Гиинс Н., Ванденбрук М. Раннее образование и воспитание как пространство для социальной поддержки в мультикультурной городской среде
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Гиинс Н., Ванденбрук М. Раннее образование и воспитание как пространство для социальной поддержки в мультикультурной городской среде // Современное дошкольное образование. Теория и практика. – 2015. – №10. – С.64–75.
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В данной статье показано, что социальная поддержка, осуществляемая дошкольными учреждениями, может простираться на семьи из различных социоэкономических и культурных слоев населения. Присутствие детей в качестве посредников играет ключевую роль в налаживании связей между родителями, социальной поддержке родителей и укреплении социального сплочения. «Свободные конфронтации» между родителями и детьми стимулируют повседневный образовательный процесс, несмотря (или благодаря) на возникающие противоречия и напряжение. Это позволяет предположить, что центры встреч могут явиться демократическими площадками, позволяющими родителям, детям и профессиональным педагогам совместно участвовать в процессе детского воспитания и укреплении социального сплочения. Благодаря этому воспитание детей и социальная жизнь, т.е. педагогический и социальный аспекты, соединяются воедино.
1. Alvestad, M. 2009. «Early Childhood Education and Care Policy in Norway.» European Early Childhood Education Research Journal 17 (3): 416–424.
2. Armstrong, M. I., S. Birnie-Lefcovitch, and M. T. Ungar. 2005. «Pathways between Social Support, Family Well Being, Quality of Parenting, and Child Resilience: What We Know.» Journal of Child and Family Studies 14 (2): 269–281.
3. Attree, P. 2004. «Parenting Support in the Context of Poverty: A Meta-Synthesis of the Qualitative Evidence.» Health and Social Care in the Community 13 (4): 330–337.
4. Biesta, G. J. J. 2011. Learning Democracy in School and Society: Education, Lifelong Learning and the Politics of Citizenship. Rotterdam: Sense Publishers.
5. Bouverne-De Bie, M. 2005. «Over respect voor gezinnen en gezinsgericht werken.» In Gezin en opvoeding: weldadig en gewelddadig, edited by H. Van Crombrugge and E. Lombaert, 61–76. Antwerpen/Appeldoorn: Garant.
6. Braidotti, R. 2006. «Affirmation Versus Vulnerability: On Contemporary Ethical Debates.» Canadian Journal of Continental Philosophy 10 (1): 235–254.
7. Broadhurst, K. 2007. «Parental Help-Seeking and the Moral Order. Notes for Policy-Makers and Parenting Practitioners on ‘the First Port of Call’ and ‘No One to Turn to’.» Sociological Research Online 12 (6). Accessed December 3 2009. www.socresonline.org.uk/12/6/4.html
8. Bruner, J. 1996. The Culture of Education. London: Harvard University Press.
9. Buysse, A. 2008. Opvoedingsondersteuning. Ondersteuningvangezinnenvandaag : eenonderzoek. In opdracht van de Vlaamse Gezinsbond. UGent, Faculteit Psychologie en Pedagogische Wetenscahppen, Vakgroep Experimenteel-klinische en Gezondheidspsychologie.
10. Crosier, T., P. Butterworth, and B. Rodgers. 2007. «Mental Health Problems Among Single and Partnered Mothers.» Social Psychiatry 42: 6–13.
11. Dadich, A. 2008. «Evaluating Playgroups: An Examination of Issues and Options.» The Australian Community Psychologist 20 (1): 95–104.
12. Denzin, N. K. 1998. «The Art and Politics of Interpretation.» In Collecting and Interpreting Qualitative Materials, edited by N. K. Denzin and Y. Lincoln, 313–344. London: Sage Publications.
13. European Commission. 2011. Early Childhood Education and Care: Providing all our Children with the Best Start for the World of Tomorrow. Brussels: Communication from the Commission.
14. European Parliament. 2002. Presidency conclusions. Barcelona European Council. 16 March 2002. Brussels: European Parliament and Council.
15. Gee, C. B., and J. E. Rhodes. 2007. «A Social Support and Social Strain Measure for Minority Adolescent Mothers: A Confirmatory Factor Analytic Study.» Child Care, Health and Development 34 (1): 87–98.
