Габдулхаков В.Ф., Яшина О.В., Зиннурова А.Ф. Технология исследовательски-ориентированного обучения связной речи детей-билингвов
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Габдулхаков В.Ф., Яшина О.В., Зиннурова А.Ф. Технология исследовательски-ориентированного обучения связной речи детей-билингвов // Современное дошкольное образование. – 2022. – №3(111). – С. 4–15. DOI: 10.24412/2782-4519-2022-3111-4-15
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Актуальность тематики статьи обусловлена необходимостью развивать у детей-билингвов навыки, связанные с конструированием оригинальных текстов на втором языке. Проблема заключается в том, что традиционная методика учит звуковой культуре, лексике, синтаксису второго языка, а от детей в конце обучения требуется способность создавать оригинальные тексты в устной и письменной форме. Мы предположили, что, если дети будут исследовать механизмы построения связной речи на разных языках, сравнивать особенности их реализации на этих языках, самостоятельно осуществлять транспозицию (положительный перенос совпадающих схем организации связной речи) и преодолевать интерференцию (расходящихся схем построения связного текста), то качество их высказываний на двух языках может повыситься.
Цель статьи – показать результаты исследования по реализации технологии исследовательски-ориентированного обучения построению текста (связной речи). Связная речь понимается в статье как текст, созданный при помощи механизмов: 1) межфразовой связи, 2) последовательной реализации структурно-смысловых единиц, 3) уместного использования языковых средств стилистического единства.
Ход исследования. Педагогический эксперимент проводился на базе дошкольных учреждений Республики Татарстан, в которых дети осваивают три языка – русский, татарский, английский. Эксперимент проходил в 2018-2022 гг. Полученные данные сравнивались с контрольными группами, в которых такие задания не использовались. Общая численность испытуемых составила 2427 детей старшего дошкольного возраста. В педагогическом эксперименте мы попытались трансформировать традиционную методическую схему в технологическую – исследовательскую, при которой дети перестают играть пассивную роль исполнителей и превращаются в исследователей структуры текста (структуры связной речи). Объектом исследования для детей становится связная речь, предметом – механизмы построения связного текста на первом, на втором, иногда на третьем языках.
Результаты исследования оказались значимыми: если в экспериментальных группах количество детей, сумевших построить оригинальный текст на втором языке, возросло в среднем на 50%, то в контрольных только на 3%.
Заключение. Исследовательски-ориентированная технология формирования текстовых навыков может использоваться при обучении разным языкам. Эта технология стимулирует самостоятельный поиск, учит сравнивать особенности двух языков, самостоятельно осуществлять транспозицию (положительный перенос законов одного языка на другой язык), преодолевать текстовую интерференцию (отрицательное влияние законов одного языка на другой), развивает навыки по анализу и составлению связных текстов на родном, втором и третьем языках.
1. Жинкин Н.И. Механизмы речи / Акад. пед. наук РСФСР. Ин-т психологии. – М.: Изд-во Акад. пед. наук РСФСР, 1958. – 370 с.
2. Паспорт национального проекта Российской Федерации «Образование» от 24 декабря 2018 г. № 16. [Электронный ресурс].URL http://static.government.ru/media/files/UuG1ErcOWtjfOFCsqdLsLxC8oPFDkmBB.pdf (дата обращения 5.04.2022).
3. Сказки для старшей группы. [Электронный ресурс]. URL https://nukadeti.ru/skazki/dlya-starshej-gruppy (дата обращения 5.04.2022).
