Линдал И. Взаимодействие с детьми в дошкольных образовательных учреждениях: выбор пути в дошкольном образовании
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Линдал И. Взаимодействие с детьми в дошкольных образовательных учреждениях: выбор пути в дошкольном образовании // Современное дошкольное образование. Теория и практика. – 2017. – №2. – С.44–55.
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Какой подход могут использовать педагоги дошкольных образовательных учреждений для реализации вариативности и многообразия? Данная статья посвящена обсуждению двух подходов в образовании: один базируется на планировании, а другой – на открытой рефлексии. В рамках второго подхода в статье рассматривается понятие «ситуативный отклик». Особое внимание в статье уделяется морально-этической стороне взаимоотношений с детьми. Для первого подхода характерны обучение на основе исследований, дидактический анализ, планирование образовательного процесса. Данный подход подчинен логическим закономерностям, что снижает вариативность. Второй подход в образовании, представленный в качестве примера в проекте «Удивляемся вместе», делает акцент на более открытой, рефлективной позиции, которая способствует вариативности. Я считаю, что ситуативный отклик является проявлением этой открытой, доброжелательной логики. Ситуативный отклик поддерживает концепцию «bildung», развитие целостной личности путем приобретения знаний, необходимых для понимания мира, также основываясь на уважении опыта и взглядов ребенка.
1. Biesta, G. J. J., and R. S. Lawy. 2006. “From Teaching Citizenship to Learning Democracy. Overcoming Individualism in Research, Policy and Practice.” Cambridge Journal of Education 36 (1): 29–43.
2. Brьning, B. 1996. “Doing Philosophy for Children in Discursive and Non-Discursive Modes.” In Methods of Art to Knowledge, edited by R. Berg and M. Campart, 85–102. Lund: Centrum fцr didaktik vid Lunds universitet, Skriftserie.
3. Burman, E. 2007. Deconstructing Development Psychology. London & New York: Routledge.
4. Dahlberg, G. 2003. “Дr olikheten vеr stцrsta likhet?. Om vдlkomnandets och gдstfrihetens pedagogik? [Is Inequality Our Greatest Similarity?. Where is Welcome and Hospitality in Education?].” LOCUS Magazine: Journal of the Stockholm School of Education
2 (3): 4–13.
5. Dahlberg, G., and P. Moss. 2005. Ethics and Politics in Early Childhood. London: Routledge.
6. Dahlberg, G., P. Moss, and A. Pence. 1999. Beyond Quality in Early Childhood Education and Care: Postmodern Perspectives. London: Falmer Press.
7. Derrida, J. 1998. Of Grammatology. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press.
8. Fendler, L. 2001. “Educating Flexible Souls.” In Governing the Child in the New Millenium, edited by K. Hultquist and G. Dahlberg. London: Routledge Falmer.
9. Fischer, U., and B-L. Madsen. 1992. Titta hдr! – en bok om barns uppmдrksamhet [Look here! A book about children’s attention]. Malmц: Liber fцrlag.
10. Gustavsson, B. 2008. Att sдtta sig sjдlv pе spel. Om sprеk och motsprеk i pedagogisk praktik. Vдxsjц: Vдxsjц Universitet.
11. Gustavsson, B. 2009. Utbildningens fцrдndrade villkor – nya perspektiv pе kunskap, bildning och demokrati [Education in changing conditions – a new perspective on knowledge, education and democracy]. Stockholm: Liber fцrlag.
12. Halvars-Franzйn, B. 2010. Children and Ethics: Ethical Encounters and Conditions in Everyday Life of Two Pre-School Classes. Stockholm: Stockholms universitet, institutionen fцr didaktik och pedagogiskt arbete.
13. Holmquist, M. 2006. Lдrande i skolan. Learning study som skolutvecklingsmodell. Malmц: Studentlitteratur.
14. Holmstrцm, L., G. Hдrnsten, and D. Beach. 2001. Deltagarorienterad pedagogisk forskning. Bidrag till NFPF:s symposium om deltagarorienterad forskning i Stockholm [Participatory educational research. Contributions to NFPF’s symposium on participatory research in Stockholm]. Uppsala: Pedagogiska institutionen.
15. Kemp, P. 1992. Emmanuel Levinas – En Introduction [Emmanuel Levinas – an introduction]. Gцteborg: Daidalos.
16. Key, E. 1919. Bildning: Nеgra synpunkter. (Bildningsfцrlaget).
17. Kvernbeck, T., and T. Strand. 2004. “Pedagogiska recept och sдkerhet i handling [“Pedagogical Prescriptions and Safety in Action”].” In Utmaningar i filosofisk pedagogik [Challenges of Philosophical Pedagogy], edited by Bengtsson, J Lund: Studentlitteratur.
18. Lenz Taguchi, H. 2010. “Rethinking Pedagogical Practices in Early Childhood Education: A Multidimensional Approach to Learning and Inclusion.” In Contemporary Perspectives on Early Childhood Education, edited by N. Yelland. Maidenhead: Open University Press.
