Виссера М., Сингер Э., ван Гирт П.Л.С., Куннен С.Э. Что заставляет детей вести себя агрессивно? Внутренняя логика голландских детей
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Виссера М., Сингер Э., ван Гирт П.Л.С., Куннен С.Э. Что заставляет детей вести себя агрессивно? Внутренняя логика голландских детей // Современное дошкольное образование. – 2019. – №4(94). – С. 64–77.
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Неоднозначные результаты существующих программ вмешательства показывают необходимость новых способов исследования агрессии среди детей. Настоящее исследование посвящено собственному взгляду детей на их агрессивное поведение. На основе конструктивистского подхода была проанализирована внутренняя логика рассказов 64 детей о конфликтах друг с другом в рамках программы специального образования в Нидерландах. Вопреки широко распространенному мнению о дихотомии реактивной и проактивной агрессии, мы обнаружили более дифференцированную картину. Дети ведут себя агрессивно: чтобы понять ситуацию; вырваться из конфликтной ситуации; из-за внутренних конфликтов; чтобы отомстить; получить удовольствие от издевательств. Исследование ясно показывает, что с точки зрения детей агрессивное поведение тесно связано с культурой их сверстников в школе. Кроме того, некоторые дети нуждаются в индивидуальной терапии и поддержке из-за особых проблем, связанных с саморегуляцией, которые заставляют их вести себя агрессивно.
1. Arnold, M.A., and J.N. Hughes. 1999. First do no harm: Adverse effects of grouping deviant youth for skills training. Journal of School Psychology 37, no. 1: 99–115.
2. Bandura, A. 1978. Social learning theory of aggression. Journal of Communication 28, no. 3: 12–29.
3. Berkowitz, L. 1989. Frustration–aggression hypothesis: Examination and reformulation. Psychological Bulletin 106, no. 1: 59–73.
4. Brezinka, V. 2002. Effectonderzoek naar preventieprogramma’s voor kinderen met gedragsproblemen [Study of the effects of prevention programmes for children with behavioural problems]. Kind en Adolescent 23, no. 1: 4–23.
5. Bushman, B.J., and C.A. Anderson. 2001. Is it time to pull the plug on the hostile versus instrumental aggression dichotomy? Psychological Review 108, no. 1: 273–9.
6. Cole, P.M., S.E. Martin, and T.A. Dennis. 2004. Emotion regulation as a scientific construct: Methodological challenges and directions for child developmental research. Child Development 75, no. 2: 317–33.
7. Crick, N.R., and K.A. Dodge. 1996. Social information-processing mechanisms in reactive and proactive aggression. Child Development 67: 993–1002.
8. Dishion, T.J., J. McCord, and F. Poulin. 1999. When interventions harm: Peer groups and problem behaviour. American Psychologist 54, no. 9: 755–64.
9. Eisenberg, N., and T.L. Spinrad. 2004. Emotion-related regulation: Sharpening the definition. Child Development 75, no. 2: 334–9.
10. Fischer, K.W., C. Ayoub, J. Singh, G. Noam, A. Maraganore, & and P. Raya. 1997. Psychopathology as adaptive development along distinctive pathways. Development and Psychopathology 9, no. 4: 729–48.
11. Frijda, N.H. 1986. The emotions. New York: Cambridge University Press.
12. Gibbs, J.C., G.B. Potter, A.Q. Barriga, and A.K. Liau. 1996. Developing helping skills and prosocial motivation of aggressive adolescents in peer group programmes. Aggression and Violent Behaviour 1, no. 3: 283–305.
13. Hoeksma, J.B., J. Oosterlaan, and E.M. Schipper. 2004. Emotion regulation and the dynamics of feelings: A conceptual and methodological framework. Child Development 75, no. 2: 354–60.
14. Kazdin, A.E. 2000. Treatments for aggressive and antisocial children. Juvenile Violence 9, no. 4: 841–58.
15. Kempes, M., W. Matthys, H. de Vries, and H. van Engeland. 2005. Reactive and proactive aggression in children: A review of theory, findings, and the relevance for child and adolescent psychiatry. European Child and Adolescent Psychiatry 14, no. 1: 11–19.
16. Lemerise, E.A., and W.F. Arsenio. 2000. An integrated model of emotion processes and cognition in social information processing. Child Development 71, no. 1: 107–18.
17. Merk, W. 2005. Development of reactive and proactive aggression in boys. Unpublished doctoral diss., University of Utrecht, The Netherlands.
18. Miltenburg, R., and E. Singer. 1999. Culturally mediated learning and the development of self-regulation by survivors of child abuse: A Vygotskian approach to the support of survivors of child abuse. Human Development 42, no. 1: 1–17.