4. Aizawa, I., and H. Rose. 2019. “An Analysis of Japan’s English as Medium of Instruction Initiatives within Higher Education: The Gap Between Meso-Level Policy and Micro-Level Practice.” Higher Education 77 (6): 1125–1142. doi:https://doi.org/10.1007/s10734-018-0323-5
5. Al-Hoorie, A. H. 2018. “The L2 Motivational Self System: A Meta-Analysis.” Studies in Second Language Learning and Teaching 8 (4): 721–754. doi: https://doi.org/10.14746/ssllt.2018.8.4.2
6. Anderson, J. A. E., L. Mak, A. Keyvani Chahi, and E. Bialystok. 2018. “The Language and Social Background Questionnaire: Assessing Degree of Bilingualism in a Diverse Population.” Behavior Research Methods 50 (1): 250–263. doi: https://doi.org/10.3758/s13428-017-0867-9
7. Anssi Roiha & Katja Mäntylä 2022. ‘It has given me this kind of courage…’: the significance of CLIL in forming a positive target language self-concept. International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism. Volume 22. Pages: 100-116. https://www.tandfonline.com/toc/rbeb20/current
8. Ardasheva, Y., K. J. Carbonneau, A. K. Roo, and Z. Wang. 2018. “Relationships among Prior Learning, Anxiety, Self-Efficacy, and Science Vocabulary Learning of Middle School Students with Varied English Language Proficiency.” Learning and Individual Differences 61: 21–30. doi:https://doi.org/10.1016/J.LINDIF.2017.11.008
9. Baker, Colin, and Wayne E. Wright. 2017. Foundations of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism. 6th ed. Bristol: Multilingual Matters.
10. Bradford, A. 2018. “It’s Not All about English! The Problem of Language Foregrounding in English-Medium Programmes in Japan.” Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development, 1–14. doi:https://doi.org/10.1080/01434632.2018.1551402.
11. Brutt-Griffler, Janina. 2017. “English in the Multilingual Classroom: Implications for Research, Policy and Practice.” PSU Research Review 1 (3): 216–228. doi:https://doi.org/10.1108/PRR-10-2017-0042.
12. Calderуn, Margarita, Diego Fuenzalida,and Elizabeth Simonsen. 2018. Mapuche Nütram: historias y voces de educadores tradicionales [Mapuche Nütram: Stories and Voices of Traditional Educators]. Santiago: Universidad de Chile, Programa Transversal de Educaciуn, Centro de Investigaciуn Avanzada en Educaciуn.
13. Cantero, M.-J., V. Alfonso-Benlliure, and R. Melero. 2016. “Creativity in Middle Childhood: Influence of Perceived Maternal Sensitivity, Self-Esteem, and Shyness.” Creativity Research Journal 28 (1): 105–113. doi: https://doi.org/10.1080/10400419.2016.1125246
14. Carnock, Janie T. 2016. From Blueprint to Building: Lifting the Torch for Multilingual Students in New York State. Washington, DC: New America.
15. Chang, J.-Y., W. Kim, and H. Lee. 2017. “A Language Support Program for English-Medium Instruction Courses: Its Development and Evaluation in an EFL Setting.” International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism 20 (5): 510–528. doi:https://doi.org/10.1080/13670050.2015.1080658.
16. Chao, C. N. G., D. M. McInerney, and B. Bai. 2019. “Self-Efficacy and Self-Concept as Predictors of Language Learning Achievements in an Asian Bilingual Context.” The Asia-Pacific Education Researcher 28 (2): 139–147. doi:https://doi.org/10.1007/s40299-018-0420-3
17. Creswell, John W., and Vicki L Plano Clark. 2017. Designing and Conducting Mixed Methods Research. 3rd ed. Los Angeles, CA: Sage.
18. Dolowy-Rybinska, Nicole. 2018. “Learning Upper Sorbian. The Problems With Minority Language Education for Non-Native Pupils in the Upper Sorbian Grammar School in Bautzen/Budysin.” In International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism, 1–15. New York, NY: Routledge.
19. Dragojevic, M., J. Gasiorek, and H. Giles. 2016. “Accommodation Strategies as Core of the Theory.” In Communication Accommodation Theory: Negotiating Personal and Social Identities Across Contexts, edited by H. Giles, 36–59. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.
20. Edele, Aileen, Julian Seuring, Cornelia Kristen, and Petra Stanat. 2015. “Why Bother with Testing? The Validity of Immigrants’ Self-Assessed Language Proficiency.” Social Science Research 52: 99–123. doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ssresearch.2014.12.017
21. Forrest, Walter. 2018. “The Intergenerational Transmission of Australian Indigenous Languages: Why Language Maintenance Programmes Should Be Family-Focused.” Ethnic and Racial Studies 41 (2): 303–323. doi: https://doi.org/10.1080/01419870.2017.1334938
22. Galloway, N., J. Kriukow, and T. Numajiri. 2017. Internationalisation, Higher Education and the Growing Demand for English: An Investigation into the English Medium of Instruction (EMI) Movement in China and Japan. Accessed 30 October 2017, from Teaching English | British Council | BBC website: https://www.teachingenglish.org.uk/article/internationalisation-higher-education-growing-demand-engl....
