Пеетерс Я., Рорманн T., Эмильсен K. Гендерный баланс в дошкольном образовании: почему нет значительных улучшений?
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Пеетерс Я., Рорманн T., Эмильсен K. Гендерный баланс в дошкольном образовании: почему нет значительных улучшений? // Современное дошкольное образование. Теория и практика. – 2016. – №5. – С.68–78.
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В последние десятилетия отношение общества к участию мужчин в воспитании и образовании детей претерпело значительные изменения. Важность этого участия сегодня не подвергается сомнению. Опросы, проводившиеся во многих странах мира, свидетельствуют, что и женщины-педагоги, и родители детей положительно смотрят на появление мужчин в дошкольных учреждениях. За последние два десятилетия в некоторых европейских странах проявлялись инициативы по привлечению большего числа мужчин в дошкольное образование. Несмотря на это, во всем мире доля мужчин, занятых в этой сфере, остается низкой. В данной статье затрагивается проблема устойчивого гендерного дисбаланса в дошкольном образовании и анализируются причины неоднозначного отношения к увеличению числа занятых в нем мужчин. Меры и стратегии по привлечению большего числа мужчин в учебные заведения, готовящие дошкольных педагогов, и непосредственно в дошкольные учреждения рассмотрены здесь с точки зрения новейшей гендерной теории на примере Бельгии, Норвегии и Германии. Авторы приходят к выводу, что сложившаяся ситуация с мужской занятостью в дошкольном образовании объясняется гендерными стереотипами и практиками, глубоко укоренившимися в этой сфере.
1. Aigner, J. C., and T. Rohrmann. 2012. Elementar – Manner in der padagogischen Arbeit mit Kindern. Opladen: Barbara Budrich.
2. Baagшe Nielsen, S. 2010. Nordiske m.nd til omsorgsarbejde. En forskningsbaseret erfaringsopsamling pa initiativer til at rekruttere, uddanne og fastholde m.nd efter finanskrisen.
3. Roskilde: VELPRO. Accessed March 16, 2011. http://www.skiftjob.dk/files/files/antologi_nordiske_maend_til_omsorgsarbejde.pdf
4. Barnett, W. S., and N. L. Masse. 2007. «Comparative Benefit-cost Analysis of the Abecedarian Program and its Policy Implications.» Economics of Education Review 26: 113–25.
5. Burman, E. 1994. Deconstructing Developmental Psychology. London: Routledge.
6. Braidotti, R. 2006. «Posthuman, all Too Human: Towards a New Process Ontology.» Theory Culture and Society 23 (7–8): 197–208.
7. Cameron, C. 2001. Promise or problem? A review of the literature on men working in the early childhood services. Gender, work and organisation 8 (4), 430–453.
8. Cameron, C. 2006. «Men in the Nursery Revisited: Issues of Male Workers and Professionalism.» Contemporary Issues in Early Childhood 7 (1): 68–79.
9. Cameron, C., P. Moss, and C. Owen. 1999. Men in the Nursery: Gender and Caring Work. London: Paul Chapman Publishing.
10. Canella, G. 1997. Deconstructing Early Childhood Education: social justice and revolution. New York: Peter Lang.
11. Carrington, B., P. Tymms, and C. Merrell. 2005. «Forget Gender: Whether a Teacher is Male or Female Doesn’t Matter.» Teacher: The National Education Magazine 12: 32–34.
12. Cockburn, T. 2010. «Children, the Feminist Ethic of Care and Childhood Studies: Is this the Way to the Good Life?» In Children and the Good Life. New Challenges for Research on Children, edited by S. Andresen, I. Diehm, U. Sander, and H. Ziegler, 29–39. Dordrecht: Springer.
13. Connell, R. 2000. The Men and the Boys. Sydney: Allen and Unwin.
14. Connell, R. 2009. Gender. Polity Short Introductions. Cambridge: Polity Press.
15. Cremers, M., S. Hoyng, J. Krabel, and T. Rohrmann, eds. 2012. Manner in Kitas. Opladen: Barbara Budrich.
16. Cremers, M., J. Krabel, and M. Calmbach. 2012. Male Educators in Kitas. A Study on the Situation of Men in Early Childhood Education. Berlin: Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth. Published in German 2010.