19. Levinas, E. 1969/2005. Totality and Infinity: An Essay on Exteriority. Pittsburg, PA: Duquesne University Press.
20. Lindahl, I. 1998. Frеn andligt skapande till fдrdighetstrдning. En studie av bild och form i ett fцrskolehistoriskt perspektiv [From spiritual creation to skills training. A study of image and form in a vpre-historical perspective]. Pedagogisk –
psykologiska problem. NR 647. Malmц: Lдrarhцgskolan.
21. Lindahl, I. 2007. “‘Doing Democracy’: Combining Scientific and Philosophical Explorations in Early Childhood Education.” Paper presented at CICE: Children’s Identity and Citizenship in Europe, Malmц University, School of Teacher Education October 4–4.
22. Lindahl, I. 2010. “Children’s Philosophical Exploration Concerning Ethical Issues.” In Human Rights and Citizenship Education. Institute for Policy Studies in Education. London: Metropolitan University.
23. Lindahl, I. 2011. “Sharing values and Doing Democracy-Children, Educators, Companies in Collaboration for Sustainable Development - A Narrative Study.” In Lifelong Learning and Citizenship. Institute for Policy Studies in Education. London: Metropolitan University.
24. Lipman, M. 1984. “The Cultivation of Reasoning through Philosophy.” Educational Leadership 42 (1): 51–56.
25. Matthew, G. 1999. Socratic Perplexity and the Nature of Philosophy, 45–52. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
26. Nordin, A. 2010. “Bildningens mot sprеk: I riktning mot en diskursiv bildningsfцrstеelse.” [Formation to Language: Towards a Discursive Understanding of Child Development]. Pedagogisk forskning i Sverige 15: 115–136.
27. Osberg, D., and J. J. Biesta. 2008. “The Emergent Curriculum: Navigating a Complex Course between Unguided Learning and Planned Enculturation.” Journal of Curriculum Studies 40 (3): 313–328.
28. Popkewitz, T. S. 2008. Cosmopolitanism and the Age of School Reform: Science, Education, and Making Society by Making the Child. New York: Routledge.
29. Rinaldi, C. 2006. In Dialogue with Reggio Emilia. Listening, Researching and Learning. London and New York: Routledge.
30. Sдfstrцm, C-A. 2005. Skillnadens pedagogik – Nya vдgar inom den pedagogiska teorin [The education of differences – new paths in pedagogical theory]. Lund: Studentlitteratur. European Early Childhood Education Research Journal 67
31. Strдng, M. 2005. Samspel fцr lдrande – didaktiska redskp fцr professionella lдrare [Interaction for learning – didactical tools for professional teachers]. Lund: Studentlitteratur.
32. Swedish National Agency for Education. 1994. Lдroplan fцr det obligatoriska skolvдsendet, fцrskoleklassen och fritidshemmet [Curriculum for the compulsory school system, preschool classes and after-school]. Lpfц 94. Stockholm: Skolverket & CE Fritzes fцrlag.
33. Swedish National Agency for Education. 1998. Lдroplan fцr fцrskolan [Curriculum for preschool]. Lpfц 98. Stockholm: Skolverket & CE Fritzes fцrlag.
34. Tickle, L. 1993. “Capital T teaching.” In Reconstructing Teacher Education: Teacher Development, edited by J. Elliot, 110–124. London: Falmer.
2. Brьning, B. 1996. “Doing Philosophy for Children in Discursive and Non-Discursive Modes.” In Methods of Art to Knowledge, edited by R. Berg and M. Campart, 85–102. Lund: Centrum fцr didaktik vid Lunds universitet, Skriftserie.
3. Burman, E. 2007. Deconstructing Development Psychology. London & New York: Routledge.
4. Dahlberg, G. 2003. “Дr olikheten vеr stцrsta likhet?. Om vдlkomnandets och gдstfrihetens pedagogik? [Is Inequality Our Greatest Similarity?. Where is Welcome and Hospitality in Education?].” LOCUS Magazine: Journal of the Stockholm School of Education
2 (3): 4–13.
5. Dahlberg, G., and P. Moss. 2005. Ethics and Politics in Early Childhood. London: Routledge.
6. Dahlberg, G., P. Moss, and A. Pence. 1999. Beyond Quality in Early Childhood Education and Care: Postmodern Perspectives. London: Falmer Press.
7. Derrida, J. 1998. Of Grammatology. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press.
8. Fendler, L. 2001. “Educating Flexible Souls.” In Governing the Child in the New Millenium, edited by K. Hultquist and G. Dahlberg. London: Routledge Falmer.
9. Fischer, U., and B-L. Madsen. 1992. Titta hдr! – en bok om barns uppmдrksamhet [Look here! A book about children’s attention]. Malmц: Liber fцrlag.
10. Gustavsson, B. 2008. Att sдtta sig sjдlv pе spel. Om sprеk och motsprеk i pedagogisk praktik. Vдxsjц: Vдxsjц Universitet.
