Фуккинк Р., Джилинк Л., Оостдам Р. Метаанализ влияния раннего вмешательства на развитие детей в Нидерландах: неудобная правда?
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* Исследования, включенные в мета-анализ, отмечены звездочкой.
1. Bartolomew, L. K., G. S. Parcel, G. Kok, and N. H. Gottlieb. 2006. Planning Health Promotion Programs: An Intervention Mapping Approach. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.
2. Blok, H., R. G. Fukkink, E. C. Gebhardt, and P. P. M. Leseman. 2005. “The Relevance of Delivery Mode and Other Programme Characteristics for the Effectiveness of Early Childhood Intervention.” International Journal of Behavioral Development 29 (1): 35–47.
3. *Bruggers, I., G. Driessen, and M. Gesthuizen. 2014. Voor- en vroegschoolse voorzieningen, effectief of niet? - De samenhang tussen deelname aan voor- en vroegschoolse voorzieningen en de taal- en rekenprestaties van leerlingen op de korte en langere termijn [Early Childhood Interventions, Effective or Otherwise? - The Relationship between Participation in Early Intervention Programmes and the Language and Numeracy Performance of Pupils in the Short and Long Term]. Mens en Maatschappij 89 (2): 117–150.
4. Burger, K. 2010. “How Does Early Childhood Care and Education Affect Cognitive Development? An International Review of the Effects of Early Interventions for Children from Different Social Backgrounds.” Early Childhood Research Quarterly 25: 140–165.
5. Camilli, G., S. Vargas, S. Ryan, and S. W. Barnett. 2010. “Meta-analysis of the Effects of Early Education Interventions on Cognitive and Social Development.” Teachers College Record 112 (3): 579–620.
6. Cohen, J. 1988. Statistical Power Analysis for the Behavioral Sciences. 2nd ed. Lawrence Erlbaum, NJ: Hillsdale.
7. Council of the European Union. 2011. Council Conclusions of 15 June 2011 on Early Childhood Education and Care: Providing all our Children with the Best Start for the World of Tomorrow. Brussel, Belgium: Official Journal of the European Union.
8. *De Jong-Heeringa, J. L. 2008. Het programma Spelenderwijs; Implementatie en analyse in de gemeente [The SpelenderWijs Programme: Implementation and Analysis in the Municipality of Huizen]. Groningen: GION.
9. *Driessen, G. W. J. M. 2004. “A Large-scale Longitudinal Study of the Utilization and Effects of Early Childhood Education and Care in The Netherlands.” Early Child Development and Care 174 (7–8): 667–689.
10. Driessen, G. 2012. Variatie in Voor- en Vroegschoolse Educatie; Een onderzoek naar de uiteenlopende wijzen waarop in gemeenten vorm wordt gegeven aan VVE [Variation in Early Childhood Interventions; A Study of the Wide Variety of Ways in Which Municipal Authorities Implement Early Childhood Interventions]. Nijmegen: ITS.
11. *Driessen, G., and J. Doesburgh. 2003. Voor- en vroegschoolse educatie en cognitieve en niet-cognitieve competenties van jonge kinderen [Early Childhood Interventions and the Cognitive and Non-cognitive Skills of Young Children]. Nijmegen: ITS.
12. Euridyce and Eurostat report. 2014. Key Data on Early Childhood Education and Care in Europe (2014 Edition). Brussel/Luxembourg: Euridyce and Eurostat.
13. Fletcher, J. M., and S. Vaughn. 2009. “Response to Intervention: Preventing and Remediating Academic Difficulties.” Child Development Perspectives 3 (1): 30–37.
14. Fukkink, R., and H. Blok. 2010.Home-based and Institutional Early Childhood Education and Care Services. In International Encyclopedia of Education, edited by E. Baker, P. Peterson and B. McGaw, 2, 98–103. Oxford, England: Elsevier.
15. Fukkink, R., L. Jilink, and R. Oostdam. 2015. Met de blik op de toekomst; Een meta-analyse van studies uit de 21e eeuw naar effecten van vve in Nederland [With a View on the Future; A Meta-analysis of 21st Century Studies into the Effects of Pre-school]. Amsterdam, the Netherlands: Hogeschool van Amsterdam.
16. *Goede, D. de, and G. J. Reezigt. 2001. Implementatie en effecten van de Voorschool in Amsterdam [Implementation and Effects of Pre-school in Amsterdam]. Groningen: GION.
17. Gorey, K. M. 2001. “Early Childhood Education: A Meta-analytic Affirmation of the Short- and Long-term Benefits of Educational Opportunity.” School Psychology Quarterly 16 (1): 9–30.
18. *Haan, A. de, E. Elbers, H. Hoofs, and P. Leseman. 2013. “Targeted Versus Mixed Preschools and Kindergartens: Effects of Class Composition and Teacher-Managed Activities on Disadvantaged Children’s Emergent Academic Skills.” School Effectiveness and School Improvement 24 (2): 177– 194.