17. Dahlberg, G. and P. Moss 2005. Ethics and Politics in early childhood education. London: Routledge.
18. Daycare Trust. 2003. Men and Childcare. Accessed March 21, 2011. http://www.ipsos-mori.com/researchpublications/researcharchive/798/Men-And-Childcare.aspx
19. De Smet, C., R. Proesmans, I. Stasse, and R. Van Mechelen. 1978. Kleine kinderen, grote zorgen. Gent: LEF-Masereel Fonds.
20. Dillabough, J. A. 1999. «Gender Politics and Conceptions of the Modern Teacher: Women, Identity and Professionalism.» British Journal of Sociology of Education 20 (3): 373–94.
21. Emilsen, K. 2012. «Mehr Manner in norwegischen Kindergarten. Politische und strategische Rekrutierungsma.nahmen – ein voller Erfolg?» In Manner in Kitas, edited by M. Cremers, S. Hoyng, J. Krabel, and T. Rohrmann, 367–386. Opladen: Barbara Budrich.
22. Emilsen, K., and B. Koch. 2010. «Men and Women in Outdoor Play – Changing the Concepts of Caring Findings from Norwegian and Austrian Research Projects.» European Early Childhood Education Research Journal 18 (4): 543–553.
23. Emilsen, K., and T. Rohrmann. 2013. «How do Working Groups of Male Educators Contribute to Professionalism and Quality in ECE?» Presentation on the 23rd EECERA annual conference, Tallinn/Estonia, August 29.
24. European Commission Network on Childcare and Other Measures to Reconcile the Employment and Family Responsibilities of Men. 1996. Quality Targets in Services for Young Children: Proposals for a Ten Year Action Program. Brussels: European Commission.
25. Farquhar, S. E. 2008. «New Zealand Men’s Participation in Early Years Work 1.» Early Child Development and Care 178: 733–744.
26. Farquhar, S., L. Cablk, A. Buckingham, D. Butler, and R. Ballantyne. 2006. Men at Work:
27. Sexism in Early Childhood Education. Porirua: Childforum Research Network.
28. Forrester, G. 2005. «All in a Day’s Work: Primary Teachers ’Performing’ and ’Caring’.» Gender and Education 17 (3): 271–87.
29. Friis, P. 2006. Temaheftet om menn i barnehagen, om a rekruttere og beholde menn i barnehagen. Oslo: Kunnskapsdepartementet.
30. Fuchs-Rechlin, K. 2012. «Leitung – die unterschatzte Achillesferse der Kita-Landschaft?» KomDat Jugendhilfe 2: 4–6.
31. Fuchs-Rechlin, K., and M. Schilling. 2006. «Wo sind die Manner? Zur Personalstruktur in der Jugendhilfe.» KomDat Jugendhilfe 2: 2–3.
32. Hard, L., and A. H. Jonsdottir. 2013. «Leadership is not a Dirty Word: Exploring and Embracing Leadership in ECEC.» European Early Childhood Education Research Journal 21 (3): 311–325.
33. Hauser, B. 2013. Spielen. Fruhes Lernen in Familie, Krippe und Kindergarten. Stuttgart: Kohlhammer.
34. Heckman, J. J. 2006. «Skill Formation and the Economics of Investing in Disadvantaged Children.» Science 312 (5782): 1900–02.
35. Hurrelmann, K., and T. Schultz, eds. 2012. Jungen als Bildungsverlierer. Brauchen wir eine Mannerquote in Kitas und Schulen? Weinheim: Beltz.
36. Icken, A. 2012. «Das Bundesprogramm, Manner in Kitas’ – ein gleichstellungspolitischer Ansatz.» In Manner in Kitas, edited by M. Cremers, S. Hoyng, J. Krabel, and T. Rohrmann, 17–28. Opladen: Barbara Budrich.
37. Jensen, J. J. 2011. «Understandings of Danish pedagogical practice.» In Social Pedagogy and Working with Children and Young People. Where Care and Education Meet, edited by C. Cameron and P. Moss, 141–158. London: Jessica Kingsley Publishers.