19. Murphy, B.C., and N. Eisenberg. 2002. An integrative examination of peer conflict: Children’s reported goals, emotions, and behaviours. Social Development 11: 534–57.
20. Musher-Eizenman, D.R., P. Boxer, S. Danner, E.F. Dubow, S.E. Goldstein, and D.M.L. Heretick. 2004. Social-cognitive mediators of the relation of environmental and emotion regulation factors to children’s aggression. Aggressive Behaviour 30: 389–408.
21. Okma-Rayzner, C.M. 2005. Pleegkinderen in conflictsituaties [Foster children in conflict situations]. Unpublished doctoral diss., University of Utrecht, The Netherlands.
22. Oosterlaan, J., A. Scheres, I. Antrop, H. Roeyers, and J.A. Sergeant. 2000. Vragenlijst voor gedragsproblemen bij kinderen. Handleiding [Disruptive behaviour questionnaire. Manual]. Lisse: Swets & Zeitlinger.
23. Orobio de Castro, B. 2004. The development of social information processing and aggressive behaviour: Current issues. European Journal of Developmental Psychology 1, no. 1: 87–102.
24. Polman, H., B. Orobio de Castro, W. Koops, H.W. Van Boxtel, and W.W. Merk. 2007. A meta-analysis of the distinction between reactive and proactive aggression in children and adolescents. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology 35: 522–35.
25. Prins, P. 1995. Sociale vaardigheidstraining bij kinderen in de basisschoolleeftijd: programma’s, effectiviteit en indicatiestelling [Social skills training for children in elementary school: Programmes, effectiveness, and indications]. In Sociale vaardigheidstrainingen voor kinderen: indicaties, effecten, knelpunten, ed. A. Collot d’Escury-Koenigs, T. Engelen-Snaterse and E. Mackaay-Cramer, 73–109. Lisse: Swets & Zeitlinger.
26. Quinn, M.M., K.A. Kavale, S.R. Mathur, R.B. Rutherford, Jr., and S.R. Forness. 1999. A meta-analysis of social skills interventions for students with emotional or behavioural disorders. Journal of Emotional and Behavioural Disorders 7, no. 1: 54–64.
27. Selman, R.L., and A.P. Demorest. 1984. Observing troubled children’s interpersonal negotiation strategies: Implications of and for a developmental model. Child Development 55, no. 1: 288–304.
28. Singer, E. 2005. The strategies adopted by Dutch children with dyslexia to maintain their selfesteem when teased at school. Journal of Learning Disabilities 38, no. 5: 411–23.
29. Stage, S.A., and D.R. Quiroz. 1997. A meta-analysis of interventions to decrease disruptive classroom behaviour in public education settings. School Psychology Review 26, no. 3: 333–68.
30. Van der Mee, T., and A. Veldhuijzen. 2006. ‘GSM-verbod maakt het juist spannend’ –
School bestuurders vinden duidelijke afspraken beter dan een ban op het mobieltje [‘A ban on the use of a GSM makes it even more exciting’ – School managers prefer clear rules to a ban on the use of mobile phones]. Algemeen Dagblad, March 29, 6.
2. Bandura, A. 1978. Social learning theory of aggression. Journal of Communication 28, no. 3: 12–29.
3. Berkowitz, L. 1989. Frustration–aggression hypothesis: Examination and reformulation. Psychological Bulletin 106, no. 1: 59–73.
4. Brezinka, V. 2002. Effectonderzoek naar preventieprogramma’s voor kinderen met gedragsproblemen [Study of the effects of prevention programmes for children with behavioural problems]. Kind en Adolescent 23, no. 1: 4–23.
5. Bushman, B.J., and C.A. Anderson. 2001. Is it time to pull the plug on the hostile versus instrumental aggression dichotomy? Psychological Review 108, no. 1: 273–9.
6. Cole, P.M., S.E. Martin, and T.A. Dennis. 2004. Emotion regulation as a scientific construct: Methodological challenges and directions for child developmental research. Child Development 75, no. 2: 317–33.
7. Crick, N.R., and K.A. Dodge. 1996. Social information-processing mechanisms in reactive and proactive aggression. Child Development 67: 993–1002.
8. Dishion, T.J., J. McCord, and F. Poulin. 1999. When interventions harm: Peer groups and problem behaviour. American Psychologist 54, no. 9: 755–64.
9. Eisenberg, N., and T.L. Spinrad. 2004. Emotion-related regulation: Sharpening the definition. Child Development 75, no. 2: 334–9.
10. Fischer, K.W., C. Ayoub, J. Singh, G. Noam, A. Maraganore, & and P. Raya. 1997. Psychopathology as adaptive development along distinctive pathways. Development and Psychopathology 9, no. 4: 729–48.