16. Geens, N. 2010. Sociale steun en vrije confrontatie in Baboes, een ontmoetingsplaats voor kinderen en ouders. Onuitgegevenmeesterproef. Promotor: M. Vandenbroeck. Gent: Vakgroep Sociale Agogiek, UGent.
17. Geldof, D. 2006. «De stad is een kosmos.» Alert 32 (3): 67–79.
18. Gillies, V. 2005. «Raising the‘meritocracy’: Parenting and the Individualization of Social Class.» Sociology 39 (5): 835–853.
19. Haber, M. G., J. L. Cohen, T. Lucas, and B. B. Baltes. 2007. «The Relationship Between Self-Reported Received and Perceived Social Support: A Meta-Analytic Review.» American Journal of Community Psychology 39: 133–144.
20. Harknett, K., and J. Knab. 2007. «More Kin, Less Support: Multipartnered Fertility and Perceived Support Among Mothers.» Journal of Marriage and Family 69: 237–253.
21. Hashima, P., and P. Amato. 1994. «Poverty, Social Support, and Parental Behavior.» Child Development 65: 394–403.
22. Heckman, J. J. 2006. «Skill Formation and the Economics of Investing in Disadvantaged Children.» Science 312 (5782): 1900–1902.
23. Hermanns, J. 2009. Het Opvoeden Verleerd. Amsterdam: Vossiuspers UvA.
24. Hoshi-Watanabe, M., T. Musatti, S. Rayna, & M. Vandenbroeck. forthcoming. Origins and rationale of centres for parents and young children together. Child and Family Social Work, DOI: 10.1111/cfs.12056.
25. Jack, G. 1999. «Ecological Influences on Parenting and Child Development.» British Journal of Social Work 30: 703–720.
26. Jackson, D. 2009. A Place to be: The Role of Supported Playgroups in Creating Responsive, Social Spaces for Parent and Child Wellbeing. Unpublished PhD. Sydney: University of Western Sydney.
27. Kim, H. S., D. K. Sherman, and S. E. Taylor. 2008. «Culture and Social Support.» American Psychologist 63 (6): 518–526.
28. Leseman, P. 2002. Early Childhood Education and Care for Children from Low-Income or Minority Backgrounds. Paris: O.E.C.D.
29. Musatti, T. 2007. «La signification des lieux d’accueil pour la petite enfance aujourd’hui.» In Nouveau paradigmes pour repenser l’йducation prйscolaire, edited by G. Brougиre and M. Vandenbroeck, 207–224. Brussels: Peter Lang.
30. Nealon, J. T. 1997. «The Ethics of Dialogue: Bakhtin and Levinas.» College English 59 (2): 129–148.
31. Needham, M. 2009. Learning to Learn in Supported Parent Toddler Groups: A Sociocultural Investigation. Unpublished PhD. London: University of London.
32. Noens, P., and S. Ramaekers. 2011.Opvoedingsondersteuning in ontmoeten: Onderzoeksverslag ter ontwerp van een bronnenboek. Leuven: Laboratorium voor Educatie en Samenleving, K.U. Leuven.
33. Nys, K. 2008. Ouders in Perspectief. Doctoraatsproefschrift. Leuven: KUL.
34. Penn, H. 2009. Early Childhood Education and Care. Key Lessons from Research for Policy Makers. Brussels: Nesse.
35. Plantenga, J., and M. Siegel. 2005. Position Paper «Childcare in a Changing World». Part 1: European Childcare Strategies. Groningen: Rijksuniversiteit Groningen.
36. Reblin, M., and B. N. Uchino. 2008. «Social and Emotional Support and its Implication for Health.» Current Opinion in Psychiatry 21: 201–205.
37. Richardson, L. 1998. «Writing: A Method of Inquiry.» In Collecting and Interpreting Qualitative Materials, edited by N. Denzin and Y. Lincoln, 345–371. London: Sage Publications.