38. Kaga, Y., J. Bennett and P. Moss. 2010. Caring and Learning Together. A cross-national study on the integration of early childhood care and education within education. Paris. UNESCO.
39. Keil, J., P. Pasternack, and N. Thielemann. 2013. «Frauen und Manner in der Fruhpadagogik. Eine genderbezogene Bestandsaufnahme.» Gender, Zeitschrift fur Geschlecht, Kultur und Gesellschaft 5 (1): 129–137.
40. Koordinationsstelle „Maenner in Kitas». 2014. Forschung. Trends und Prognosen. [Online] Accessed September 2, 2014. http://www.koordination-maennerinkitas.de/
41. Koordinationsstelle „Maenner in Kitas», eds. 2013/2014. MEHR Manner in Kitas. Analysen, Erfahrungen und Strategien. Handreichungen fur die Praxis. Berlin: Eigendruck.
42. Kunnskapsdepartementet. 2010. Nye barnehager i gamle spor? Hva vi gjor, og hva vi tror.
43. Status for likestillingsarbeidet i norske barnehager 2010. Statusrapport fra Handlingsplan for likestilling i barnehage og grunnopplring (2008-2010). Oslo: Kunnskapsdepartementet.
44. Lamb, M. E. 1975. «Fathers: Forgotten Contribution to Child Development.» Human Development 18: 245–266.
45. Lamb, M. E., ed. 2004. The Role of the Father in Child Development. 4th ed. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley and Sons.
46. Le Camus, J. 2000. Le vrai role du pere. Paris: Editions Odile Jacob. [German edition (2001): Vater. Die Bedeutung des Vaters fur die psychische Entwicklung des Kindes. Weinheim: Beltz].
47. Lysklett, O. B., and K. Emilsen. 2007. De er mange, de er motiverte, de er menn i natur– og friluftsbarnehage! Sluttrapport fra prosjektet «Menn i natur– og friluftsbarnehager». Trondheim: DMMH.
48. Moyles, J. 2001. «Passion, Paradox and Professionalism in Early Years Education.» Early Years 21 (2): 81–95.
49. Murray, S. B. 1997. «It’s Safer this Way. The Subtle and Not-so-subtle Exclusion of Men in Child Care.» In Subtle Sexism – Current Practice and Prospects for Change, edited by Nijole V. Benokraitis, 136–153. London: Sage.
50. National Education Statistics. 2014. National Education Statistics 2013/14. Ankara: Ministry of National Education. Accessed January 14, 2015. http://sgb.meb.gov.tr/istatistik/meb_istatistikleri_orgun_egitim_2013_2014.pdf
51. Noddings, N. 1984. Caring: A Feminine Approach to Ethics. Berkeley: University of California Press.
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66. Rohrmann, T. 2012a. «Wo keine Manner sind, da hilft auch keine Quote.» In Jungen als Bildungsverlierer. Brauchen wir eine Mannerquote in Kitas und Schulen?, edited by K. Hurrelmann and T. Schultz, 250–259. Weinheim: Beltz.
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84. Van Laere, K., M. Vandenbroeck, G. Roets, and J. Peeters. 2014. «Challenging the Feminisation of the Workforce: Rethinking the Mind-body Dualism in ECEC.» Gender and Education 26 (3): 232–245.
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2. Baagшe Nielsen, S. 2010. Nordiske m.nd til omsorgsarbejde. En forskningsbaseret erfaringsopsamling pa initiativer til at rekruttere, uddanne og fastholde m.nd efter finanskrisen.
3. Roskilde: VELPRO. Accessed March 16, 2011. http://www.skiftjob.dk/files/files/antologi_nordiske_maend_til_omsorgsarbejde.pdf
4. Barnett, W. S., and N. L. Masse. 2007. «Comparative Benefit-cost Analysis of the Abecedarian Program and its Policy Implications.» Economics of Education Review 26: 113–25.