11. Gustavsson, B. 2009. Utbildningens fцrдndrade villkor – nya perspektiv pе kunskap, bildning och demokrati [Education in changing conditions – a new perspective on knowledge, education and democracy]. Stockholm: Liber fцrlag.
12. Halvars-Franzйn, B. 2010. Children and Ethics: Ethical Encounters and Conditions in Everyday Life of Two Pre-School Classes. Stockholm: Stockholms universitet, institutionen fцr didaktik och pedagogiskt arbete.
13. Holmquist, M. 2006. Lдrande i skolan. Learning study som skolutvecklingsmodell. Malmц: Studentlitteratur.
14. Holmstrцm, L., G. Hдrnsten, and D. Beach. 2001. Deltagarorienterad pedagogisk forskning. Bidrag till NFPF:s symposium om deltagarorienterad forskning i Stockholm [Participatory educational research. Contributions to NFPF’s symposium on participatory research in Stockholm]. Uppsala: Pedagogiska institutionen.
15. Kemp, P. 1992. Emmanuel Levinas – En Introduction [Emmanuel Levinas – an introduction]. Gцteborg: Daidalos.
16. Key, E. 1919. Bildning: Nеgra synpunkter. (Bildningsfцrlaget).
17. Kvernbeck, T., and T. Strand. 2004. “Pedagogiska recept och sдkerhet i handling [“Pedagogical Prescriptions and Safety in Action”].” In Utmaningar i filosofisk pedagogik [Challenges of Philosophical Pedagogy], edited by Bengtsson, J Lund: Studentlitteratur.
18. Lenz Taguchi, H. 2010. “Rethinking Pedagogical Practices in Early Childhood Education: A Multidimensional Approach to Learning and Inclusion.” In Contemporary Perspectives on Early Childhood Education, edited by N. Yelland. Maidenhead: Open University Press.
19. Levinas, E. 1969/2005. Totality and Infinity: An Essay on Exteriority. Pittsburg, PA: Duquesne University Press.
20. Lindahl, I. 1998. Frеn andligt skapande till fдrdighetstrдning. En studie av bild och form i ett fцrskolehistoriskt perspektiv [From spiritual creation to skills training. A study of image and form in a vpre-historical perspective]. Pedagogisk –
psykologiska problem. NR 647. Malmц: Lдrarhцgskolan.
21. Lindahl, I. 2007. “‘Doing Democracy’: Combining Scientific and Philosophical Explorations in Early Childhood Education.” Paper presented at CICE: Children’s Identity and Citizenship in Europe, Malmц University, School of Teacher Education October 4–4.
22. Lindahl, I. 2010. “Children’s Philosophical Exploration Concerning Ethical Issues.” In Human Rights and Citizenship Education. Institute for Policy Studies in Education. London: Metropolitan University.
23. Lindahl, I. 2011. “Sharing values and Doing Democracy-Children, Educators, Companies in Collaboration for Sustainable Development - A Narrative Study.” In Lifelong Learning and Citizenship. Institute for Policy Studies in Education. London: Metropolitan University.
24. Lipman, M. 1984. “The Cultivation of Reasoning through Philosophy.” Educational Leadership 42 (1): 51–56.
25. Matthew, G. 1999. Socratic Perplexity and the Nature of Philosophy, 45–52. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
26. Nordin, A. 2010. “Bildningens mot sprеk: I riktning mot en diskursiv bildningsfцrstеelse.” [Formation to Language: Towards a Discursive Understanding of Child Development]. Pedagogisk forskning i Sverige 15: 115–136.
27. Osberg, D., and J. J. Biesta. 2008. “The Emergent Curriculum: Navigating a Complex Course between Unguided Learning and Planned Enculturation.” Journal of Curriculum Studies 40 (3): 313–328.
28. Popkewitz, T. S. 2008. Cosmopolitanism and the Age of School Reform: Science, Education, and Making Society by Making the Child. New York: Routledge.
29. Rinaldi, C. 2006. In Dialogue with Reggio Emilia. Listening, Researching and Learning. London and New York: Routledge.
30. Sдfstrцm, C-A. 2005. Skillnadens pedagogik – Nya vдgar inom den pedagogiska teorin [The education of differences – new paths in pedagogical theory]. Lund: Studentlitteratur. European Early Childhood Education Research Journal 67
31. Strдng, M. 2005. Samspel fцr lдrande – didaktiska redskp fцr professionella lдrare [Interaction for learning – didactical tools for professional teachers]. Lund: Studentlitteratur.
32. Swedish National Agency for Education. 1994. Lдroplan fцr det obligatoriska skolvдsendet, fцrskoleklassen och fritidshemmet [Curriculum for the compulsory school system, preschool classes and after-school]. Lpfц 94. Stockholm: Skolverket & CE Fritzes fцrlag.
33. Swedish National Agency for Education. 1998. Lдroplan fцr fцrskolan [Curriculum for preschool]. Lpfц 98. Stockholm: Skolverket & CE Fritzes fцrlag.
34. Tickle, L. 1993. “Capital T teaching.” In Reconstructing Teacher Education: Teacher Development, edited by J. Elliot, 110–124. London: Falmer.
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