23. Gándara, Patricia, and Kathy Escamilla. 2016. “Bilingual Education in the United States.” In Bilingual and Multilingual Education, 3rd ed., edited by O. Garcнa, Angel M.Y. Lin, and Stephen May, 439-452.
24. Gasiorek, J., and A. S. Ebesu Hubbard. 2017. “Perspectives on Perspective Taking in Communication Research.” Review of Communication 17 (2): 87–105. doi: https://doi.org/10.1080/15358593.2017.1293837
25. Gindin, S.I. What is a Text as a Basic Notion of Text Linguistics // Text as Sentence Continued. Hamburg, 1981. P. 107-111.
26. Hospel, Virginie, and Benoоt Galand. 2016. “Are Both Classroom Autonomy Support and Structure Equally Important for Students’ Engagement? A Multilevel Analysis.” Learning and Instruction 41: 1–10. doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.learninstruc.2015.09.001
27. Howard, Elizabeth R., Kathryn J. Lindholm-Leary, David Rogers, Natalie Olague, Jose Medina, Barbara Kennedy, Julie Sugarman, and Donna Christian. 2018. Guiding Principles for Dual Language Education. 3rd ed. Washington, DC: Center for Applied Linguistics
28. Jang, Eunjee, and Janina Brutt-Griffler. 2019. “Language as a Bridge to Higher Education: A Large-Scale Empirical Study of Heritage Language Proficiency on Language Minority Students’ Academic Success.” Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development 40 (4): 322–337. doi: https://doi.org/10.1080/01434632.2018.1518451
29. Janina Brutt-Griffler & Eunjee Jang 2022. Dual language programs: an exploration of bilingual students’ academic achievement, language proficiencies and engagement using a mixed methods approach. International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism. Volume 22. Pages: 1-22. https://www.tandfonline.com/toc/rbeb20/current
30. Macaro, E., S. Curle, J. Pun, J. An, and J. Dearden. 2018. “A Systematic Review of English Medium Instruction in Higher Education.” Language Teaching 51 (01): 36–76. doi:https://doi.org/10.1017/S0261444817000350.
31. Ministry of Education. 2016. “Reflexiones de profesores(as) EIB y academicos acerca de la educacion intercultural billingue en Chile.” [Reflections from IBE Professors and Academics About Intercultural Education Billingue in Chile.]
32. Mohanty, A. K. 2019. The Multilingual Reality: Living with Languages. Bristol, Blue Ridge Summit: Multilingual Matters.
33. National Center for Education Statistics. 2016. “Digest of Educational Statistics. Table 204.27. English language learner (ELL) students enrolled in public elementary and secondary schools, by grade, home language, and selected student characteristics: Selected years, 2008-09 through fall 2015.” National Center for Education Statistics. Accessed 18 December 2018. https://nces.ed.gov/programs/digest/d17/tables/dt17_204.27.asp?current=yes.
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37. Reershemius, Gertrud. 2017. “Autochthonous Heritage Languages and Social Media: Writing and Bilingual Practices in Low German on Facebook.” Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development 38 (1): 35–49. doi: https://doi.org/10.1080/01434632.2016.1151434
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2. Паспорт национального проекта Российской Федерации «Образование» от 24 декабря 2018 г. № 16. [Электронный ресурс].URL http://static.government.ru/media/files/UuG1ErcOWtjfOFCsqdLsLxC8oPFDkmBB.pdf (дата обращения 5.04.2022).
3. Сказки для старшей группы. [Электронный ресурс]. URL https://nukadeti.ru/skazki/dlya-starshej-gruppy (дата обращения 5.04.2022).