5. Burman, E. 1994. Deconstructing Developmental Psychology. London: Routledge.
6. Braidotti, R. 2006. «Posthuman, all Too Human: Towards a New Process Ontology.» Theory Culture and Society 23 (7–8): 197–208.
7. Cameron, C. 2001. Promise or problem? A review of the literature on men working in the early childhood services. Gender, work and organisation 8 (4), 430–453.
8. Cameron, C. 2006. «Men in the Nursery Revisited: Issues of Male Workers and Professionalism.» Contemporary Issues in Early Childhood 7 (1): 68–79.
9. Cameron, C., P. Moss, and C. Owen. 1999. Men in the Nursery: Gender and Caring Work. London: Paul Chapman Publishing.
10. Canella, G. 1997. Deconstructing Early Childhood Education: social justice and revolution. New York: Peter Lang.
11. Carrington, B., P. Tymms, and C. Merrell. 2005. «Forget Gender: Whether a Teacher is Male or Female Doesn’t Matter.» Teacher: The National Education Magazine 12: 32–34.
12. Cockburn, T. 2010. «Children, the Feminist Ethic of Care and Childhood Studies: Is this the Way to the Good Life?» In Children and the Good Life. New Challenges for Research on Children, edited by S. Andresen, I. Diehm, U. Sander, and H. Ziegler, 29–39. Dordrecht: Springer.
13. Connell, R. 2000. The Men and the Boys. Sydney: Allen and Unwin.
14. Connell, R. 2009. Gender. Polity Short Introductions. Cambridge: Polity Press.
15. Cremers, M., S. Hoyng, J. Krabel, and T. Rohrmann, eds. 2012. Manner in Kitas. Opladen: Barbara Budrich.
16. Cremers, M., J. Krabel, and M. Calmbach. 2012. Male Educators in Kitas. A Study on the Situation of Men in Early Childhood Education. Berlin: Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth. Published in German 2010.
17. Dahlberg, G. and P. Moss 2005. Ethics and Politics in early childhood education. London: Routledge.
18. Daycare Trust. 2003. Men and Childcare. Accessed March 21, 2011. http://www.ipsos-mori.com/researchpublications/researcharchive/798/Men-And-Childcare.aspx
19. De Smet, C., R. Proesmans, I. Stasse, and R. Van Mechelen. 1978. Kleine kinderen, grote zorgen. Gent: LEF-Masereel Fonds.
20. Dillabough, J. A. 1999. «Gender Politics and Conceptions of the Modern Teacher: Women, Identity and Professionalism.» British Journal of Sociology of Education 20 (3): 373–94.
21. Emilsen, K. 2012. «Mehr Manner in norwegischen Kindergarten. Politische und strategische Rekrutierungsma.nahmen – ein voller Erfolg?» In Manner in Kitas, edited by M. Cremers, S. Hoyng, J. Krabel, and T. Rohrmann, 367–386. Opladen: Barbara Budrich.
22. Emilsen, K., and B. Koch. 2010. «Men and Women in Outdoor Play – Changing the Concepts of Caring Findings from Norwegian and Austrian Research Projects.» European Early Childhood Education Research Journal 18 (4): 543–553.
23. Emilsen, K., and T. Rohrmann. 2013. «How do Working Groups of Male Educators Contribute to Professionalism and Quality in ECE?» Presentation on the 23rd EECERA annual conference, Tallinn/Estonia, August 29.
24. European Commission Network on Childcare and Other Measures to Reconcile the Employment and Family Responsibilities of Men. 1996. Quality Targets in Services for Young Children: Proposals for a Ten Year Action Program. Brussels: European Commission.
25. Farquhar, S. E. 2008. «New Zealand Men’s Participation in Early Years Work 1.» Early Child Development and Care 178: 733–744.
26. Farquhar, S., L. Cablk, A. Buckingham, D. Butler, and R. Ballantyne. 2006. Men at Work:
27. Sexism in Early Childhood Education. Porirua: Childforum Research Network.
28. Forrester, G. 2005. «All in a Day’s Work: Primary Teachers ’Performing’ and ’Caring’.» Gender and Education 17 (3): 271–87.
29. Friis, P. 2006. Temaheftet om menn i barnehagen, om a rekruttere og beholde menn i barnehagen. Oslo: Kunnskapsdepartementet.
