, S. Avgitidou, M. L. Genta, M. Hannikainen, M. Karlsson-Lohmander, R. O. Ruiz, et al. 2007. ‘‘The Role and Practice of Interpersonal Relationships in European Early Education Settings: Sites for Enhancing Social Inclusion, Personal Growth and Learning?1.’’ European Early Childhood Education Research Journal 15 (3): 379-406. doi:10.1080/13502930701679429.
26. Kyratzis, Amy. 2004. ‘‘Talk and Interaction among Children and the Co-Construction of Peer Groups and Peer Culture.’’ Annual Review of Anthropology 33 (1): 625-649. doi:10.1146/annurev.anthro.33.070203.144008.
27. Laupa, M. 1994. ‘‘Who’s in charge?’ Preschool Children’s Concept of Authority.’’ Early Childhood Research Quarterly 9 (1): 1-17. http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/
28. Ljung-Djarf, A. 2008. ‘‘The Owner, the Participant and the Spectator: Positions and Positioning in Peer Activity Around the Computer in Pre-school.’’ Early Years 28 (1): 61-72.
Ljung-Djarf, A., L. Aberg-Bengtsson, and T. Ottosson. 2005. ‘‘Ways of Relating to Computer Use in Pre-school Activity.’’ International Journal of Early Years Education 13 (1): 29-41. doi:10.1080/09669760500048295.
29. McCormick, L. 1987. ‘‘Comparison of the Effects of a Microcomputer Activity and Toy Play on Social and Communication Behaviors of Young Children.’’ Journal of Early Intervention 11 (3): 195-205. doi:10.1177/105381518701100301.
30. Miell, D., and R. Dallos. 1996. Social Interaction and Personal Relationships. London: Sage in association with The Open University.
31. Morgan, A., and S. E. Kennewell. 2005. ‘‘The Role of Play in the Pedagogy of ICT.’’
Education & Information Technologies 10 (3): 177-188.
32. Morgan, A., and J. Siraj-Blatchford. 2009. Using ICT in the Early Years: Parents and Practitioners in Partnership. London: Practical Pre-School Books.
33. Muller, Alexandra A., and Marion Perlmutter. 1985. ‘‘Preschool Children’s Problem Solving Interactions at Computers and Jigsaw Puzzles.’’ Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology 6 (2-3): 173-186. doi:10.1016/0193-3973(85)90058_9.
34. Norman, D. A. 1988. The Psychology of Everyday Things. New York: Basic Books.
Packer, M., and B. Scott. 1992. ‘‘The Hermeneutic Investigation of Peer Relations.’’ In Children’s Development within Social Context. Research and Methodology, edited by L. Winegar and J. Valsiner. Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
35. Palmer, S. 2007. Toxic Childhood: How the Modern World is Damaging Our Children and What We Can Do About It. London: Orion.
36. Parten, M. 1932. ‘‘Social Participation among Preschool Children.’’ The Journal of Abnormal & Social Psychology 27 (3): 243-269. http://psycnet.apa.org/index.cfm?fa=buy.option ToBuy&id=1933-03543-001.
37. Parten, M. 1933. ‘‘Leadership among Preschool Children.’’ Journal of Abnormal & Social Psychology 27 (4): 430-440. http://psycnet.apa.org/journals/abn/27/4/430/.
Paulus, T., H. Stewart, A. Reece, and P. Long. 2009. ‘‘Positioning Theory as Analytic Tool for Understanding Intersubjective Meaning-making.’’ In Proceedings of the 9th international conference on computer supported collaborative learning – Volume 2, Rhodes, Greece: International Society of the Learning Sciences, June 8-13.
38. Petrakos, H., and N. Howe. 1996. ‘‘The Influence of the Physical Design of the Dramatic Play Center on Children’s Play.’’ Early Childhood Research Quarterly 11 (1): 63-77. http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0885200696900290.
39. Plowman, L., and C. Stephen. 2005. ‘‘Children, Play and Computers in Preschool Education.’’ British Journal of Educational Technology 36 (2): 145-157. https://dspace.stir.ac.uk/bitstream/1893/458/1/Plowman%20BJET.pdf.
40. Plowman, L., and C. Stephen. 2007. ‘‘Guided Interaction in Pre-school Settings.’’ Journal of Computer Assisted Learning 23 (1): 14-26. http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1365-2729.2007.00194.x/abstract;jsessionid=0B89873FCAF8A677F8E8DEE65A2C0711.d02t04.
41. Plowman, L., J. McPake, and C. Stephen. 2010. ‘‘The Technologisation of Childhood? Young Children and Technology in the Home.’’ Children & Society 24 (1): 63-74. doi:10.1111/j.1099-0860.2008.00180.x.
42. Plowman, L., C. Stephen, and J. McPake. 2010. Growing UpWith Technology: Young Children Learning in A Digital World. London: Routledge.
43. Pollard, A., and A. Filer. 1996. The Social World of Children’s Learning: Case Studies of Pupils From Four to Seven. London: Cassell.
44. Prensky, M. 2001. Digital Game-based learning. New York: McGraw-Hill.
Radley, A. 1996. ‘‘Relationships in Detail: the Study of Social Interaction.’’ In Social Interaction and Personal Relationships, edited by Dorothy Miell and Rudi Dallos, 23-101. London: Sage Publications.
45. Read, M., A. Sugawara, and J. Brandt. 1999. ‘‘Impact of Space and Color in the Physical Environment on Preschool Children’s Cooperative Behaviour.’’ Environment & Behavior 31 (3): 413-428. http://eab.sagepub.com/content/31/3/413.abstract.
46. Rogoff, B. 1990. Apprenticeship in Thinking: Cognitive Development in Social Context. New York: Oxford University Press.
47. Saracho, O., and B. Spodek. 2007. Contemporary Perspectives on Socialization and Social Development in Early Childhood. Charlotte, NC: IAP.
48. Scottish Executive. 2003. Early Learning Forward Thinking: The Policy Framework for ICT in Early Years. Edinburgh: Learning and Teaching Scotland.
49. SERA. 2005. Scottish Educational Research Association Ethical Guidelines for Educational Research. http://www.sera.ac.uk/docs/00current/SERA%20Ethical%20Guidelines Web. PDF.
50. Shin, M. S. 2004. ‘‘Understanding Early Childhood Leadership: Emerging Competencies in the Context of Relationships.’’ Journal of Early Childhood Research 2 (3): 301-316. doi:10.1177/1476718X04046649.
51. Siraj-Blatchford, I., K. Sylva, S. Muttock, R. Gilden, and D. Bell. 2002. Researching Effective Pedagogy in the Early Years. Norwich: Department for Education and Skills.
Stephen, C. 2006. Early Years Education: Perspectives from a Review of the International Literature. Edinburgh: Scottish Executive.
52. Strayer, J., and F. F. Strayer. 1980. ‘‘Preschool Conflict and the Assessment of Social Dominance.’’ In Dominance Relations: An Ecological View of Human Conflict and Social
Interaction, edited by D. R. Omark, F.F Strayer and D. G. Freedman, 287-297. New York: Garland STPM.
53. Tapscott, D. 1998. Growing UpDigital: The Rise of the Net Generation. New York: McGraw-Hill.
54. Tudge, J. 2008. The Everyday Lives of Young Children: Culture, Class, and Child Rearing in Diverse Societies. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
55. Vygotsky, L. S. 1978. Mind in Society: The Development of Higher Psychological Processes. Cambridge: Harvard University Press.
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