4. Aizawa, I., and H. Rose. 2019. “An Analysis of Japan’s English as Medium of Instruction Initiatives within Higher Education: The Gap Between Meso-Level Policy and Micro-Level Practice.” Higher Education 77 (6): 1125–1142. doi:https://doi.org/10.1007/s10734-018-0323-5
5. Al-Hoorie, A. H. 2018. “The L2 Motivational Self System: A Meta-Analysis.” Studies in Second Language Learning and Teaching 8 (4): 721–754. doi: https://doi.org/10.14746/ssllt.2018.8.4.2
6. Anderson, J. A. E., L. Mak, A. Keyvani Chahi, and E. Bialystok. 2018. “The Language and Social Background Questionnaire: Assessing Degree of Bilingualism in a Diverse Population.” Behavior Research Methods 50 (1): 250–263. doi: https://doi.org/10.3758/s13428-017-0867-9
7. Anssi Roiha & Katja Mäntylä 2022. ‘It has given me this kind of courage…’: the significance of CLIL in forming a positive target language self-concept. International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism. Volume 22. Pages: 100-116. https://www.tandfonline.com/toc/rbeb20/current
8. Ardasheva, Y., K. J. Carbonneau, A. K. Roo, and Z. Wang. 2018. “Relationships among Prior Learning, Anxiety, Self-Efficacy, and Science Vocabulary Learning of Middle School Students with Varied English Language Proficiency.” Learning and Individual Differences 61: 21–30. doi:https://doi.org/10.1016/J.LINDIF.2017.11.008
9. Baker, Colin, and Wayne E. Wright. 2017. Foundations of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism. 6th ed. Bristol: Multilingual Matters.
10. Bradford, A. 2018. “It’s Not All about English! The Problem of Language Foregrounding in English-Medium Programmes in Japan.” Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development, 1–14. doi:https://doi.org/10.1080/01434632.2018.1551402.
11. Brutt-Griffler, Janina. 2017. “English in the Multilingual Classroom: Implications for Research, Policy and Practice.” PSU Research Review 1 (3): 216–228. doi:https://doi.org/10.1108/PRR-10-2017-0042.
12. Calderуn, Margarita, Diego Fuenzalida,and Elizabeth Simonsen. 2018. Mapuche Nütram: historias y voces de educadores tradicionales [Mapuche Nütram: Stories and Voices of Traditional Educators]. Santiago: Universidad de Chile, Programa Transversal de Educaciуn, Centro de Investigaciуn Avanzada en Educaciуn.
13. Cantero, M.-J., V. Alfonso-Benlliure, and R. Melero. 2016. “Creativity in Middle Childhood: Influence of Perceived Maternal Sensitivity, Self-Esteem, and Shyness.” Creativity Research Journal 28 (1): 105–113. doi: https://doi.org/10.1080/10400419.2016.1125246
14. Carnock, Janie T. 2016. From Blueprint to Building: Lifting the Torch for Multilingual Students in New York State. Washington, DC: New America.
15. Chang, J.-Y., W. Kim, and H. Lee. 2017. “A Language Support Program for English-Medium Instruction Courses: Its Development and Evaluation in an EFL Setting.” International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism 20 (5): 510–528. doi:https://doi.org/10.1080/13670050.2015.1080658.
16. Chao, C. N. G., D. M. McInerney, and B. Bai. 2019. “Self-Efficacy and Self-Concept as Predictors of Language Learning Achievements in an Asian Bilingual Context.” The Asia-Pacific Education Researcher 28 (2): 139–147. doi:https://doi.org/10.1007/s40299-018-0420-3
17. Creswell, John W., and Vicki L Plano Clark. 2017. Designing and Conducting Mixed Methods Research. 3rd ed. Los Angeles, CA: Sage.
18. Dolowy-Rybinska, Nicole. 2018. “Learning Upper Sorbian. The Problems With Minority Language Education for Non-Native Pupils in the Upper Sorbian Grammar School in Bautzen/Budysin.” In International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism, 1–15. New York, NY: Routledge.
19. Dragojevic, M., J. Gasiorek, and H. Giles. 2016. “Accommodation Strategies as Core of the Theory.” In Communication Accommodation Theory: Negotiating Personal and Social Identities Across Contexts, edited by H. Giles, 36–59. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.