38. Rourou, A., E. Singer, N. Bekkema, and D. De Haan. 2006. «Cultural Perspectives on Peer Conflicts in Multicultural Dutch Child Care Centres.» European Early Childhood Education Research Journal 14 (2): 35–53.
39. Rullo, G., and T. Musatti. 2005. «Mothering Young Children: Child Care, Stress and Social Life.» European Journal of Psychology of Education 20 (2): 107–119.
40. Sarason, I. G., and B. R. Sarason. 2009. «Social Support: Mapping the Construct.» Journal of Social and Personal Relationships 26 (1): 113–120.
41. Sarason, B. R., I. G. Sarason, and G. R. Pierce. 1990. Social Support: An Interactional View. New York: John Wiley & Sons.
42. Scheu, H., and N. Fraioli. 2010. Lieux d’accueil enfants parents et socialisation(s). Strasbourg: Le Furet.
43. Soenen, R. 2006. Het kleine ontmoeten. Over het sociale karakter van de stad. Antwerpen/ Apeldoorn: Garant.
44. Sylva, K., E. Melhuish, P. Sammons, I. Siraj-Blatchford, and B. Taggart. 2004. The effective provision of preschool education (EPPE) project: Final report. Nottingham: DfES Publications - The Institute of Education.
45. Thesing Winks, A. 2006. Support for Mothers by Early Childhood Centres: A Qualitative Study. A Thesis for a Doctorate in Education. Palmerston North: Massy University.
46. UNICEF. 2008. The Child Care Transition, Innocenti Report Card 8. Florence: UNICEF Innocenti Research Centre.
47. Urban, M. 2008. «Dealing with Uncertainty: Challenges and Possibilities for the Early Childhood Profession.» European Early Childhood Education Research Journal 16 (2): 135–152.
48. Urban, M., M. Vandenbroeck, A. Lazarri, J. Peeters, and K. Van Laere. forthcoming. Competence requirements in early childhood education and care. London – Ghent: UEL–UGent.
49. Vandenbroeck, M. 2009. In verzekerde bewaring. Honderdvijftig jaar kinderen, ouders en kinderopvang. Tweede volledig bijgewerkte druk. Amsterdam: SWP.
50. Vandenbroeck, M., T. Boonaert, S. Van der Mespel, and K. De Brabandere. 2009. «Dialogical Spaces to Reconceptualize Parent Support in the Social Investment State.» Contemporary Issues in Early Childhood 10 (1): 66–77.
51. Vangelisti, A. L. 2009. «Challenges in Conceptualizing Social Support.» Journal of Social and Personal Relationships 26 (1): 39–51.
52. Wullers, D. 2007. Reading the City, Appreciating the Neighbourhood: The Case of Linkeroever, Antwerp. 43rd ISOCARP Congress.
2. Armstrong, M. I., S. Birnie-Lefcovitch, and M. T. Ungar. 2005. «Pathways between Social Support, Family Well Being, Quality of Parenting, and Child Resilience: What We Know.» Journal of Child and Family Studies 14 (2): 269–281.
3. Attree, P. 2004. «Parenting Support in the Context of Poverty: A Meta-Synthesis of the Qualitative Evidence.» Health and Social Care in the Community 13 (4): 330–337.
4. Biesta, G. J. J. 2011. Learning Democracy in School and Society: Education, Lifelong Learning and the Politics of Citizenship. Rotterdam: Sense Publishers.
5. Bouverne-De Bie, M. 2005. «Over respect voor gezinnen en gezinsgericht werken.» In Gezin en opvoeding: weldadig en gewelddadig, edited by H. Van Crombrugge and E. Lombaert, 61–76. Antwerpen/Appeldoorn: Garant.
6. Braidotti, R. 2006. «Affirmation Versus Vulnerability: On Contemporary Ethical Debates.» Canadian Journal of Continental Philosophy 10 (1): 235–254.
