Гюльзау Ф. (Не) равны с самого начала? Количественный анализ участия дошкольников в организованной деятельности в Германии
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Гюльзау Ф. (Не) равны с самого начала? Количественный анализ участия дошкольников в организованной деятельности в Германии // Современное дошкольное образование. – 2020. – №1(97). – С. 66–78.
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В этой статье я исследую участие дошкольников в организованной деятельности. В современных политических и академических дискуссиях неформальное образование рассматривается в качестве основного средства для потенциального уменьшения социального классового неравенства в образовательных результатах до поступления в школу. Тем не менее, исследования указывают на неравные показатели участия между социальными классами, это означает, что организованная деятельность может фактически усугубить существующие различия. Такому социальному классовому разрыву были предложены различные объяснения. Некоторые ученые утверждают, что ключевую роль играют материальные средства, в то время как другие говорят, что решающим фактором является культура. В этом исследовании изучается группа детского сада, входящая в Национальное групповое исследование в области образования (NEPS) для проверки того, насколько эти два аспекта влияют на социально-классовые различия при участии дошкольников в организованной деятельности. Мой анализ показывает, что оба фактора являются важными детерминантами участия детей в организованной деятельности. Тем не менее, профессиональные характеристики также оказывают значительное влияние, что свидетельствует об изъянах в текущей научной дискуссии.
1. Ariés, Philippe. 1962. Centuries of Childhood. A Social History of Family Life. New York: Random House.
2. Beck-Gernsheim, Elisabeth. 1997. “Vom Kinderwunsch zum Wunschkind.” In Das Generationenverhältnis. Über das Zusammenleben in Familie und Gesellschaft, edited by Eckart Liebau, 107–121. Weinheim: Juventa.
3. Bennett, Pamela R., Amy C. Lutz, and Lakshmi Jayaram. 2012. “Beyond the Schoolyard: The Role of Parenting Logics, Financial Resources, and Social Institutions in the Social Class Gap in Structured Activity Participation.” Sociology of Education 85 (2): 131–157.
4. Best, Henning, and Christof Wolf. 2012. “Modellvergleich und Ergebnisinterpretation in Logit- und Probit-Regressionen.” Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialforschung 64 (2): 337–395.
5. Betz, Tanja. 2012. “Early Childhood Education and Social Inequality: Parental Models of a “Good” Childhood.” In The Politicization of Parenthood. Shifting Private and Public Responsibilities in Education and Child Rearing, edited by Martina Richter and Sabine Andresen, 113–126. Dordrecht: Springer.
6. Betz, Tanja, Frederick de Moll, and Stefanie Bischoff. 2013. “Gute Eltern - schlechte Eltern. Politische Konstruktionen von Elternschaft.” In Frühe Bildung in der Familie. Perspektiven der Familienbildung, edited by Lena Correll and Julia Lepperhoff, 69–80. Weinheim: Beltz Juventa.
7. Blossfeld, Hans-Peter, Jutta von Maurice, and Thorsten Schneider. 2011. “The National Educational Panel Study: Need, Main Features, and Research Potential.” Zeitschrift für Erziehungwissenschaft 14 (2 Supplement): 5–17.
8. BMFSFJ. 2013. 14. Kinder- und Jugendbericht. Bericht über die Lebenssituation Junger Menschen und die Leistungen der Kinder- und Jugendhilfe in Deutschland. Berlin: BMFSFJ.
9. Bodovski, Katerina. 2010. “Parental Practices and Educational Achievement: Social Class, Race, and Habitus.” British Journal of Sociology of Education 31 (2): 139–156.
10. Bodovski, Katerina, and George Farkas. 2008. ““Concerted Cultivation” and Unequal Achievement in Elementary School.” Social Science Research 37 (3): 903–919.
11. Bourdieu, Pierre. 1985. “The Social Space and the Genesis of Groups.” Theory and Society 14 (6): 723–744.
12. Breen, Richard. 2005. “Foundations of a Neo-Weberian Class Analysis.” In Approaches to Class Analysis, edited by Erik Olin Wright, 31–50. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
13. Chan, Tak Wing, and Anita Koo. 2011. “Parenting Style and Youth Outcomes in the UK.” European Sociological Review 27 (3): 385–399.