11. Frijda, N.H. 1986. The emotions. New York: Cambridge University Press.
12. Gibbs, J.C., G.B. Potter, A.Q. Barriga, and A.K. Liau. 1996. Developing helping skills and prosocial motivation of aggressive adolescents in peer group programmes. Aggression and Violent Behaviour 1, no. 3: 283–305.
13. Hoeksma, J.B., J. Oosterlaan, and E.M. Schipper. 2004. Emotion regulation and the dynamics of feelings: A conceptual and methodological framework. Child Development 75, no. 2: 354–60.
14. Kazdin, A.E. 2000. Treatments for aggressive and antisocial children. Juvenile Violence 9, no. 4: 841–58.
15. Kempes, M., W. Matthys, H. de Vries, and H. van Engeland. 2005. Reactive and proactive aggression in children: A review of theory, findings, and the relevance for child and adolescent psychiatry. European Child and Adolescent Psychiatry 14, no. 1: 11–19.
16. Lemerise, E.A., and W.F. Arsenio. 2000. An integrated model of emotion processes and cognition in social information processing. Child Development 71, no. 1: 107–18.
17. Merk, W. 2005. Development of reactive and proactive aggression in boys. Unpublished doctoral diss., University of Utrecht, The Netherlands.
18. Miltenburg, R., and E. Singer. 1999. Culturally mediated learning and the development of self-regulation by survivors of child abuse: A Vygotskian approach to the support of survivors of child abuse. Human Development 42, no. 1: 1–17.
19. Murphy, B.C., and N. Eisenberg. 2002. An integrative examination of peer conflict: Children’s reported goals, emotions, and behaviours. Social Development 11: 534–57.
20. Musher-Eizenman, D.R., P. Boxer, S. Danner, E.F. Dubow, S.E. Goldstein, and D.M.L. Heretick. 2004. Social-cognitive mediators of the relation of environmental and emotion regulation factors to children’s aggression. Aggressive Behaviour 30: 389–408.
21. Okma-Rayzner, C.M. 2005. Pleegkinderen in conflictsituaties [Foster children in conflict situations]. Unpublished doctoral diss., University of Utrecht, The Netherlands.
22. Oosterlaan, J., A. Scheres, I. Antrop, H. Roeyers, and J.A. Sergeant. 2000. Vragenlijst voor gedragsproblemen bij kinderen. Handleiding [Disruptive behaviour questionnaire. Manual]. Lisse: Swets & Zeitlinger.
23. Orobio de Castro, B. 2004. The development of social information processing and aggressive behaviour: Current issues. European Journal of Developmental Psychology 1, no. 1: 87–102.
24. Polman, H., B. Orobio de Castro, W. Koops, H.W. Van Boxtel, and W.W. Merk. 2007. A meta-analysis of the distinction between reactive and proactive aggression in children and adolescents. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology 35: 522–35.
25. Prins, P. 1995. Sociale vaardigheidstraining bij kinderen in de basisschoolleeftijd: programma’s, effectiviteit en indicatiestelling [Social skills training for children in elementary school: Programmes, effectiveness, and indications]. In Sociale vaardigheidstrainingen voor kinderen: indicaties, effecten, knelpunten, ed. A. Collot d’Escury-Koenigs, T. Engelen-Snaterse and E. Mackaay-Cramer, 73–109. Lisse: Swets & Zeitlinger.
26. Quinn, M.M., K.A. Kavale, S.R. Mathur, R.B. Rutherford, Jr., and S.R. Forness. 1999. A meta-analysis of social skills interventions for students with emotional or behavioural disorders. Journal of Emotional and Behavioural Disorders 7, no. 1: 54–64.
27. Selman, R.L., and A.P. Demorest. 1984. Observing troubled children’s interpersonal negotiation strategies: Implications of and for a developmental model. Child Development 55, no. 1: 288–304.
28. Singer, E. 2005. The strategies adopted by Dutch children with dyslexia to maintain their selfesteem when teased at school. Journal of Learning Disabilities 38, no. 5: 411–23.
29. Stage, S.A., and D.R. Quiroz. 1997. A meta-analysis of interventions to decrease disruptive classroom behaviour in public education settings. School Psychology Review 26, no. 3: 333–68.
30. Van der Mee, T., and A. Veldhuijzen. 2006. ‘GSM-verbod maakt het juist spannend’ –
School bestuurders vinden duidelijke afspraken beter dan een ban op het mobieltje [‘A ban on the use of a GSM makes it even more exciting’ – School managers prefer clear rules to a ban on the use of mobile phones]. Algemeen Dagblad, March 29, 6.
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