30. Fuchs-Rechlin, K. 2012. «Leitung – die unterschatzte Achillesferse der Kita-Landschaft?» KomDat Jugendhilfe 2: 4–6.
31. Fuchs-Rechlin, K., and M. Schilling. 2006. «Wo sind die Manner? Zur Personalstruktur in der Jugendhilfe.» KomDat Jugendhilfe 2: 2–3.
32. Hard, L., and A. H. Jonsdottir. 2013. «Leadership is not a Dirty Word: Exploring and Embracing Leadership in ECEC.» European Early Childhood Education Research Journal 21 (3): 311–325.
33. Hauser, B. 2013. Spielen. Fruhes Lernen in Familie, Krippe und Kindergarten. Stuttgart: Kohlhammer.
34. Heckman, J. J. 2006. «Skill Formation and the Economics of Investing in Disadvantaged Children.» Science 312 (5782): 1900–02.
35. Hurrelmann, K., and T. Schultz, eds. 2012. Jungen als Bildungsverlierer. Brauchen wir eine Mannerquote in Kitas und Schulen? Weinheim: Beltz.
36. Icken, A. 2012. «Das Bundesprogramm, Manner in Kitas’ – ein gleichstellungspolitischer Ansatz.» In Manner in Kitas, edited by M. Cremers, S. Hoyng, J. Krabel, and T. Rohrmann, 17–28. Opladen: Barbara Budrich.
37. Jensen, J. J. 2011. «Understandings of Danish pedagogical practice.» In Social Pedagogy and Working with Children and Young People. Where Care and Education Meet, edited by C. Cameron and P. Moss, 141–158. London: Jessica Kingsley Publishers.
38. Kaga, Y., J. Bennett and P. Moss. 2010. Caring and Learning Together. A cross-national study on the integration of early childhood care and education within education. Paris. UNESCO.
39. Keil, J., P. Pasternack, and N. Thielemann. 2013. «Frauen und Manner in der Fruhpadagogik. Eine genderbezogene Bestandsaufnahme.» Gender, Zeitschrift fur Geschlecht, Kultur und Gesellschaft 5 (1): 129–137.
40. Koordinationsstelle „Maenner in Kitas». 2014. Forschung. Trends und Prognosen. [Online] Accessed September 2, 2014. http://www.koordination-maennerinkitas.de/
41. Koordinationsstelle „Maenner in Kitas», eds. 2013/2014. MEHR Manner in Kitas. Analysen, Erfahrungen und Strategien. Handreichungen fur die Praxis. Berlin: Eigendruck.
42. Kunnskapsdepartementet. 2010. Nye barnehager i gamle spor? Hva vi gjor, og hva vi tror.
43. Status for likestillingsarbeidet i norske barnehager 2010. Statusrapport fra Handlingsplan for likestilling i barnehage og grunnopplring (2008-2010). Oslo: Kunnskapsdepartementet.
44. Lamb, M. E. 1975. «Fathers: Forgotten Contribution to Child Development.» Human Development 18: 245–266.
45. Lamb, M. E., ed. 2004. The Role of the Father in Child Development. 4th ed. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley and Sons.
46. Le Camus, J. 2000. Le vrai role du pere. Paris: Editions Odile Jacob. [German edition (2001): Vater. Die Bedeutung des Vaters fur die psychische Entwicklung des Kindes. Weinheim: Beltz].
47. Lysklett, O. B., and K. Emilsen. 2007. De er mange, de er motiverte, de er menn i natur– og friluftsbarnehage! Sluttrapport fra prosjektet «Menn i natur– og friluftsbarnehager». Trondheim: DMMH.
48. Moyles, J. 2001. «Passion, Paradox and Professionalism in Early Years Education.» Early Years 21 (2): 81–95.
49. Murray, S. B. 1997. «It’s Safer this Way. The Subtle and Not-so-subtle Exclusion of Men in Child Care.» In Subtle Sexism – Current Practice and Prospects for Change, edited by Nijole V. Benokraitis, 136–153. London: Sage.
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