Самуэльссон И.П., Вагнер Д.Т., Одегаард Э.Э. Пандемия коронавируса и уроки, извлеченные в дошкольных учреждениях Норвегии, Швеции и США: политический форум OMEP
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Самуэльссон И.П., Вагнер Д.Т., Одегаард Э.Э. Пандемия коронавируса и уроки, извлеченные в дошкольных учреждениях Норвегии, Швеции и США: политический форум OMEP // Современное дошкольное образование. – 2020. – №5(101). – С. 68–79.
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Новый коронавирус, также известный как COVID-19, быстро распространился по всему миру в 2020 году. В этой статье рассказывается о недавних последствиях пандемии для дошкольного образования в Швеции, Норвегии и США. Авторы иллюстрируют влияние пандемии на дошкольные учреждения в своих странах на фоне частых изменений показателей инфицирования и смертности, эпидемиологического понимания правительственных стратегий и стратегий смягчения последствий закрытия дошкольных учреждений. Педагоги рассказывают о своем опыте и действиях в дошкольных учреждениях в конкретных условиях трех национальных контекстах. Эти эмпирические выкладки определяют приоритеты программы, реакцию родителей и детей, а также приверженность и озабоченность педагогов. Это обсуждение выявляет культурно обусловленные сходства образовательных практик в раннем детстве, но также и различия между национальными системами образования. Педагоги рассказывают о своих проблемах и трудностях, но также и о пользе для своей практики и о том, как они взаимодействуют с детьми и их семьями. Также обсуждаются предложения о готовности к таким пандемиям в будущем.
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2. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2014). Get your school ready for pandemic flu. Washington, DC: US Department of Health and Human Services. https://www.cdc.gov/nonpharmaceutical-interventions/pdf/gr-pan-flu-ed-set.pdf.
3. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (2020). Child care decision tool. https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/community/schools-child care/child -care-decision-tool.html.
4. de Walque, D. (2011). Conflicts, epidemics, and orphan hood: The impact of extreme events on the health and educational achievements of children. In H. Alderman (Ed.), No small matter: The impact of poverty, shocks, and human capital investments in early childhood development (pp. 85–113). Washington, DC: The World Bank. https://documents.shihang.org/curated/zh/85004 14683 23377290/pdf/60041 0PUB0 ID181 Matte r0978 08213 86774 .pdf#page=105.
5. Education International. (2020). Guidance on reopening schools and education institution. https://issuu.com/educationinternational/docs/2020_covid -19_eischoolreopening_en?fr=sZWQ3NTEyNTQ2OTY.
6. End Violence against Children. (2020). Leaders call for action to protect children during COVID-19. https://www.end-violence.org/articles/leaders-call-action-protect-child renduring-covid-19-now-7-langu ages.
7. Los Angeles County Department of Public Health. (2020). Novel Coronal Virus (COVID-19): Guidance for early childhood education providers. https://publichealth.lacounty.gov/media/Coronavirus/GuidanceEarlyChildhoodEducation.pdf.
8. Public Health Agency of Sweden. (2020). Folkhälsomyndigheten. Solna, Sweden. https://www.folkhalsomyndigheten.se/the-public-health-agency-of-sweden/.
9. Rao, N. (2006). SARS, preschool routines, and children’s behavior: Observations from Preschools in Hong Kong. International Journal of Early Childhood, 38(2), 11–22.
10. Santa Clara County Office of Education and Public Health Department. (No Date). Pandemic influenza school planning toolkit. https://files.nwesd.org/website/School_Nurse/Resource%20Guide/Section_8/Santa_Clara_School_Pandemic_....
11. Shope, T. R., Walker, B. H., Aird, L. D., Southward, L., McCown, J. S., & Martin, J. M. (2017). Pandemic influenza preparedness among child care center directors in 2008 and 2016. Pediatrics. https://doi.org/10.1542/peds.2016-3690.
12. Viner, R. M., Russell, S. J., Crocker, H., Parker, J., Ward, J., Stansfield, C., et al. (2020). School closure and management practice during coronavirus outbreaks including COVID-19: A rapid systematic review. The Lancet, 4(5), 397–404. https://doi.org/10.1016/S2352 -4642(20)30095-X.
13. Wagner, J. T., Broström, S., & Pramling Samuelsson, I. (2020). The good childhood in the Nordic countries: Insider and outsider perspectives. In S. Garvis & A. Hellman (Eds.), Global childhoods (chapter 5). Bristol: Intellect.
14. Publisher’s Note Springer Nature remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in published maps and institutional affiliations.
2. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2014). Get your school ready for pandemic flu. Washington, DC: US Department of Health and Human Services. https://www.cdc.gov/nonpharmaceutical-interventions/pdf/gr-pan-flu-ed-set.pdf.
3. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (2020). Child care decision tool. https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/community/schools-child care/child -care-decision-tool.html.
4. de Walque, D. (2011). Conflicts, epidemics, and orphan hood: The impact of extreme events on the health and educational achievements of children. In H. Alderman (Ed.), No small matter: The impact of poverty, shocks, and human capital investments in early childhood development (pp. 85–113). Washington, DC: The World Bank. https://documents.shihang.org/curated/zh/85004 14683 23377290/pdf/60041 0PUB0 ID181 Matte r0978 08213 86774 .pdf#page=105.
5. Education International. (2020). Guidance on reopening schools and education institution. https://issuu.com/educationinternational/docs/2020_covid -19_eischoolreopening_en?fr=sZWQ3NTEyNTQ2OTY.
6. End Violence against Children. (2020). Leaders call for action to protect children during COVID-19. https://www.end-violence.org/articles/leaders-call-action-protect-child renduring-covid-19-now-7-langu ages.
7. Los Angeles County Department of Public Health. (2020). Novel Coronal Virus (COVID-19): Guidance for early childhood education providers. https://publichealth.lacounty.gov/media/Coronavirus/GuidanceEarlyChildhoodEducation.pdf.
8. Public Health Agency of Sweden. (2020). Folkhälsomyndigheten. Solna, Sweden. https://www.folkhalsomyndigheten.se/the-public-health-agency-of-sweden/.
9. Rao, N. (2006). SARS, preschool routines, and children’s behavior: Observations from Preschools in Hong Kong. International Journal of Early Childhood, 38(2), 11–22.
10. Santa Clara County Office of Education and Public Health Department. (No Date). Pandemic influenza school planning toolkit. https://files.nwesd.org/website/School_Nurse/Resource%20Guide/Section_8/Santa_Clara_School_Pandemic_....
11. Shope, T. R., Walker, B. H., Aird, L. D., Southward, L., McCown, J. S., & Martin, J. M. (2017). Pandemic influenza preparedness among child care center directors in 2008 and 2016. Pediatrics. https://doi.org/10.1542/peds.2016-3690.
12. Viner, R. M., Russell, S. J., Crocker, H., Parker, J., Ward, J., Stansfield, C., et al. (2020). School closure and management practice during coronavirus outbreaks including COVID-19: A rapid systematic review. The Lancet, 4(5), 397–404. https://doi.org/10.1016/S2352 -4642(20)30095-X.
13. Wagner, J. T., Broström, S., & Pramling Samuelsson, I. (2020). The good childhood in the Nordic countries: Insider and outsider perspectives. In S. Garvis & A. Hellman (Eds.), Global childhoods (chapter 5). Bristol: Intellect.
14. Publisher’s Note Springer Nature remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in published maps and institutional affiliations.
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