Рао Н., Ву Ш.-Ч. Взгляды немецких и китайских воспитателей на игры, обучение и игровое поведение детей
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Рао Н., Ву Ш.-Ч. Взгляды немецких и китайских воспитателей на игры, обучение и игровое поведение детей // Современное дошкольное образование. Теория и практика. – 2014. – №4. – С.60–69.
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В данной статье речь идет о сходствах и различиях во взглядах китайских (Гонконг) и немецких воспитателей на игры и обучение в детских садах. В ходе исследования были сняты шесть видеосюжетов, иллюстрирующих типичное игровое поведение детей и игровые темы в двух немецких и двух гонконгских детских садах. После просмотра этих сюжетов десять китайских и семь немецких воспитателей обсуждали увиденное в ходе совместных дискуссий и заполняли анкеты. Результаты показали, что воспитатели этих стран имеют различные точки зрения в вопросах степени персонального участия педагогов в детских играх и образовательных целей игр в детских садах. Причины этих отличий могут заключаться как в несхожести природно-экологических систем, так и в различном понимании задач дошкольного образования. Исследование показало, что личные воззрения воспитателей на игры и обучение определяют их профессиональную практику (организацию детских игр) и, как следствие, игровое поведение детей.
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Pajares, M.F. 1992. Teachers’ beliefs and educational research: Cleaning up a messy construct. Review of Educational Review 62, no. 3: 307–32.
Parmar, P., S. Harkness, and C.M. Super. 2004. Asian and Euro-American parents’ ethnotheories of play and learning: Effects on preschool children’s home routines and school behavior. International Journal of Behavioral Development 28, no. 2: 97–104.
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Lernkulturen und Bildungsstandards – Kindergarten und Grundschule zwischen Vielfalt und Verbindlichkeit [Learning cultures and educational standards – kindergarten and primary among diversity and liability], ed. D. Diskowski and E.H. Di-Bernardo, 172–204. Hohengehren: Schneider Verlag.
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Rubin, H., G. Fein, and B. Vandenburg. 1983. Play. In Handbook of child psychology. Volume 4, Socialization, personality and social development, ed. P.H. Mussen, 693–774. New York: Wiley.
Rubin, K., K. Watson, and T. Jambor. 1978. Free play behaviors in preschool and kindergarten children. Child Development 49: 534–36.
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Textor, M.R. 2002. Die PISA-Studie. Dr Martin R. Textor. http://www.kindergartenpaedagogik.de/570.html
Textor, M.R. 2007. Rettet das Freispiel! Pladoyer gegen die Verschulung des Kindergartens. Dr Martin R. Textor. http://www.kindergartenpaedagogik.de/1681.html
Tobin, J.J., D.Y.H. Wu, and D.H. Davidson. 1989. Preschool in three cultures: Japan, China, and the United States. New Haven: Yale University Press.
Wing, L. 1989. The influence of preschool teachers’ beliefs on young children’s conceptions of reading and writing. Early Childhood Research Quarterly 4, no. 1: 61–74.
Brewer, J., and A. Hunter. 1989. Multi-method research: A synthesis of styles. London: Sage.
Bruce, T. 1991. Time to play in early childhood education. London: Hodder and Stoughton Educational.
Chan, L.K.S., and L. Chan. 2003. Early childhood education in Hong Kong and its challenges. Early Child Development and Care 173, no. 1: 7–17.
Cheng, D.P.W. 2001. Difficulties of Hong Kong teachers’ understanding and implementation of play in the curriculum. Teaching and Teacher Education 17: 858–69.
Colberg-Schrader, H., and P. Oberhuemer. 1993. Early childhood education and care in Germany. In Educational provision for our youngest children. European perspectives, ed. T. David, 56–77. London: P. Chapman.
Curriculum Development Council. 1996. Guide to the pre-primary curriculum. Hong Kong: Curriculum Development Institute, Education Development.
Curriculum Development Council. 2006. Guide to the pre-primary curriculum. Hong Kong: The Curriculum Development Council.