14. Cheadle, Jacob E., and Paul R. Amato. 2011. “A Quantitative Assessment of Lareau’s Qualitative Conclusions About Class, Race, and Parenting.” Journal of Family Issues 32 (5): 679–706.
15. Chin, Tiffani, and Meredith Phillips. 2004. “Social Reproduction and Child-Rearing Practices: Social Class, Children’s Agency, and the Summer Activity Gap.” Sociology of Education 77 (3): 185–210.
16. Daly, Mary. 2013. “Parenting Support Policies in Europe.” Families, Relationships and Societies 2 (2): 159–174.
17. De Ayala, Rafael Jaime. 2009. “Non-Rasch Models for Ordered Polytomous Data.” In The Theory and Practice of Item Response Theory, Edited by Rafael Jaime de Ayala, 209–236. New York: The Guildford Press.
18. De Moll, Frederick, and Tanja Betz. 2014. “Inequality in Pre-school Education and Care in Germany: An Analysis by Social Class and Immigrant Status.” International Studies in Sociology of Education 24 (3): 237–271.
19. Edwards, Rosalind, Val Gillies, and Nicola Horsley. 2016. “Early Intervention and Evidence-based Policy and Practice: Framing and Taming.” Social Policy & Society 15 (1): 1–10.
20. Esping-Andersen, Gosta. 2008. “Childhood Investments and Skill Formation.” International Tax and Public Finance 15 (1): 19–44.
21. Faircloth, Charlotte. 2014. “Intensive Parenting and the Expansion of Parenting.” In Parenting Culture Studies, edited by Ellie Lee, Jennie Bristow, Charlotte Faircloth, and Jan Macvarish, 25–50. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
22. Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs, BMAS. 2015. The Educational Package. A New Start for Taking Part. Bonn: Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs.
23. Gebhardt, Miriam. 2009. Die Angst vor dem kindlichen Tyrannen. Eine Geschichte der Erziehung im 20. Jahrhundert. München: DVA.
24. Gillies, Val. 2005. “Raising the ‘Meritocracy’: Parenting and the Individualization of Social Class.” Sociology 39 (5): 835–853.
25. Gillies, Val. 2008. “Childrearing, Class and the New Politics of Parenting.” Sociology Compass 2 (3): 1079–1095.
26. Gillies, Val. 2012. “Family Policy and the Politics of Parenting: From Function to Competence.” In The Politicization of Parenthood. Shifting Private and Public Responsibilities in Education and Child Rearing, edited by Martina Richter and Sabine Andresen, 13–37. Dordrecht: Springer.
27. Goldthorpe, John H. 2007. “Social Class and the Differentiation of Employment Contracts.” In On Sociology, edited by John H. Goldthorpe, 101–124. Stanford: Stanford University Press.
28. Hartas, Dimitra. 2015. “Parenting for Social Mobility? Home Learning, Parental Warmth, Class and Educational Outcomes.” Journal of Education Policy 30 (1): 21–38.
29. Hays, Sharon. 1996. The Cultural Contradictions of Motherhood. New Haven: Yale University Press.
30. Heckman, James J. 2008. “Schools, Skills, and Synapses.” Economic Inquiry 46 (3): 289–324.
31. Hille, Adrian, Annegret Arnold, and Jürgen Schupp. 2013. “Freizeitverhalten Jugendlicher: Bildungsorientierte Aktivitäten spielen eine immer größere Rolle.” Wochenbericht des DIW Berlin 40: 15–25.
32. Hille, Adrian, and Jürgen Schupp. 2015. “How Learning an Musical Instrument Affects the Development of Skills.” Economics of Education Review 44: 56–82.
33. Jæger, Mads Meier, and Richard Breen. 2016. “A Dynamic Model of Cultural Reproduction.” American Journal of Sociology 121 (4): 1079–1115.