19. Hall, J., K. Sylva, P. Sammons, E. Melhuish, I. Siraj-Blatchford, and B. Taggart. 2013. “Can Preschool Protect Young Children’s Cognitive and Social Development? Variation by Center Quality and Duration of Attendance.” School Effectiveness and School Improvement 24 (2): 155– 176.
20. Heckman, J. J. 2006. “Skill Formation and the Economics of Investing in Disadvantaged Children.” Science 312: 1900–1902.
21. Hox, J. 2010. Multilevel Analysis; Techniques and Applications. 2nd ed. Oxford, UK: Routledge.
22. *Jong-Heeringa, J. L. de. 2008. Effecten op langere termijn van SpelenderWijs, een programma voor voor- en vroegschoolse educatie [Long-term Effects of SpelenderWijs, an Early Childhood Intervention Programme]. Groningen: GION.
23. *Karssen, A. M., I. van der Veen, A. Veen, M. van Daalen, and J. Roeleveld. 2013. Effecten van deelname aan en kwaliteit van voor- en vroegschoolse educatie op de ontwikkeling van kinderen [Effects of Participation in and Quality of Early Childhood Interventions on Children’s Development]. Amsterdam: Kohnstamm Instituut.
24. Leseman, P. P. M., and P. L. Slot. 2014. “Breaking the Cycle of Poverty: Challenges for European Early Childhood Education and Care.” European Early Childhood Education Research Journal 22 (3): 314–326.
25. *Nap-Kolhoff, E., T. van Schilt-Mol, M. Simons, L. Sontag, R. van Steensel, and T. Vallen. 2008. VVE onder de loep; Een studie naar de uitvoering en effectiviteit van voor- en vroegschoolse educatieve programma’s [Early Childhood Interventions in the Spotlight: A Study on the Implementation and Effectiveness of Early Childhood Intervention Programmes]. Tilburg: IVA.
26. Nelson, G., A. Westhues, and J. MacLeod. 2003. “A Meta-analysis of Longitudinal Research on Preschool Prevention Programs for Children.” Prevention and Treatment 6: 1–34.
27. Nores, M., and W. S. Barnett. 2010. “Benefits of Early Childhood Interventions Across the World: (Under) Investing in the Very Young.” Economics of Education Review 29: 271–282.
28. Onderwijsinspectie. 2013. Extra aandacht nodig voor achterstanden bij het jonge kind; Eindrapport bestandsopname voor- en vroegschoolse educatie in Nederland [Extra Attention Needed for Deprivation of the Young Child; Final Report Assessment of Early Childhood Education in the Netherlands]. Utrecht, the Netherlands: Onderwijsinspectie.
29. Pianta, R. C., W. S. Barnett, M. Burchinal, and K. R. Thornburg. 2009. “The Effects of Preschool Education.” Psychological Science in the Public Interest 10 (2): 49–88.
30. *Schooten, E. van, and P. Sleegers. 2008. Onderzoek naar de effectiviteit van VVE en peuterspeelzalen in Oosterhout en Den Bosch [Study on the Effectiveness of Early Childhood Interventions and Nurseries in Oosterhout and Den Bosch]. Amsterdam: Kohnstamm Instituut.
31. Urban, M. 2015. “From ‘Closing the Gap’ to an Ethics of Affirmation. Reconceptualising the Role of Early Childhood Services in Times of Uncertainty.” European Journal of Education 50 (3): 293– 306.
32. Veen, A., R. Fukkink, M. Gevers, A. Heurter, K. Helmerhorst, and I. Bollen. 2014. Pedagogische kwaliteit gemeten in peuterspeelzalen; Uitkomsten NCKO en pre-COOL naast elkaar gezet. Amsterdam, the Netherlands: Kohnstamm Instituut.
33. Veen, A., R. Fukkink, and J. Roeleveld. 2006. Evaluatie van Startblokken en Basisontwikkeling; Implementatie en effecten van het programma Startblokken en Basisontwikkeling in het kader van Voor- en Vroegschoolse Educatie. Amsterdam, the Netherlands: SCO-Kohnstamm Instituut.
34. *Veen, A., J. Roeleveld, and M. van Daalen. 2008. Implementatie en effecten van Voor- en Vroegschoolse educatie in Rotterdam [Implementation and Effects of Early Childhood Interventions in Rotterdam]. Amsterdam: SCO-Kohnstamm Instituut.
35. *Veen, A., J. Roeleveld, and P. Leseman. 2000. Evaluatie van Kaleidoscoop en Piramide; Eindrapportage [Evaluation of Kaleidoscoop and Piramide. Final Report]. Amsterdam: SCOKohnstamm Instituut.
36. *Veen, A., M. Derriks, and J. Roeleveld. 2002. Een jaar later; Vervolgonderzoek evaluatie van Kaleidoscoop en Piramide [A Year Later; Follow-up Evaluation of Kaleidoscoop and Piramide]. Amsterdam: SCO-Kohnstamm Instituut.
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