7. Broadhurst, K. 2007. «Parental Help-Seeking and the Moral Order. Notes for Policy-Makers and Parenting Practitioners on ‘the First Port of Call’ and ‘No One to Turn to’.» Sociological Research Online 12 (6). Accessed December 3 2009. www.socresonline.org.uk/12/6/4.html
8. Bruner, J. 1996. The Culture of Education. London: Harvard University Press.
9. Buysse, A. 2008. Opvoedingsondersteuning. Ondersteuningvangezinnenvandaag : eenonderzoek. In opdracht van de Vlaamse Gezinsbond. UGent, Faculteit Psychologie en Pedagogische Wetenscahppen, Vakgroep Experimenteel-klinische en Gezondheidspsychologie.
10. Crosier, T., P. Butterworth, and B. Rodgers. 2007. «Mental Health Problems Among Single and Partnered Mothers.» Social Psychiatry 42: 6–13.
11. Dadich, A. 2008. «Evaluating Playgroups: An Examination of Issues and Options.» The Australian Community Psychologist 20 (1): 95–104.
12. Denzin, N. K. 1998. «The Art and Politics of Interpretation.» In Collecting and Interpreting Qualitative Materials, edited by N. K. Denzin and Y. Lincoln, 313–344. London: Sage Publications.
13. European Commission. 2011. Early Childhood Education and Care: Providing all our Children with the Best Start for the World of Tomorrow. Brussels: Communication from the Commission.
14. European Parliament. 2002. Presidency conclusions. Barcelona European Council. 16 March 2002. Brussels: European Parliament and Council.
15. Gee, C. B., and J. E. Rhodes. 2007. «A Social Support and Social Strain Measure for Minority Adolescent Mothers: A Confirmatory Factor Analytic Study.» Child Care, Health and Development 34 (1): 87–98.
16. Geens, N. 2010. Sociale steun en vrije confrontatie in Baboes, een ontmoetingsplaats voor kinderen en ouders. Onuitgegevenmeesterproef. Promotor: M. Vandenbroeck. Gent: Vakgroep Sociale Agogiek, UGent.
17. Geldof, D. 2006. «De stad is een kosmos.» Alert 32 (3): 67–79.
18. Gillies, V. 2005. «Raising the‘meritocracy’: Parenting and the Individualization of Social Class.» Sociology 39 (5): 835–853.
19. Haber, M. G., J. L. Cohen, T. Lucas, and B. B. Baltes. 2007. «The Relationship Between Self-Reported Received and Perceived Social Support: A Meta-Analytic Review.» American Journal of Community Psychology 39: 133–144.
20. Harknett, K., and J. Knab. 2007. «More Kin, Less Support: Multipartnered Fertility and Perceived Support Among Mothers.» Journal of Marriage and Family 69: 237–253.
21. Hashima, P., and P. Amato. 1994. «Poverty, Social Support, and Parental Behavior.» Child Development 65: 394–403.
22. Heckman, J. J. 2006. «Skill Formation and the Economics of Investing in Disadvantaged Children.» Science 312 (5782): 1900–1902.
23. Hermanns, J. 2009. Het Opvoeden Verleerd. Amsterdam: Vossiuspers UvA.
24. Hoshi-Watanabe, M., T. Musatti, S. Rayna, & M. Vandenbroeck. forthcoming. Origins and rationale of centres for parents and young children together. Child and Family Social Work, DOI: 10.1111/cfs.12056.
25. Jack, G. 1999. «Ecological Influences on Parenting and Child Development.» British Journal of Social Work 30: 703–720.
26. Jackson, D. 2009. A Place to be: The Role of Supported Playgroups in Creating Responsive, Social Spaces for Parent and Child Wellbeing. Unpublished PhD. Sydney: University of Western Sydney.
27. Kim, H. S., D. K. Sherman, and S. E. Taylor. 2008. «Culture and Social Support.» American Psychologist 63 (6): 518–526.
28. Leseman, P. 2002. Early Childhood Education and Care for Children from Low-Income or Minority Backgrounds. Paris: O.E.C.D.
29. Musatti, T. 2007. «La signification des lieux d’accueil pour la petite enfance aujourd’hui.» In Nouveau paradigmes pour repenser l’йducation prйscolaire, edited by G. Brougиre and M. Vandenbroeck, 207–224. Brussels: Peter Lang.