34. Johnson, David R., and Rebekah Young. 2011. “Toward Best Practices in Analyzing Datasets with Missing Data: Comparison and Recommendations.” Journal of Marriage and Family 73 (5): 926–945.
35. Karlson, Kristian Bernt, Anders Holm, and Richard Breen. 2012. “Comparing Regression Coefficients between Same-sample Nested Models Using Logit and Probit: A New Method.” Sociological Methodology 42 (1): 286–313.
36. Keller, Heidi, Bettina Lamm, Monika Abels, Relindis Yovsi, Jörn Borke, Henning Jensen, Zaira Papaligoura, et al. 2006. “Cultural Models, Socialization Goals, and Parenting Ethnotheories.” Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology 37 (2): 155–172.
37. King, Gary, James Honaker, Anne Joseph, and Kenneth Scheve. 2001. “Analyzing Incomplete Political Science Data: An Alternative Algorithm for Multiple Imputation.” Amerian Political Science Review 95 (1): 49–69.
38. Kohler, Ulrich, Kristian Bernt Karlson, and Anders Holm. 2011. “Comparing Coefficients of Nested Nonlinear Probability Models.” The Stata Journal 11 (3): 420–438.
39. Kohn, Melvin L. 1963. “Social Class and Parent-child Relationships: An Interpretation.” American Journal of Sociology 68 (4): 471–480.
40. Kohn, Melvin L., and Kazimierz M. Slomczynski. 1993 [1990]. Social Structure and Self-direction. A Comparative Analysis of the United States and Poland. Cambridge, MA: Blackwell.
41. Kornrich, Sabino, and Frank Furstenberg. 2013. “Investing in Children: Changes in Parental Spending on Children, 1972–2007.” Demography 50 (1): 1–23.
42. Lareau, Annette. 2008. “Introduction: Taking Stock of Class.” In Social Class. How Does It Work? edited by Annette Lareau and Conley Dalton, 3–24. New York: Russell Sage Foundation.
43. Lareau, Annette. 2011 [2003]. Unequal Childhoods. Class, Race, and Family Life. 2nd ed. with an Update a Decade Later ed. Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press.
44. Lareau, Annette, and Elliot B. Weininger. 2003. “Cultural Capital in Educational Research: A Critical Assessment.” Theory and Society 32 (5/6): 567–606.
45. Lareau, Annette, Elliot B. Weininger, Dalton Conley, and Melissa Velez. 2011. “Unequal Childhoods in Context. Results from a Quantitative Analysis.” In Unequal Childhoods. Class, Race, and Family Life, edited by Annette Lareau, 333–341. Berkeley, Los Angeles, London: University of California Press.
46. Lee, Ellie. 2014. “Experts and Parenting Culture.” In Parenting Culture Studies, edited by Ellie Lee, Jennie Bristow, Charlotte Faircloth, and Jan Macvarish, 51–75. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
47. Lee, Ellie, Jennie Bristow, Charlotte Faircloth, and Jan Macvarish. 2014. Parenting Culture Studies. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
48. Macvarish, Jan. 2014. “The Politics of Parenting.” In Parenting Culture Studies, edited by Ellie Lee, Jennie Bristow, Charlotte Faircloth, and Jan Macvarish, 76–101. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
49. Mazza, Angelo, Antonio Punzo, and Brian McGuire. 2014. “KernSmoothIRT: An R Package for Kernel Smoothing in Item Response Theory.” Journal of Statistical Software 58 (6): 1–34.
50. Meixner, Sonja, David Schiller, Jutta von Maurice, and Henriette Engelhardt-Wölfler. 2011. “Data Protection Issues in the National Educational Panel Study.” Zeitschrift für Erziehungswissenschaft 14 (2 Supplement): 301–313.
51. Mühler, Grit, and Katharina C. Spieß. 2008. “Informelle Förderangebote - Eine empirische Analyse ihrer Nutzung in der frühen Kindheit.” Zeitschrift für Erziehungswissenschaft Sonderheft 11: 29–46.
52. Nelson, Margaret K. 2010. Parenting Out of Control. New York: New York University Press.
53. Ostner, Ilona, and Carolyn Stolberg. 2015. “Investing in Children, Monitoring Parents: Parenting Support in the Changing German Welfare State.” Social Policy & Society 14 (4): 621–632.