DeVries, R. 2002. Play in the early education curriculum: Four interpretations. In Developing constructivist early childhood curriculum: Practical principles and activities, ed. R. DeVries, B. Zan, C. Hildebrandt, R. Edmiaston and C. Sales, 13–34. New York: Teachers College Press.
Fang, Z. 1996. A review of research on teacher beliefs and practices. Educational Research 38, no. 1: 47–65.
Fthenakis, W.E. 2003. Zur Neukonzeptualisierung von Bildung in der fruhen Kindheit. In Elementarpдdagogik nach PISA: wie aus Kindertagesstдtten Bildungseinrichtungen werden kцnnen, ed. W.E. Fthenakis, 18–37. Wien: Herder.
Grieshaber, S. 2006. Yesterday, today, tomorrow: Globalization and early childhood education in Hong Kong. Hong Kong Journal of Early Childhood 5, no. 2: 14–22.
Kemple, K.M. 1996. Teachers’ beliefs and reported practices concerning sociodramatic play. Journal of Early Childhood Teacher Education 17, no. 2: 19–31.
Lau, S.F. 2005. Implementing the project approach in the Hong Kong preschools: Challenges for novice teachers. Master’s diss., The University of Hong Kong.
Oberhuemer, P. 2005. International perspectives on early childhood curricula. International Journal of Early Childhood 37, no. 1: 27–37.
Pajares, M.F. 1992. Teachers’ beliefs and educational research: Cleaning up a messy construct. Review of Educational Review 62, no. 3: 307–32.
Parmar, P., S. Harkness, and C.M. Super. 2004. Asian and Euro-American parents’ ethnotheories of play and learning: Effects on preschool children’s home routines and school behavior. International Journal of Behavioral Development 28, no. 2: 97–104.
Pramling Samuelsson, I. 2004. The playing learning child in early childhood education.
Lernkulturen und Bildungsstandards – Kindergarten und Grundschule zwischen Vielfalt und Verbindlichkeit [Learning cultures and educational standards – kindergarten and primary among diversity and liability], ed. D. Diskowski and E.H. Di-Bernardo, 172–204. Hohengehren: Schneider Verlag.
Pramling Samuelsson, P.I., and E. Johansson. 2006. Play and learning – inseparable dimensions in preschool practice. Early Child Development and Care 176, no. 1: 47–65.
Rao, N. 2002. Early childhood education in Hong Kong: Moving towards child-friendly policies, curricula and practices. In Curricula, policies and practices in early childhood education services, ed. V. Sollars, 76–88. Malta: PEG.
Rubin, H., G. Fein, and B. Vandenburg. 1983. Play. In Handbook of child psychology. Volume 4, Socialization, personality and social development, ed. P.H. Mussen, 693–774. New York: Wiley.
Rubin, K., K. Watson, and T. Jambor. 1978. Free play behaviors in preschool and kindergarten children. Child Development 49: 534–36.
Scholz, G. 2006. Bildungsarbeit mit Kindern: Lernen JA – Verschulung NEIN! [Education with children: Learning, yes – no Verschulung!] Mulheim: Verlag an der Ruhr.
Siraj-Blatchford, I. 2004. Quality teaching in the early years. In Early childhood education. Society and culture, ed. A. Anning, J. Cullen and M. Fleer. London: Sage.
Slentz, K.L., and S.L. Krogh. 2001. Teaching young children: Contexts for learning. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
Stipek, D.J., and P. Byler. 1997. Early childhood education teachers: Do they practice what they preach?. Early Childhood Research Quarterly 12, no. 3: 305–25.
Textor, M.R. 2002. Die PISA-Studie. Dr Martin R. Textor. http://www.kindergartenpaedagogik.de/570.html
Textor, M.R. 2007. Rettet das Freispiel! Pladoyer gegen die Verschulung des Kindergartens. Dr Martin R. Textor. http://www.kindergartenpaedagogik.de/1681.html
Tobin, J.J., D.Y.H. Wu, and D.H. Davidson. 1989. Preschool in three cultures: Japan, China, and the United States. New Haven: Yale University Press.
Wing, L. 1989. The influence of preschool teachers’ beliefs on young children’s conceptions of reading and writing. Early Childhood Research Quarterly 4, no. 1: 61–74.
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