20. Edele, Aileen, Julian Seuring, Cornelia Kristen, and Petra Stanat. 2015. “Why Bother with Testing? The Validity of Immigrants’ Self-Assessed Language Proficiency.” Social Science Research 52: 99–123. doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ssresearch.2014.12.017
21. Forrest, Walter. 2018. “The Intergenerational Transmission of Australian Indigenous Languages: Why Language Maintenance Programmes Should Be Family-Focused.” Ethnic and Racial Studies 41 (2): 303–323. doi: https://doi.org/10.1080/01419870.2017.1334938
22. Galloway, N., J. Kriukow, and T. Numajiri. 2017. Internationalisation, Higher Education and the Growing Demand for English: An Investigation into the English Medium of Instruction (EMI) Movement in China and Japan. Accessed 30 October 2017, from Teaching English | British Council | BBC website: https://www.teachingenglish.org.uk/article/internationalisation-higher-education-growing-demand-engl....
23. Gándara, Patricia, and Kathy Escamilla. 2016. “Bilingual Education in the United States.” In Bilingual and Multilingual Education, 3rd ed., edited by O. Garcнa, Angel M.Y. Lin, and Stephen May, 439-452.
24. Gasiorek, J., and A. S. Ebesu Hubbard. 2017. “Perspectives on Perspective Taking in Communication Research.” Review of Communication 17 (2): 87–105. doi: https://doi.org/10.1080/15358593.2017.1293837
25. Gindin, S.I. What is a Text as a Basic Notion of Text Linguistics // Text as Sentence Continued. Hamburg, 1981. P. 107-111.
26. Hospel, Virginie, and Benoоt Galand. 2016. “Are Both Classroom Autonomy Support and Structure Equally Important for Students’ Engagement? A Multilevel Analysis.” Learning and Instruction 41: 1–10. doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.learninstruc.2015.09.001
27. Howard, Elizabeth R., Kathryn J. Lindholm-Leary, David Rogers, Natalie Olague, Jose Medina, Barbara Kennedy, Julie Sugarman, and Donna Christian. 2018. Guiding Principles for Dual Language Education. 3rd ed. Washington, DC: Center for Applied Linguistics
28. Jang, Eunjee, and Janina Brutt-Griffler. 2019. “Language as a Bridge to Higher Education: A Large-Scale Empirical Study of Heritage Language Proficiency on Language Minority Students’ Academic Success.” Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development 40 (4): 322–337. doi: https://doi.org/10.1080/01434632.2018.1518451
29. Janina Brutt-Griffler & Eunjee Jang 2022. Dual language programs: an exploration of bilingual students’ academic achievement, language proficiencies and engagement using a mixed methods approach. International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism. Volume 22. Pages: 1-22. https://www.tandfonline.com/toc/rbeb20/current
30. Macaro, E., S. Curle, J. Pun, J. An, and J. Dearden. 2018. “A Systematic Review of English Medium Instruction in Higher Education.” Language Teaching 51 (01): 36–76. doi:https://doi.org/10.1017/S0261444817000350.
31. Ministry of Education. 2016. “Reflexiones de profesores(as) EIB y academicos acerca de la educacion intercultural billingue en Chile.” [Reflections from IBE Professors and Academics About Intercultural Education Billingue in Chile.]
32. Mohanty, A. K. 2019. The Multilingual Reality: Living with Languages. Bristol, Blue Ridge Summit: Multilingual Matters.
33. National Center for Education Statistics. 2016. “Digest of Educational Statistics. Table 204.27. English language learner (ELL) students enrolled in public elementary and secondary schools, by grade, home language, and selected student characteristics: Selected years, 2008-09 through fall 2015.” National Center for Education Statistics. Accessed 18 December 2018. https://nces.ed.gov/programs/digest/d17/tables/dt17_204.27.asp?current=yes.
34. National Clearinghouse for English Language Acquisition. 2018. “Profiles of English Learners (ELs).” CELA fast facts. Accessed 5 September 2018. https://ncela.ed.gov/fast-facts.
35. New York State Education Department. 2018. “Blueprint for English Language Learner Success.” New York State Education Department. Accessed 5 September 2018. http://www.nysed.gov/common/nysed/files/nys-blueprint-for-ell-success.pdf.
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