54. Perrier, Maud. 2013. “Middle-class Mothers’ Moralities and ‘Concerted Cultivation’: Class Others, Ambivalence and Excess.” Sociology 47 (4): 655–670.
55. Putnam, Robert D. 2016. Our Kids. The American Dream in Crisis. New York: Simon & Schuster.
56. Quirke, Linda. 2006. “’Keeping Young Minds Sharp’: Children’s Cognitive Stimulation and the Rise of Parenting Magazines, 1959–2003.” Canadian Review of Sociology/Revue Canadienne de Sociologie 43 (4): 387–406.
57. Ramaekers, Stefan, and Judith Suissa. 2012. The Claims of Parenting. Reasons, Responsibility and Society. Dordrecht: Springer.
58. Ramey, Garey, and Valerie A. Ramey. 2010. “The Rug Rat Race.” Brookings Papers on Economic Activity 2010, Spring: 129–176.
59. Richter, Martina, and Sabine Andresen. 2012. The Politicization of Parenthood. Shifting Private and Public Responsibilities in Education and Child Rearing. Dordrecht: Springer.
60. Rubin,Donald B. 1987.Multiple Imputation forNonresponse in Surveys.NewYork: JohnWiley&Sons.
61. Schaub, Maryellen. 2010. “Parenting for Cognitive Development from 1950 to 2000: The Institutionalization of Mass Education and the Social Construction of Parenting in the United States.” Sociology of Education 83 (3): 46–66.
62. Schober, Pia S., and Katharina C. Spiess. 2013. “Early Childhood Education and Care Arrangements of Disadvantaged Children in Germany.” Child Indicators Research 6 (4): 709–735.
63. Schroeder, Carsten, Katharina C. Spieß, and Johanna Storck. 2015. “Private Spending on Children’s Education: Low-Income Families Pay Relatively More.” DIW Economic Bulletin 8: 113–123.
64. Sherman, Jennifer, and Elizabeth Harris. 2012. “Social Class and Parenting: Classic Debates and New Understandings.” Sociology Compass 6 (1): 60–71.
65. Smyth, Ciara. 2016. “Getting Ahead in the Preschool Years: An Analysis of a Preschool Enrichment and Entertainment Market.” Sociology 50 (4): 731–747.
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67. Steinhauer, Hans Walter, Christian Aßmann, Sabine Zinn, Solange Goßmann, and Susanne Rässler. 2015. “Sampling and Weighting Cohort Samples in Institutional Contexts. The National Educational Panel Study Cohort Samples of Kindergarten Children, Students in Grade 5 and in Grade 9.” AstA Wirtschafts- und Sozialstatisches Archiv 9 (2): 131–157.
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72. Weininger, Elliot B., and Annette Lareau. 2009. “Paradoxical Pathways: An Ethnographic Extension of Kohn’s Findings on Class and Childrearing.” Journal of Marriage and Family 71 (3): 680–695.
73. Weininger, Elliot B., Annette Lareau, and Dalton Conley. 2015. “What Money Doesn’t Buy: Class Resources and Children’s Participation in Organized Extracurricular Activities.” Social Forces 94 (2): 479–503.
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2. Beck-Gernsheim, Elisabeth. 1997. “Vom Kinderwunsch zum Wunschkind.” In Das Generationenverhältnis. Über das Zusammenleben in Familie und Gesellschaft, edited by Eckart Liebau, 107–121. Weinheim: Juventa.
3. Bennett, Pamela R., Amy C. Lutz, and Lakshmi Jayaram. 2012. “Beyond the Schoolyard: The Role of Parenting Logics, Financial Resources, and Social Institutions in the Social Class Gap in Structured Activity Participation.” Sociology of Education 85 (2): 131–157.
4. Best, Henning, and Christof Wolf. 2012. “Modellvergleich und Ergebnisinterpretation in Logit- und Probit-Regressionen.” Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialforschung 64 (2): 337–395.
