Шиян О.А. Новые представления о качестве дошкольного образования и механизмы его поддержки: международный контекст
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1. Веракса Н.Е., Веракса А.Н. Оценка качества дошкольного образования: зарубежный опыт // Современное дошкольное образование. 2011 – №3.
2. Рубцов В.В., Юдина Е.Г. Современные проблемы дошкольного образования // Психологическая наука и образование. – 2010. №3. – C. 5–19.
3. Хекман Дж. Дж., Мун С. Х., Пинто Р., Савельев П. А. и Явиц А. Экономическая отдача от дошкольного образования детей из неблагополучных семей: уроки программы «Хайскоуп Перри» // Финансы и бизнес. – 2010. №3.
4. Carl Barbara. Child caregiver interaction scale // A Dissertation Submitted to the School of Graduate Studies and Research in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree Doctor of Philosophy, 2007.
5. Dittrich Irene, Godert Stefanie, Katja Grenner, Bernd Groot-Wilken, Verenea Sommerfeld, Susanne Viernickel. Pдdagogische Qualitдt in Tageseinrichtungen fьr Kinder: Ein nationaler Kriterienkatalog / Beltz, 2003 http://www.socialnet.de/rezensionen/5393.php.
6. Developmentally Appropriate Practice in Early Childhood Programs Serving Children from Birth through Age 8 http://www.naeyc.org/files/naeyc/file/positions/position%20statement%20Web.pdf.
7. Early Reading First: Preparing Young Children for Kindergarten http://www.mathematica-mpr.com/earlychildhood/earlyreading.asp.
8. Effective Pre-School and Primary Education 3–11 Project (EPPE 3–11) A longitudinal study funded by the DfES (2003–2008) http://eppe.ioe.ac.uk/eppe/eppepdfs/beraglamorgan05.pdf.
9. EPPE| Leading education and social research http://eppe.ioe.ac.uk/index.htm.
10. Introduction to the NAEYC Accreditation Standards and Criteria http://www.naeyc.org/academy/primary/standardsintro.
11. Martin R. Textor Kindergartenpдdagogik – Online-Handbuch – http://www.kindergartenpaedagogik.de/1615.html.
12. Miller Edward, Almon Joan. Crisis in the Kindergarten: Why Children Need to Play in School, College Park, MD: Alliance for Childhood, 2009.
13. Minimum licensing requirements for childcare centers // Arkansas department of human services // Little Rock, Arkansas, 2009.
14. Neuman Susan B., Koh Serene, Julie Dwyer. CHELLO: The Child/Home Environmental Language and Literacy Observation//Early Childhood Research Quarterly 23 (2008) Overview of the NAEYC Early Childhood Program Standards http://www.naeyc.org/files/academy/file/OverviewStandards.pdf.
15. Robert C. Pianta, Karen M. La Paro, Bridget K. Hamre. Classroom Assessment Scoring System™ (CLASS™) Manual, Pre-K., 2008.
16. Russell Jackson, cCoy Ann, Pistorino Carol, Wilkinson Anna, Burghardt John, Melissa Clark Christine, Ross Peter, Paul Swank // National Evaluation of Early Reading First (Final Report to Congress) // Center for Improving the Readiness of Children for Learning and Education, 2007.
17. Tietze Wolfgang, Rossbach Hans-Gunther, Katja Grenner. Kinder von 4 bis 8 Jahren. Zur Qualitдt der Erziehung und Bildung in Kindergarten, Grundschule und Familie. Beltz Verlag (Weinheim, Basel) 2005.
18. Tietze Wolfgang, Viernikel Susanna. Pдdagogische Qualitдt in Tageseinrichtungen fьr Kinder, Ein Nationaler Kriterienkatalog, Weinheim, Berlin, Basel 2002.
19. Thelma Harms, Richard M. Early Childhood Environment Rating Scale-Revised Edition. by Thelma Harms, Richard M. Clifford & Debby Crye New York: Teachers College Press, 2005.
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