30. Nealon, J. T. 1997. «The Ethics of Dialogue: Bakhtin and Levinas.» College English 59 (2): 129–148.
31. Needham, M. 2009. Learning to Learn in Supported Parent Toddler Groups: A Sociocultural Investigation. Unpublished PhD. London: University of London.
32. Noens, P., and S. Ramaekers. 2011.Opvoedingsondersteuning in ontmoeten: Onderzoeksverslag ter ontwerp van een bronnenboek. Leuven: Laboratorium voor Educatie en Samenleving, K.U. Leuven.
33. Nys, K. 2008. Ouders in Perspectief. Doctoraatsproefschrift. Leuven: KUL.
34. Penn, H. 2009. Early Childhood Education and Care. Key Lessons from Research for Policy Makers. Brussels: Nesse.
35. Plantenga, J., and M. Siegel. 2005. Position Paper «Childcare in a Changing World». Part 1: European Childcare Strategies. Groningen: Rijksuniversiteit Groningen.
36. Reblin, M., and B. N. Uchino. 2008. «Social and Emotional Support and its Implication for Health.» Current Opinion in Psychiatry 21: 201–205.
37. Richardson, L. 1998. «Writing: A Method of Inquiry.» In Collecting and Interpreting Qualitative Materials, edited by N. Denzin and Y. Lincoln, 345–371. London: Sage Publications.
38. Rourou, A., E. Singer, N. Bekkema, and D. De Haan. 2006. «Cultural Perspectives on Peer Conflicts in Multicultural Dutch Child Care Centres.» European Early Childhood Education Research Journal 14 (2): 35–53.
39. Rullo, G., and T. Musatti. 2005. «Mothering Young Children: Child Care, Stress and Social Life.» European Journal of Psychology of Education 20 (2): 107–119.
40. Sarason, I. G., and B. R. Sarason. 2009. «Social Support: Mapping the Construct.» Journal of Social and Personal Relationships 26 (1): 113–120.
41. Sarason, B. R., I. G. Sarason, and G. R. Pierce. 1990. Social Support: An Interactional View. New York: John Wiley & Sons.
42. Scheu, H., and N. Fraioli. 2010. Lieux d’accueil enfants parents et socialisation(s). Strasbourg: Le Furet.
43. Soenen, R. 2006. Het kleine ontmoeten. Over het sociale karakter van de stad. Antwerpen/ Apeldoorn: Garant.
44. Sylva, K., E. Melhuish, P. Sammons, I. Siraj-Blatchford, and B. Taggart. 2004. The effective provision of preschool education (EPPE) project: Final report. Nottingham: DfES Publications - The Institute of Education.
45. Thesing Winks, A. 2006. Support for Mothers by Early Childhood Centres: A Qualitative Study. A Thesis for a Doctorate in Education. Palmerston North: Massy University.
46. UNICEF. 2008. The Child Care Transition, Innocenti Report Card 8. Florence: UNICEF Innocenti Research Centre.
47. Urban, M. 2008. «Dealing with Uncertainty: Challenges and Possibilities for the Early Childhood Profession.» European Early Childhood Education Research Journal 16 (2): 135–152.
48. Urban, M., M. Vandenbroeck, A. Lazarri, J. Peeters, and K. Van Laere. forthcoming. Competence requirements in early childhood education and care. London – Ghent: UEL–UGent.
49. Vandenbroeck, M. 2009. In verzekerde bewaring. Honderdvijftig jaar kinderen, ouders en kinderopvang. Tweede volledig bijgewerkte druk. Amsterdam: SWP.
50. Vandenbroeck, M., T. Boonaert, S. Van der Mespel, and K. De Brabandere. 2009. «Dialogical Spaces to Reconceptualize Parent Support in the Social Investment State.» Contemporary Issues in Early Childhood 10 (1): 66–77.
51. Vangelisti, A. L. 2009. «Challenges in Conceptualizing Social Support.» Journal of Social and Personal Relationships 26 (1): 39–51.
52. Wullers, D. 2007. Reading the City, Appreciating the Neighbourhood: The Case of Linkeroever, Antwerp. 43rd ISOCARP Congress.
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