5. Betz, Tanja. 2012. “Early Childhood Education and Social Inequality: Parental Models of a “Good” Childhood.” In The Politicization of Parenthood. Shifting Private and Public Responsibilities in Education and Child Rearing, edited by Martina Richter and Sabine Andresen, 113–126. Dordrecht: Springer.
6. Betz, Tanja, Frederick de Moll, and Stefanie Bischoff. 2013. “Gute Eltern - schlechte Eltern. Politische Konstruktionen von Elternschaft.” In Frühe Bildung in der Familie. Perspektiven der Familienbildung, edited by Lena Correll and Julia Lepperhoff, 69–80. Weinheim: Beltz Juventa.
7. Blossfeld, Hans-Peter, Jutta von Maurice, and Thorsten Schneider. 2011. “The National Educational Panel Study: Need, Main Features, and Research Potential.” Zeitschrift für Erziehungwissenschaft 14 (2 Supplement): 5–17.
8. BMFSFJ. 2013. 14. Kinder- und Jugendbericht. Bericht über die Lebenssituation Junger Menschen und die Leistungen der Kinder- und Jugendhilfe in Deutschland. Berlin: BMFSFJ.
9. Bodovski, Katerina. 2010. “Parental Practices and Educational Achievement: Social Class, Race, and Habitus.” British Journal of Sociology of Education 31 (2): 139–156.
10. Bodovski, Katerina, and George Farkas. 2008. ““Concerted Cultivation” and Unequal Achievement in Elementary School.” Social Science Research 37 (3): 903–919.
11. Bourdieu, Pierre. 1985. “The Social Space and the Genesis of Groups.” Theory and Society 14 (6): 723–744.
12. Breen, Richard. 2005. “Foundations of a Neo-Weberian Class Analysis.” In Approaches to Class Analysis, edited by Erik Olin Wright, 31–50. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
13. Chan, Tak Wing, and Anita Koo. 2011. “Parenting Style and Youth Outcomes in the UK.” European Sociological Review 27 (3): 385–399.
14. Cheadle, Jacob E., and Paul R. Amato. 2011. “A Quantitative Assessment of Lareau’s Qualitative Conclusions About Class, Race, and Parenting.” Journal of Family Issues 32 (5): 679–706.
15. Chin, Tiffani, and Meredith Phillips. 2004. “Social Reproduction and Child-Rearing Practices: Social Class, Children’s Agency, and the Summer Activity Gap.” Sociology of Education 77 (3): 185–210.
16. Daly, Mary. 2013. “Parenting Support Policies in Europe.” Families, Relationships and Societies 2 (2): 159–174.
17. De Ayala, Rafael Jaime. 2009. “Non-Rasch Models for Ordered Polytomous Data.” In The Theory and Practice of Item Response Theory, Edited by Rafael Jaime de Ayala, 209–236. New York: The Guildford Press.
18. De Moll, Frederick, and Tanja Betz. 2014. “Inequality in Pre-school Education and Care in Germany: An Analysis by Social Class and Immigrant Status.” International Studies in Sociology of Education 24 (3): 237–271.
19. Edwards, Rosalind, Val Gillies, and Nicola Horsley. 2016. “Early Intervention and Evidence-based Policy and Practice: Framing and Taming.” Social Policy & Society 15 (1): 1–10.
20. Esping-Andersen, Gosta. 2008. “Childhood Investments and Skill Formation.” International Tax and Public Finance 15 (1): 19–44.
21. Faircloth, Charlotte. 2014. “Intensive Parenting and the Expansion of Parenting.” In Parenting Culture Studies, edited by Ellie Lee, Jennie Bristow, Charlotte Faircloth, and Jan Macvarish, 25–50. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
22. Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs, BMAS. 2015. The Educational Package. A New Start for Taking Part. Bonn: Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs.
23. Gebhardt, Miriam. 2009. Die Angst vor dem kindlichen Tyrannen. Eine Geschichte der Erziehung im 20. Jahrhundert. München: DVA.
24. Gillies, Val. 2005. “Raising the ‘Meritocracy’: Parenting and the Individualization of Social Class.” Sociology 39 (5): 835–853.
25. Gillies, Val. 2008. “Childrearing, Class and the New Politics of Parenting.” Sociology Compass 2 (3): 1079–1095.
26. Gillies, Val. 2012. “Family Policy and the Politics of Parenting: From Function to Competence.” In The Politicization of Parenthood. Shifting Private and Public Responsibilities in Education and Child Rearing, edited by Martina Richter and Sabine Andresen, 13–37. Dordrecht: Springer.
27. Goldthorpe, John H. 2007. “Social Class and the Differentiation of Employment Contracts.” In On Sociology, edited by John H. Goldthorpe, 101–124. Stanford: Stanford University Press.
28. Hartas, Dimitra. 2015. “Parenting for Social Mobility? Home Learning, Parental Warmth, Class and Educational Outcomes.” Journal of Education Policy 30 (1): 21–38.
29. Hays, Sharon. 1996. The Cultural Contradictions of Motherhood. New Haven: Yale University Press.
30. Heckman, James J. 2008. “Schools, Skills, and Synapses.” Economic Inquiry 46 (3): 289–324.
31. Hille, Adrian, Annegret Arnold, and Jürgen Schupp. 2013. “Freizeitverhalten Jugendlicher: Bildungsorientierte Aktivitäten spielen eine immer größere Rolle.” Wochenbericht des DIW Berlin 40: 15–25.
32. Hille, Adrian, and Jürgen Schupp. 2015. “How Learning an Musical Instrument Affects the Development of Skills.” Economics of Education Review 44: 56–82.
33. Jæger, Mads Meier, and Richard Breen. 2016. “A Dynamic Model of Cultural Reproduction.” American Journal of Sociology 121 (4): 1079–1115.
34. Johnson, David R., and Rebekah Young. 2011. “Toward Best Practices in Analyzing Datasets with Missing Data: Comparison and Recommendations.” Journal of Marriage and Family 73 (5): 926–945.
35. Karlson, Kristian Bernt, Anders Holm, and Richard Breen. 2012. “Comparing Regression Coefficients between Same-sample Nested Models Using Logit and Probit: A New Method.” Sociological Methodology 42 (1): 286–313.
36. Keller, Heidi, Bettina Lamm, Monika Abels, Relindis Yovsi, Jörn Borke, Henning Jensen, Zaira Papaligoura, et al. 2006. “Cultural Models, Socialization Goals, and Parenting Ethnotheories.” Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology 37 (2): 155–172.
37. King, Gary, James Honaker, Anne Joseph, and Kenneth Scheve. 2001. “Analyzing Incomplete Political Science Data: An Alternative Algorithm for Multiple Imputation.” Amerian Political Science Review 95 (1): 49–69.
38. Kohler, Ulrich, Kristian Bernt Karlson, and Anders Holm. 2011. “Comparing Coefficients of Nested Nonlinear Probability Models.” The Stata Journal 11 (3): 420–438.
39. Kohn, Melvin L. 1963. “Social Class and Parent-child Relationships: An Interpretation.” American Journal of Sociology 68 (4): 471–480.
40. Kohn, Melvin L., and Kazimierz M. Slomczynski. 1993 [1990]. Social Structure and Self-direction. A Comparative Analysis of the United States and Poland. Cambridge, MA: Blackwell.
41. Kornrich, Sabino, and Frank Furstenberg. 2013. “Investing in Children: Changes in Parental Spending on Children, 1972–2007.” Demography 50 (1): 1–23.
42. Lareau, Annette. 2008. “Introduction: Taking Stock of Class.” In Social Class. How Does It Work? edited by Annette Lareau and Conley Dalton, 3–24. New York: Russell Sage Foundation.
43. Lareau, Annette. 2011 [2003]. Unequal Childhoods. Class, Race, and Family Life. 2nd ed. with an Update a Decade Later ed. Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press.
44. Lareau, Annette, and Elliot B. Weininger. 2003. “Cultural Capital in Educational Research: A Critical Assessment.” Theory and Society 32 (5/6): 567–606.
45. Lareau, Annette, Elliot B. Weininger, Dalton Conley, and Melissa Velez. 2011. “Unequal Childhoods in Context. Results from a Quantitative Analysis.” In Unequal Childhoods. Class, Race, and Family Life, edited by Annette Lareau, 333–341. Berkeley, Los Angeles, London: University of California Press.
46. Lee, Ellie. 2014. “Experts and Parenting Culture.” In Parenting Culture Studies, edited by Ellie Lee, Jennie Bristow, Charlotte Faircloth, and Jan Macvarish, 51–75. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
47. Lee, Ellie, Jennie Bristow, Charlotte Faircloth, and Jan Macvarish. 2014. Parenting Culture Studies. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
48. Macvarish, Jan. 2014. “The Politics of Parenting.” In Parenting Culture Studies, edited by Ellie Lee, Jennie Bristow, Charlotte Faircloth, and Jan Macvarish, 76–101. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
49. Mazza, Angelo, Antonio Punzo, and Brian McGuire. 2014. “KernSmoothIRT: An R Package for Kernel Smoothing in Item Response Theory.” Journal of Statistical Software 58 (6): 1–34.
50. Meixner, Sonja, David Schiller, Jutta von Maurice, and Henriette Engelhardt-Wölfler. 2011. “Data Protection Issues in the National Educational Panel Study.” Zeitschrift für Erziehungswissenschaft 14 (2 Supplement): 301–313.
51. Mühler, Grit, and Katharina C. Spieß. 2008. “Informelle Förderangebote - Eine empirische Analyse ihrer Nutzung in der frühen Kindheit.” Zeitschrift für Erziehungswissenschaft Sonderheft 11: 29–46.
52. Nelson, Margaret K. 2010. Parenting Out of Control. New York: New York University Press.
53. Ostner, Ilona, and Carolyn Stolberg. 2015. “Investing in Children, Monitoring Parents: Parenting Support in the Changing German Welfare State.” Social Policy & Society 14 (4): 621–632.
54. Perrier, Maud. 2013. “Middle-class Mothers’ Moralities and ‘Concerted Cultivation’: Class Others, Ambivalence and Excess.” Sociology 47 (4): 655–670.
55. Putnam, Robert D. 2016. Our Kids. The American Dream in Crisis. New York: Simon & Schuster.
56. Quirke, Linda. 2006. “’Keeping Young Minds Sharp’: Children’s Cognitive Stimulation and the Rise of Parenting Magazines, 1959–2003.” Canadian Review of Sociology/Revue Canadienne de Sociologie 43 (4): 387–406.
57. Ramaekers, Stefan, and Judith Suissa. 2012. The Claims of Parenting. Reasons, Responsibility and Society. Dordrecht: Springer.
58. Ramey, Garey, and Valerie A. Ramey. 2010. “The Rug Rat Race.” Brookings Papers on Economic Activity 2010, Spring: 129–176.
59. Richter, Martina, and Sabine Andresen. 2012. The Politicization of Parenthood. Shifting Private and Public Responsibilities in Education and Child Rearing. Dordrecht: Springer.
60. Rubin,Donald B. 1987.Multiple Imputation forNonresponse in Surveys.NewYork: JohnWiley&Sons.
61. Schaub, Maryellen. 2010. “Parenting for Cognitive Development from 1950 to 2000: The Institutionalization of Mass Education and the Social Construction of Parenting in the United States.” Sociology of Education 83 (3): 46–66.
62. Schober, Pia S., and Katharina C. Spiess. 2013. “Early Childhood Education and Care Arrangements of Disadvantaged Children in Germany.” Child Indicators Research 6 (4): 709–735.
63. Schroeder, Carsten, Katharina C. Spieß, and Johanna Storck. 2015. “Private Spending on Children’s Education: Low-Income Families Pay Relatively More.” DIW Economic Bulletin 8: 113–123.
64. Sherman, Jennifer, and Elizabeth Harris. 2012. “Social Class and Parenting: Classic Debates and New Understandings.” Sociology Compass 6 (1): 60–71.
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